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(1) I’m pleased to know that you’re greatly interested in ... ,so I’

d lik

e to share a piece o

f good news that there will be

a ... .Now,let me offer you some useful information.

(1) 很高兴知道您对……非常感兴趣,所以我想分享一个好消息,即将有……。现在,让我为您提供一些有用的信息。

(2) It’s my great honor to invite you to enter a ... .Now,let me offer you some useful information about it.

(2) 很荣幸邀请您参加.......现在,让我为您提供一些有用的信息。

(3) It’s time for us to say goodbye to our school life

soon.Surprisingly,there is a/an... prepared for us.Now,let me offer you some information about it.

(3) 是时候和我们的学校生活说再见了,令人惊讶的是,有一个/一个……为我们准备了。现在,让我为您提供一些有关它的信息。


1.时间&地点:The ... will be held in Classroom 302 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on June 8th,202



(1)主题句:There will be va rious meaningful activities included in it.(里面会包含各种有意义的活动。)

(2)要点:First of all,You will be invited to .../You will be given

a chance to ... .which will ...(首先,你们将被邀请.../你们将有机会... . 这将..。)

After that,It will be more than interesting for you to .../It will impress you a lot to ... so that ...(在那之后,你会更感兴趣.../它会给你留下很深的印象... 所以..。)

At last,doing sth. will play an important part in ... .So ...(最后,做某事。将在.....中发挥重要作用。所以.....)


That’s all.I firmly believe that if you join in it,you will ...(仅此而已。我坚信,如果你加入它,你会......)

That’s all.I sincerely hope that you can come and share the happiness/fun with us.(仅此而已。我真诚地希望您能来与我们分享快乐/乐趣。)



(1) 朋友:A friend in need is a friend indeed.I have a friend just like that who often offers me much warmth in my life. Let me introduce him to you.(朋友:患难见真情。我有这样一个朋友,他常常给我温暖。让我把他介绍给你。)

(2) 父母:If you ask me who is the most important one to me,without doubt,the answer is my ... . Let me introduce him to you .(如果你问我谁对我来说最重要,毫无疑问,答案是我的……。让我把他介绍给你。)

(3) 老师:In both my life and study,my ... teacher is special to me because he is not only my teacher but also my friend who has made a great difference to my character.(在我的生活和学习中,我的……老师对我来说很特别,因为他不仅是我的老师,也是我的朋友,他对我的性格产生了很大的影响。)


1.外貌:... is very beautiful but a little fat with long hair a nd big eyes.(非常漂亮,但是有点胖,长头发,大眼睛。)

2.性格:...is an outgoing woman who always gets along well with people around her./ ... is very kind to others and easy to get on with./is so ready to help others that we all like to make friends with him.(是一个外向的女人,总是与周围的人相处融洽。/ 。。。对他人非常友善,容易相处。/乐于帮助别人,我们都喜欢做和他做朋友。)

3.爱好:She is especially good at cooking and often cooks different delicious foods for me.(她特别会做饭,经常给我做各种好吃的。)


(1)Linda is like an angel. Whenever I meet trouble, she will always be there. When I fail my test, She always encourages me to face the fact bravely and then tries to help me to check the reason why I fail. At the same time, she shares her good ways of studying with me.(琳达就像一个天使。每当我遇到麻烦,她都会一直在。当我考试不及格时,她总是鼓励我勇敢地面对事实,然后帮助我检查失败的原因。同时,她也和我分享了她学习的好方法。)

(2)My Chinese teacher, Ms Li, not only teaches us how to learn, but also teaches us how to be a person. I remember I made a
