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I. Translation of terms (10 points)

A. Translate the following terms into Chinese (5 points)

⑴pro-forma invoice ⑵Force Majeure ⑶FAQ ⑷foul B/L ⑸WPA (6) time of delivery

(7)specific enquiry (8)payment terms (9) non-firm offer (10) purchase confirmation

B. Translate the following terms into English (5 points)

⑴电子商务⑵虚盘⑶销售确认书⑷唛头⑸ (港口)吞吐量(6)银行票据(7)大路货(8)不可撤销的信用证(9)跟单托收(10)直达轮

II. Make the best choice for each of the following sentences (20 points)

1. We wish to introduce ourselves ______ a state-run corporation dealing ______ textiles.

a. as, with

b. for, in

c. as, in

d. with, with

2. We would not give you any lower price ______ you could place an order for more than 500 tons.

a. expect

b. until

c. unless

d. besides

3. ______ we would like to close the business with you, we find your price unacceptable.

a. Much

b. However much

c. Much as

d. Despite

4. ______ we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the time being.

a. While

b. When

c. As

d. Since

5. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products ______.

a. with request

b. as request

c. upon request

d. at request

6. We are well acquainted ______ our customers’needs and can place large orders with you if your price is quite in line.

a. by

b. of

c. with

d. for

7. We should be pleased to send you a sample ______ our expense.

a. at

b. in

c. against

d. of

8. Last year, this market was almost at its bottom, ______ which our trade is now only recovering.

a. from

b. for

c. on

d. against

9. If Mr. White won’t agree to sign the contract, ______.

a. neither she will

b. neither won’t she

c. neither will she

d. she won’t neither.

10. ______ the growing needs of the fast developing market at your end, we are considering ______ a representative office in your city.

a. To meet, set up

b. To meet, establishing

c. Thinking, setting

d. Thinking of, to establish

11. The commodities you offered are ______ line with the business scope of our clients.

a. outside

b. out of

c. out

d. without

12. After shipment we shall draw ______ you for the expense we have paid according to your instructions.

a. from

b. for

c. on

d. against

13. We are glad to say that we can supply any quantity of dried seafood from stock ______ the exact specifications of your sample.

a. at

b. for

c. of

d. to

14. It was found upon examination that nearly 15% of the packages ______, which was obviously attributed to improper packing.
