

In order to grow,people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront the unknown,and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first. (confront vt 使面临;面对)

All of the citizens shall conform with the traffic regulations.所有市民都应该遵守交通规则。conform[k?n'f?:m]vi遵守, 符合;顺应, 一致

Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。


1. You can count on me. 我办事,你放心. (count on:依赖,依靠,指望)

2.Leave it up to me! 这事就交给我吧!

Put it in my hands.交给我吧

3. Just listen to me, and you'll be fine. 听我的准没错.

4. I'll back you up. 我支持你!

5.Please feel assured that we will keep our promise. 请放心我们一定遵守诺言. (assure [?'?u?d] adj 确定的, 有保证的;自信的, 自满的;有把握的, 放心的) assure vt:使相信; 使确信;保险

You have my word.(我保证。)

6. Don't worry, I will do my best to help you. 别担心,我会全力以赴帮你的.

7. I will never leave you alone. 我绝不会丢下你一个人不管的.

8. I am the only one that can help you out. 我是唯一能帮你走出困境的人.

9. You can come to me whenever you are in need of help. 任何时候需要帮助都可以来找我.

10.I will always be there for you. 我会一直在你身边.


1.Please try to understand my point of view。


2. Wait, can I take that back?


3. This is important to me. Please listen。


4. I overreact ed。(overreact ['?uv?ri'?kt] vi 反应过度;互作用过(to) react vi 起反应; 有影响; 反抗,对抗)


5. I see you’re in a tough position。( tough [t?f]adj 坚韧的, 不屈不挠的, 坚强的, 顽固的;困难的, 费力的a tough guy [美]无赖; a tough job 棘手的工作a tough customer 难伺候的客人)


6. I can see my part in this。


7. I hadn’t thought of it that way before。( think of )


8. I could be wrong。


9. Let’s agree to disagree on that。


10.This isn’t just your problem; it’s our problem。


11. I’m feeling unappreciated。( appreciate [?'pri:?ieit] vt 感激,感谢;重视,赏识,欣赏;意识到, 体会;appreciate sb.'s friendship 珍视某人的友谊;I appreciate your kindness.多谢厚意。I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。)


12. We’re getting off the subject。


13. I know I need to listen more。


14. You’ve convinced me。(convinced [k?n'vinst] adj 确信的,深信的vt convince 使相信,使明白convince sb. of 使某人承认,使某人信服)conceive构想,设想;怀孕


15. Let’s take a break for a few minutes。


16. I realize it's not your fault。


17. That came out all wrong。


18. I see how I contributed to the problem。


19. What are we really fighting about?


20. How can I make things better?



1. What the hell is going on? (到底怎么回事?) (hell[hel] n 地域;苦痛的境况)


2. All rise! (全体起立!)

从小学到高中英语课代表在老师宣布“上课”后一直喊的是Stand up!


3. It's bullshit! (胡说八道!屁话!) (bullshit 胡说; bull 公牛)


4. Damn it! (太可恶!)




5. It`s none of your business! (关你屁事!)


6. Come on!



7. Ditto! (我也是!) (ditto ['dit?u] n 同上vt重复,复制)


男主角从来不说I love you,总是以“ditto"回应。

实际上你也可以说"Me too!"或"Me also!",不过总是不够文艺腔!


8.How can I forget such a beautiful girl/sexy boy?



9. I had no choice! (我也是被逼无奈啊!)


10. Leave me alone!(别理我!)



sporting house妓院(不是“体育室”)-

dead president美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”)-




dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)

heartman 换心人(不是“有心人”)-

mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)

eleventh hour最后时刻(不是“十一点”)-

blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”)-

personal remark人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)-

confidence man骗子(不是“信得过的人”)-

criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)-

service station加油站,服务站-

rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)-

dressing room化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)-

horse sense常识(不是“马的感觉”)-

capital idea好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)-

familiar talk庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)

black tea红茶(不是“黑茶”)-

black art妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)-

black stranger完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)-

white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是“白煤”)-

white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)-

yellow book黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)- (carnal ['kɑ:n?l] 性欲的,好色的carnal books黄色书籍)

red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)-

green hand新手(不是“绿手”)-

blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)-

China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)-

Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)-

American beauty 一种玫瑰,名为“美国丽人”(不是“美国美女”)-

English disease 软骨病(不是“英国病”)-

Indian summer愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)-

Greek gift害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)-

Spanish athlete吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)-

French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)--

pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)-

in one's birthday suit赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)-

eat one's words收回前言,认错,特别承认自己说错话(不是“食言”)-

eat one's hat 非常确定,敢打赌;要是他错了,他就不姓张,或不姓李等等。

If we don't win the national championship this year, I'll eat my hat. (championship['t??mpj?n?ip] n 锦标赛, 冠军赛champion 冠军)

keep one's eye on the ball 集中精力;警惕

You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job." Turkey火鸡; 火鸡肉;形容人时,表示蠢货;he looks like a real turkey 。

Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。(tricky ['triki] adj 狡猾的, 诡计多端的)

an apple of love西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)-

handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)-

bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)-

have a fit勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)-

make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)-

be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)-

think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)-

pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)-

have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)-

I do not have the heart to tell you about it. 我没有勇气将此事告诉你。

-What a shame!多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)(shame[?eim] n羞愧; 耻辱; 廉耻心v 羞辱without shame 无耻crying shame 奇耻大辱Shame on you!真丢脸!Better die with honour than live with shame. 与其忍辱偷生,不如光荣而死。He puts me to shame.他使我蒙羞)

You don't say!是吗!(不是“你别说”)-

You can say that again!说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)-

I haven't slept better.我睡得好极了。(不是“我从未睡过好觉”)-

You can't be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。(不是“你工作不能太仔细”)-

It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒烟4年了。(不是“我抽烟4年了”)-

All his friends did not turn up. 他的朋友没全到。(不是“他的朋友全没到”)-

People will be long forgetting her. 人们在很长时间内会记住她的。(不是“人们会永远忘记她”)-He was only too pleased to let them go. 他很乐意让他们走。(不是“他太高兴了,不愿让他们走”)-

It can't be less interesting.它无聊极了。(不是“它不可能没有趣”)


E: hi, Lander. What's wrong?

L: I can hardly make ends meet these days. (make ends meet:量入为出,收支平衡)

E: same here. I have't brought any new clothes for three months.

L: my income remains the same but prices just continue to rise.

E: true. The news says that there is a general increase in the price of daily necessities. (daily necessities:日用品; necessity[ni'sesiti]必要性, 需要;[常用复]必需品;穷困, 困难, 危急in case of necessity在危急时;be in necessity处于贫困的境地; under the necessity (of doing sth.)不得己而(做某事), 不得不(做某事), 被迫(做某事) )

L: definitely. I have to spend 300 yuan more on food every month.

E: the biggest price jump is for pork, so most people have to turn to chicken.

L: is that inflation?

E: inflation is more than just the rising prices, I guess. But the central bank is warning about the risk of inflation.

L: has the government taken some measures to curb it? (rurb: [k?:b]抑制,curbside:街头)

E: yes. The government has banned price hikes in some key industries like energy.

L: but I'm afraid the price hikes will spill over from food into other areas of the economy.

E: you said it. I think we should tighten our budget and cut our spending.

L: how?

E: for a start, we can take the public transport to work. You know, running a car is a big expense.

L: sounds a good idea.

















Curb: to control or limit something, especially something bad 控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)

He needs to learn to curb his temper. 他得学着控制自己的脾气.


Figure 身材


A:Oh, my god! Is that Julia? I barely recognize her!


B:Yeah, she must have gone on a diet. She looks so slim and trim.(trim:[trim],adj:整齐的, 整洁的, 漂亮的,vt:修剪, 整修)


A:I never knew that she could have such a nice hour-glass figure!


B:Yeah, It used to be covered up by all that fat! Now she's got all the right curves! (curve [k?:v] n曲线, 弧线,v 弯, 使弯曲)


Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud! 别扫兴! (mud: [m?d] n 泥, 烂泥)

(stick in:坚持, 努力;把…放入…) (stick in the mud :陷入泥坑;保守的人)

在日常生活中,难免有时候会遇到少一根筋的同事或朋友。当别人正在兴头上时,他却总是突然冒出一句扫兴的话,这个时候,你就可以用Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud!这句话来对付他!

A:We really shouldn't go out tonight. We have to work tomorrow.


B:Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud! 你别扫兴好不好!

要叫别人不要扫兴,还可以说Don't rain on my parade.这句话的字面意思是“不要在我游行的时候下雨”,也就是“别扫兴!”。(parade [p?'reid] n/v:游行; )

A:You'll never get that girl. I heard she like Mike.


B:Do you always have to rain on my parade?你一定总是要扫我的兴吗?

Sound like a drag to me. 听起来真无聊. (drag [dr?ɡ] n/v. 拖, 拖累,没意思,枯燥)

当你觉得别人的提议很无聊,完全提不起你的兴趣时,就可以用Sounds like a drag to me. 来表达.或者是说What a drag!也可以.

A:We're going fishing all weekend with my grandparents. Wanna come?


B:No, thanks. Sounds like a drag! 不,谢了。听起来挺无聊的!

How do you like your…..你觉得……怎么样?

How do you like your…是在问你喜欢的程度,在回答的时候,不必说“是”或“不是”,只需要回答自己有多不喜欢或者是有多喜欢就行了。同样的意思你也可以问成What do you think of..?

A:How do you like your French teacher? 你觉得你的法文老师怎么样?

B:I like him a lot. He's really funny. 我很喜欢他,他很风趣。


A thousand times no! 绝对办不到!(注意这个thousand)

Absolutely. (用于答话)是这样;当然是;绝对如此。

Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能!

That can’t be.(不可能。)

Are you crazy? (你疯了吗?)

Can you make it? 你能来吗?

Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。

Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?feedback['fi:db?k]n反馈, 反馈信息

Don’t miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。

Don’t take any chances. 不要存侥幸心理。

Don't trust to chance! 不要碰运气。

Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗?

Have fun! 玩得开心!

After you.您先。

Don’t be so modest. 别这么谦虚了。modest['m?dist]adj谦虚的, 谦恭的

Don't flatter me。过奖了。(flatter ['fl?t?]vt:奉承, 谄媚, 吹捧)

Don’t take it for granted. 不要想当然。(grant[ɡrɑ:nt]v准许; 答应给予;承认;补助金, 助学金, 津贴)

Don't just shake your head.(别光摇头,想想办法!)

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意。

Don’t worry about it. 别担心。

Don’t jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。

Don’t bother. 不用麻烦了。Bother['b?e?]v 打扰, 烦扰, 搅扰, 使恼怒n麻烦, 不便,费心

What's bothering you? (什么在困扰你?)

Sorry to bother you.(抱歉打扰你。[事前])

Sorry to have bothered you.(抱歉打扰你。[事后])

Easy come, easy go. 来的容易,去的快。

Easier said than done. 说时容易做时难。

First come, first served. 捷足先登。

For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?

Forget it. 算了吧。

Give my best to your family. 代我向你们全家问好。

Hold your horses. 耐心点儿。

How do I look? 我看上去怎样?

How is it going? 情况怎么样?

How late are you open. 你们营业到几点?

I apologize. 我很抱歉。

I can manage. 我自己可以应付。

I can’t afford it. 我买不起。

I hope this will teach you a lesson.(希望这会给你一个教训。)

I can’t resist the temptation.我不能抵挡诱惑(resist[ri'zist]vt 抵[反, 对]抗阻, 耐(得住);阻挡, 抵制, 抗拒, 违背; [常用于否定句]忍住I was unable to resist laughing.我忍不住笑了resist aggression抵抗侵略aggression[?'ɡre??n]n侵略, 侵犯;aggressive [?'ɡresiv] adj 好争斗的, 挑衅的, 侵略性的defensive [di'fensiv]adj防御用的; 防守的; 守势的n守势; 防守defensive war 保卫战, 自卫战;defensive works防御工事;temptation[temp'tei??n]n诱惑, 引诱fall into [give way to, yield to] temptation 受诱惑;)

I can’t stand it. 我受不了。

I can’t tell. 我说不准。

I don’t know for sure. 我不能肯定。

I couldn’t agree more. 我完全同意。

I didn’t mean to. 我不是故意的。

I mean what I say. 我说话算数。

I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。

I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。

I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。

I suppose so. 我想是这样。

I was moved. = I was touched. 我很受感动。

I understand completely. 我完全明白。

I wish I could. 但愿我能。

I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。

I’d like to make a reservation. 我想订票。(reservation['rez?'vei??n]n保留的座位[住处]等; 预订)

I’ll pick up the tab. 我来付账。(tab [t?b]n 账单;标签;选项卡)

I’m broke. 我身无分文。

I’m easy to please. 我很随和。

I’m working on it. 我正在努力。

It won’t happen again. 下不为例。

Let me guess. 让我猜一猜。

Let me see. 让我想一想。

Let’s keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。

Take care. 请多保重。

Something’s come up. 发生了一些事。

That’s life. 这就是生活。

That’s the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。

That’s worthwhile. 那是值得的。

That the way it is. 就是这么回事。

There is no doubt about it. 那是毫无疑问的。

These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事。

What a coincidence! 真是太巧了。coincidence[k?u'insid?ns] n巧合;一致,符合;

What are you up to? 你在忙什么呢?be up to从事,忙于,胜任,符合,轮……由

You are just saying that. 你只是说说而已。

You are so considerate. 你真有心。considerate[k?n'sid?rit]adj 体贴的,体谅的,周到You may be a little more considerate of other people. 你该多想着点儿别人。

You get what you pay for. 一分钱一分货。

You never know. 世事难料。

You said it. 你算说对了。

You should give it a try. 你应该试一试。

You should take advantage of it. 你应该好好利用这个机会。

You will be better off. 你的状况会好起来的。

You’ll get used to it. 你会习惯的。

You’ve dialed the wrong number. 你拨错电话号码了。

You’ve got a point there. 你说的有道理。

You’ve got it. 你明白了。

You’ve made a good choice. 你的眼力不错。

This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。)

Math is beyond me.(我对数学无能为力。)

You can’t please everyone.(你不可能取悦每一个人。)

Time will tell.(时间会证明的。)

Let’s get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。)

He’s behind the times.(他落伍了/跟不上时代了。)

I’m pressed for time.(我时间紧迫。)

Just to be on the safe side. (为了安全起见。)

You can't do this to me.(你不能这么对我。)

Don't look wise.(别自作聪明。)

I'm afraid all my efforts were in vain.(我担心我的努力全白费了。)vain[vein]adj徒劳的; 无效益的;自负的; 爱虚荣的 a vain attempt徒劳的尝试

What happened to you memory? (你的记性是怎么搞的?)

You’re going too far! 你太过分了!)

Don't over do it. 别太过分了。

Don't bury your head in the sand.(不要逃避现实。)sand[s?nd] n 沙, 沙子;沙滩; 沙洲vt用砂纸磨光

I have no other choice.(我别无选择。)

I don't have the nerve to do it.(我没胆/勇气去做。)nerve [n?:v]n神经;勇气; 胆量;神经过敏She is all nerves.她太神经过敏。adj: nervous害怕的; 胆小的;神经紧张的;a nervous patient神经病人

It's a matter of life and death.(事关生死。)

You're too outspoken.(你太直率了。)

Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。)

He hit the ceiling at the news.(他听到那消息暴跳如雷/大发雷霆。)ceiling['si:li?]n天花板,顶棚;最高限度, 上限

I don't mind staying up late.(我不在乎熬夜。)stay up(late)不睡觉;熬夜;挺住

Still up?黑没睡?

I'd like to try on these hats.(我想试试这些帽子。)

Every dog has his day.(凡人皆有得意时。)

Who is to blame? (该怪谁?)

I'm mad at myself.我生自己的气。mad[m?d]疯了的, 发疯的;恼火的, 发怒的;狂热的; 着迷的

It's raining cats and dogs.(下着倾盆大雨。)

The sky is getting very cloudy.(天空的云越来越多了。

I'm tired of going to school day after day.(我厌倦每天上学。)

His idea is childish.(他的想法很幼稚。)childish['t?aildi?]adj 孩子的, 孩子气的,幼稚的

Don't be so childish. 别这么孩子气。

Don't try to brainwash me.(别想给我洗脑)brainwash n洗脑, 灌输思想

I don't seem to have any luck today.(我今天运气不好。)

I hope I’m not in the way.(我希望没有造成妨碍。)in the way 造成不便或妨碍

What are you so excited about? (什么事让你如此兴奋?)

Tell me about you trouble.(把你的烦恼告诉我。)

I feel much better now.(我感觉好多了。)

She is sick in bed.(她卧病在床。)

I have a slight fever.(我轻微发烧。)fever['fi:v?]n 发烧,热度;狂热,高度兴奋favor/favour['feiv?]n喜爱,偏爱;赞同;有利于favorite / favourite adj 特别受喜爱的

What's Hong Kong famous for? (香港以什么闻名?)

I'm here on business.(我来这里出差。)

Thank you for coming to see me off.(谢谢你来为我送行。)

I quit! 我不干了!

Let go! 放手!

Don't mention it.没关系,别客气。

It’s nothing. 小事情/不足挂齿。

Who knows! 天晓得!

It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!

How come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。(很常用,可以用在发牢骚、抱怨、意外等语境)Easy does it. 慢慢来。

Don't push me. 别逼我。

Come on! 快点,振作起来!

Have a good of it. 玩得很高兴。(口语很少用Have a good time)

It is urgent. 有急事。

What is the fuss?吵什么?(fuss [f?s] n/v:小题大做; 大惊小怪)

Still up?还没睡呀?

It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。

He still looks a bit down. 他看上去还是有点儿失落。

Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

Why so blue?怎么垂头丧气?

God works. 上帝的安排。

Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。(注意,这里用了take ill of)Hope so. 希望如此。

None of my business. 不关我事。

It doesn't work. 不管用。

I'm not going. 我不去了。

Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?

I don't care. 我不在乎。

Not so bad. 不错。

No way! 不可能!

Don't flatter me. 过奖了。(flatter ['fl?t?]vt:奉承, 谄媚, 吹捧) Your are welcome. 你太客气了

Big mouth! 多嘴驴!

Sure thing! 当然!

I''m going to go. 我这就去。

Never mind. 不要紧。

Can-do. 能人。

Close-up. 特写镜头。

Drop it! 停止!

Bottle it! 闭嘴!

Don''t play possum! 别装蒜!(possum ['p?s?m] vi:装死)

There is nobody by that name working here。这里没有这个人。

Break the rules. 反规则。

How big of you! 你真棒!

Poor thing! 真可怜!

Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋(nut:n 坚果,螺帽;nuts:[n?ts] adj,发疯的,傻的)

Make it up! 不记前嫌!

Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。

Any urgent thing?有急事吗?

Don't over do it. 别太过分了。

Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?(dig [diɡ] v:挖, 掘;[口]把... 戳进, 插入; 用...刺, 碰)

You want a bet?你想打赌吗?(bet [bet] n/v 打赌,赌金,赌注)(gambling ['ɡ?mbli?]n 赌博, 投机, 冒险)

What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?

Who wants?谁稀罕?

Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

Gild the lily.画蛇添足。(gild [ɡild] vt 把…镀金;) (lily ['lili] 百合花)

I'll be seeing you. 再见。

I wonder if you can give me a lift?能让我搭一程吗?

I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。

Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?

Is that so?是这样吗?

Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。(loaded adj:超负载的)

Don't get high hat. 别摆架子。

Right over there. 就在那里。

Doggy bag. 打包袋。

That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。

Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。

Play hooky. 旷工、旷课。(hooky ['huki] n旷课, 逃学; 逃学者; v 偷)

I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。

I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。

Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。

Good for you! 好得很!

Help me out. 帮帮我。

Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。

Lose head. 丧失理智。

He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。

You bet! 一定,当然!

That is a boy! 太好了,好极了!

It's up to you. 由你决定。

It's up in the air. 尚未确定。

It all depends. 视情形而定。

The line is engaged. 占线。(engage [in'ɡeid?]v [常用被动语态]从事, 着手, 忙于(in/on);约束; 约定; 使订婚, 与…订婚(to); 吸引, 占用He is engaged just now.他正有事。Tom is engaged to Anne.汤姆已与安妮订婚。This seat is engaged.此座已定出。His good nature engages everyone.他善良的性情吸引每个人。Work engages much of her time.工作占去她很多时间。

Engaged adj 已订婚的;(指电话)占线的;(指厕所等)有人用的)

My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事实。

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。

She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。

Get an eyeful. 看个够。

He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。

Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。(breeze [bri:z] n 微风,轻风;v漫不经心地行动)

Tell me when! 随时奉陪!

Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。

What brought you here?什么风把你吹来了?

Chin up. 不气,振作些。

You never know. 世事难料。

High jack! 举起手来(抢劫)!

She'll be along in a few minutes. 他马上会过来。

He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。

I'll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平(even adv 甚至;adj:平的, 平坦的;相等的, 均衡的;双数的, 偶数的)

She's got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款。

I don't have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。

I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。

I'm dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可乐,想死了。当然你也可以把coke换成wife,bf,cigarette什么的)

Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not beable to keep the pot boiling。


None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。(keyhole ['ki:h?ul] n锁眼)

Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。

You don't say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。

You don't seem to be quite yourself today.你今天看起来不大对劲。

Do you have any money on you?你身上带钱了吗?

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

It’s my treat this time.这次我请客!

My treat.我请客。

Count me on 算上我。

Don't count on me.别指望我。

Do l have to 非做不可吗?

He is my age.他和我同岁。

No pain,no gain.不劳无获。

Don't fall for it! 别上当!

Don't give me that! 少来这套!

Move out of my way! 让开!

Love me,love my dog.(谚语)爱屋及乌。

You are just in time. 你来得正是时候。

Your hand feels cold.你的手摸起来很冷。

Fasten your seat belt.系好你的安全带fasten['fɑ:s?n]系紧, 拴牢;把...归于, 把...强加于(on, upon) belt [belt]n腰带, 带子;区域, 地带.the forest belt森林地带

Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!(precisely [pri'saisli]adv 精确的, 准确的exactly;

precise adj; I can't give you a precise date.)

We have no way out. 我们没办法。

I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。

It doesn't take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。

It won’t take much time.(不会花很长时间的。)

I t’s about time.时间差不多了。

Not in the long run. 从长远来说不是这样的。

It is of high quality. 它质量上乘。

He pushes his luck. 他太贪心了。

I can't make both ends meet.我上个月接不到下个月,缺钱。

It can be a killer. 这是个伤脑筋的问题。


You are really a rare visitor.


What you said sounded reasonable


I am really slow-minded.


You made me confused.

I’m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。

I’m all mixed up. 我全搞混了。


You deserved it. (deserved [di'z?:vd] adj 应得的,理所当然的)

You ask for it! 活该


There is no way out.


Don't give yourself too much pressure.

8、Just say it.你有话直说吧。

Talk truly. 有话直说。(truly adj 真正的;忠实地, 真诚地)

Let’s get to the point. 让我们言归正传。

Go down to business.言归正传。

come (straight) to the point 开门见山;直接说要点

to the point ,adv中肯,扼要,切中要害Your advice was very much to the point. 你的建议很中肯。


It's not easy to explain in several words.


Nothing serious.It's up to me.


You will find a way.


Lose money just to avoid misfortune.


Never make ,but always break.


Don't make jokes about me.


Great minds think alike.


Thank you for inviting me.


There's something wrong here.


It never happens to you.


I had better follow your advice.


Don't look down upon on me.

1 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适不过了,


2 Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时)

3 We've got to hit the road.(我们要赶快了,和上一句用法相同,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象)

4 I can't place his face。(碰见帅哥或者美眉给你打招呼而你不记得他她是谁,这时可以用这个句子)

5 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳)(shy :n. 惊跳, 惊避;a. 胆怯的, 畏缩的, 迟疑的, 羞怯的)

6 look at the big picture(一大局为重,在发生分歧之时可以用这句话来让每个人都三思)

7 I'm exhausted.(筋疲力尽,对新驴懒惰如偶很少锻炼的人来说这句肯定有用)

8 I've got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了)

9 My stomach is growl ing.(对于偶这样可以把任何一次活动都变成野炊郊游的人来说,此行最重要的一部分当然是吃了,这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿(growl[ɡraul] n/v 咆哮)

10 Hungry dogs will eat dirty pudding s.(既然很饿,那就饥不择食了)(pudding ['pudi?] n 布丁,甜食,甜点心)

11 ~~~~is now in season.(正是吃````的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓,苹果桃子什么的)

12 Let's grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时间很紧)

13 This food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几回吃)

14 What a bummer!(真倒霉,太扫兴了,原以为会来很多帅哥,结果却坐了一车美女,这时可以偷偷用一下这句话)(bummer ['b?m?] n 令人不愉快的经历(事件) )

15 First things first(要紧的事情先做,很多场合可以用到)

16 it's just my cup of tea(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等)

16 Does ~~~~~~~suit your taste(```合你的口味吗)

17 Take it easy. easy dose it.(老驴对新驴这样说,慢慢来,别着急)

18 Do as i said(老驴对新驴说:照我说的做,有的时候抢匪也爱用这句,嘿嘿)

19 Let's roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是要大干一场吗sleeve[sli:v]n 袖子;套管;spit on one's own sleeve [blanket] 搬起石头砸自己的脚blanket 毛毯,毯子)

20 Put it in my hands.(对于一个懒惰的,笨笨的,象偶一样的新驴有的时候也可以帮帮忙嘛,比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给偶好了)

21 It's a short-cut.(这是条近路)

22 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you(偶将为你祈祷,比如爬山过河的时候)

23 One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.


24 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人忧天,嘿嘿,偶最喜欢的一句话)

25 Did you get the picture(你明白了没有?老驴给新驴讲解完毕后可以用这句话)

26 Be back in 30 minutes!(还是为领队GG准备的,一定要在三十分钟内回来)

27 One more hour to go.(新驴走啊走,看不到头,问老驴还要走多远,老驴可以用此句)

28 Time is running out.(没时间了。)

29 To the best of my knowlege~~~~~~(就偶所知,老驴传授经验的开场白)

30 As far as i know, ~~~~~~~~~~~~(同上)

31 Don't let me down.(别让偶失望,新驴问老驴问题是可以用,老驴让新驴实践时可以用,你饿了半天问别人要吃的时候也可以用)

32 You'll get it soon.(老驴说:你也很快会的)

33 Pick up the pace.(快点)

34 You are really something.)(新驴对老驴的赞美:你真了不起)

35 You are something else.(同上)

36 How did you manage to do that(你是怎样做到的?新驴对老驴的景仰)

37 I can't believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这样美丽的地方,或者还有这样美丽的新驴MM,嘿嘿)

38 It was really neat!(太棒了)

40 wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的时候,可以用到,酒后吐真言)

41 I can't carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不过此次活动请大家慎用,因为你五音不全就意味着也许你要跳舞给大家看)(tune [tju:n] n 曲调, 调子; 主题; 歌曲; v 调音,调整)

42 If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在这里做到了在一切地方就都能做到)

43 My hands are sweaty.(我很紧张,手心都出汗了,比如让你第一次攀岩,或者是当众表演节目)(sweaty ['sweti] adj 汗湿透的; 多汗的, 吃力的)

44 I've got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,与汉语心头小鹿撞异曲同工)

45 No way (没门)

46 it's a piece of cake;it's a snap.(小菜一碟)snap [sn?p]拍…的快照;猛咬[扑] a cold snap寒潮snap out of it 别这样了!(突然摆脱某种不好的状态;变更办法;(尤指)停止抱怨[忧虑,悲伤等]而迅速振作起来)

47 Go for it.(试一试)

48 ~~~~is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼疯了,比如蚊子和野外的骄阳,寒风等等)

49 Anything you say.(偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必背)

50 I'm already locked into something else.(说了这么多结果你有别的事没法去了?没关系,这句就给你的,我已经有别的事要做了)


You need to lighten up!你需要放轻松! (lighten['laitn]发光, 照亮, 点亮, 使光明)

当某人正经八百,或紧张兮兮的时候,你就可以用You need to lighten up! 或Lighten up!来要对方"放轻松!"

A:We can't go out for dinner! We have to finish this project!


B:Lighten up! It's not due for days! 放轻松!还有好几天才会结束!

A:Our neighbors are drinking and making so much noise! 我们的邻居在喝酒,吵死了!

B:Lighten up! It's the weekend. They're just having a little fun!


You can't teach an old dog new tricks!你没办法教老狗玩新把戏.


Girl: Mom, I was thinking about getting Dad to dress in cooler clothes...


Mom: Honey, don't even try. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.


Now that you mention it...既然你提起了...

这句话是作为开头语之用,当别人提起了什么事,刚好让你想起来某些事情的时候,就可以说Now that you mention it,以表达你顺便要谈一些问题或事情.

A:Do you need anything at the store? 你要我从店里帮你带些什么吗?

B:Now that you mention it, could you get me a chocolate bar?


A:You don't look so good. Are you feeling OK? 你的气色看来不太好,你感觉还好吧?

B:Now that you mention it, I am feeling a little queasy.


Go to one's head (骄傲到)满脑子想的都是...


A:Winning the spelling bee has really gone to Brian's head.


B:Tell me about it. It's all he ever talks about.



1) You look more beautiful every time I see you.


2) I love you with all my heart.


3) I love you for you.


4) For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.


5) My love for you is as deep as the sea.


6) I'll love you as long as I live.


7) If the sun were to rise in the west, I'd never change my mind to love you forever.


8) You're the only man/woman I could be happy with.


9) I'm so happy with you in this starry night.


10) I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star.


11) If you go away, I'll be blue. I'll miss you when you leave. (bule adj:蓝色的, 蓝的;沮丧的, 忧郁的)


12)That reminds me too much of you.


13)I'm singing a torch song for her.

我单恋她。(因失恋/单恋而唱的歌就是torch song)(torch [t?:t?] n 火炬,火把,手电筒14)She fell in an unrequited love with the professor.


15)You're a right match.


16)I'm sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon. (feast [fi:st] n盛会, 宴会;v:款待(某人), 宴请(某人))


17)Will you accept me? I wanna share my life with you.


18)Love doesn't feed you. Grow up!



1. drop in

Do drop in if you happen to be passing!


2. stop by

She stopped by my place the other day。


3. drop around/round

I'll drop around later when I'm free。



4. Come round

Come round any evening。



学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by…deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee break (buffet) lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5. 会议具体细节 opening introduction to speaker theme/paper presentation question and answer comment on speaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(Question and Answer Session)是同行之间交流的良好机


英语聊天常用语100句 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 2. I'm doing great. 我过得很好。 3. What's up? 出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了? 4. Nothing special. 没什么特别的。 5. Hi. Long time no see. 嗨,好久不见了。 6. So far so good. 到目前为止,一切都好。 7. Things couldn't be better. 一切顺利。 8. How about yourself? 你自己呢? 9. Today is a great day. 今天是个好日子。 10. Are you making progress? 有进展吗? 11. May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名? 12. I've heard so much about you. 久仰大名。 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。 14. Let's get together again. 改天再聚聚。 15. That's a great idea! 好主意! 16. Please say hello to your mother for me. 请代我向你母亲问好。 17. I'm glad to have met you. 很高兴遇到你。 18. Don't forget us. 别忘了我们。 19. Keep in touch. 保持联系。 20. I had a wonderful time here. 我在这里度过了难忘的时光。 21. Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。 22. Same to you. 彼此彼此。 23. Nice talking to you. 很高兴与你聊天。 24. Take care of yourself. 自己当心/照顾好你自己。 25. Thank you for everything. 谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。 26. Thank you all for coming. 谢谢光临。 27. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 28. You're always welcome. 别客气/不用谢 29. Forget it. 算了吧 30. It was my pleasure. 不用谢。 31. I made a mistake. 我弄错了。 32. I'm terribly sorry. 实在抱歉。 33. I must apologize! 我必须道歉! 34. I feel terrible. 我感觉糟透了。 35. It's not your fault. 那不是你的错。 36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you. 抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。 37. What do you do? 你做什么工作? 38. How do you like your new job? 你觉得你的新工作怎样? 39. I like it a lot. 我很喜欢。 40. I like reading and listening to music. 我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。 41. What's wrong? 怎么回事?


英语口语常用语句集锦 Enough talk! 少废话! Let's fight! 动手吧! We should hang out. 我们该一起出去玩。 Agreed! 同意! There's only one thing that matters. 只有一件事情是重要的! Get up! 起床! You'll be late for work. 你上班要迟到啦! What? 什么? What are you doing up there? 你在那上面干什么呢? Nothing! 没事! Let's go! 我们走吧。 Coming! 我来了! Careful! 小心点! Happy day! 真是个好日子! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. 你不知道我等这一刻已经等了多久了。 This is a sign. 这是个预兆。 You will fulfill your destiny. 你将承担你的使命。 That was just a dream. 那只是个梦而已。 So why didn't you? 那你为什么没有呢?

We all have our place in this world. 在这世界上,我们每个人都有自己的归属。 Well done! 干得不错! If you were trying to disappoint me. 如果你们想让我失望。 He wants to see you. 他想见你。 Is something wrong? 有什么问题? Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?为什么必须得出事了我才会想见见老朋友? I didn't say that. 我可没这么说。 You were saying? 你想说? I've had a vision. 我有个预感。 That is impossible! 那是不可能的! Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不可能的。 We have to do someting. 我们必须做点什么。 The answer becomes clear. 答案变得清晰起来。 It is time. 是时候了。 I don't know. 我不知道。 Where are you going? 你要去哪儿? I was kind of thinking maybe I... 我其实想也许我... Almost there. 就快到了。 Open the door! 开门啊! Let me in! 让我进去!


1. Let's start now./Let's begin our class/lesson. 我们开始上课吧。 2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 3. Who's on duty today? 今天谁值日? 4. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 5. Don't be late next time.下次别迟到。 6. Go back to your seat, please. 请回到你的座位。 7. Ready? /Are you ready?准备好了吗? 8. Listen carefully, please.请听仔细了。 9. Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.请听录音。 10. In pairs, please.两人一组进行练习。 11.Let's do it one by one.我们一个一个地做。 12. Now you, please./It's your turn now.现在该你了。 13. Think it over and try again.仔细想想,再试一次。 14. Say/ Read after me, please.请跟着我说/读。 15. In English,please.请用英语回答。 16. Please take out your books.请把你们的书拿出来。 17. Please answer my question(s).请回答我的问题。 18. Please stop now./Stop now, please./Stop here,please.请停下来。 19. Stop talking./Stop talking now,please.请不要讲话了。 20. Time is up.下课时间到了。


美国最地道最高频的300习惯用语 1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快 2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好 3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒 4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油 5. Good for you. 好啊!做得好! 6. Time flies!时光如梭 7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱 8. That's life. 这就是人生 9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛 10. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张 11. You asked for it. 你自找的 12. read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意 13. The rest is history. 众所皆知 14. A little bird told me. 我听说的 15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行 16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿 17. Hang in there. 坚持下去 18. could be worse 可能更糟 19. Money talks. 金钱万能 20. count me out 不要算我 21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了) 22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分 23. Y ou can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了 24. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧! 25. It's Greek to me. 这我完全不懂 26. take my word for it 相信我的话 27. not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口 28. Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了 29. head over heels 深陷;完全地 30. Suit yourself. 随你高兴 31. What's the catch? 有什么意图? 32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密 33. sth. is touch and go 危险的情况;惊险的;一触即发的 34. beat a dead horse 白费劲 35. The sky's the limit. 没有限制 36. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得一次 37. Be prepared. 准备好 38. It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简单 39. have second thoughts 考虑一下;犹豫 40. behind someone's back 在某人背后;背着某人 41. Better luck next time. 下次运气更好 42. come in handy 派得上用场


Classroom English for teachers (一)课堂用语。 Beginning a class ( 开始上课) 1. Let's start class. =It's time for class. 上课 2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好 3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好 up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐 5. Who is on duty today 今天谁值日? 6. Is everyone / everybody here /present 大家都出席了吗? 7. Is anyone anybody absent 有人缺席吗? 8. Who’s absent 谁没来? 9. Let's begin our class. 咱们上课吧. 10. We'll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课. 11. What day is it today 今天星期几? 12. What's the weather like today 今天的天气怎么样? In Class ( 课堂上) 's begin a new lesson.。们开始学新课. 14. We'll learn something new .我们讲学新知识. 15. Let's learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词/句子 16. Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容. 17. Ready Are you ready 准备好了吗? 18. Start. 开始 19. All together.大家一起来. 20. Read all together now.大家一起读. 21. Sit down ,please.请坐端正. 22. Stop talking. don't talk.不许说话. 23. Be quiet, please.请安静. 24. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。 25. Quickly, /be quick, please. 请迅速点。 26. Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a little faster.请快点。 27. Do you understand = Do you follow me 听懂了吗? 28. Can you follow me 你能听懂我的话吗? 29. Is that clear 听清楚了吗? 30. Listen, please.请听。 31. Please listen to me. 请注意听我说。 32. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音。 33. Listen carefully, please.请仔细听。


---问好--- 1,hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=你好,大家好 2,wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。 ---再见--- 1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见 2,laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见 3,gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安 4,nn=nite=晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 ---惊叹赞扬--- 1,OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠! 2,OMFG=oh my * ***ing god=我的老天;我靠靠; 3,wtf=what the * ***=怎么会事!?;我日!; 4,n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮 5, pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) 6,rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) 7,you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。) ---笑--- 1,lol=laughing out loud /laugh out loud=大笑 2,lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流 3,rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了 排序:hehe ---其他简写--- 1,FU=* *** you=*你;滚 2,STFU=Shut the * *** up!=他妈的给我闭嘴! 3,k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩 4,sux=s uck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥 5,gimme=give me=给我 6,xfer=transfer=传输 7,em=them=他们的宾格 8,thx=thanks=谢谢 9,happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐 10,dunno=dont know=不知道 11,kinda=a little bit=有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it done as soon as possible.) 12,tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:That demo was very nice,kinda old tho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老) 13,plz=please=请


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


幼儿园英语常用语大全精编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

来、离园(come to and leave the kindergarten) 1. 小朋友早。Good morning, Kids. 2. 小朋友早。Hello, kids. / Hi, kids. 3. 小朋友再见。Good-bye, kids. 4. 向……问早安。Say good morning to … 5. 和妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶再见。Say good-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy/Grandpa/Grandma. 6. 你好吗?How are you 7. 见到你很高兴。Nice to see you. 8. 你好。Hello!(Tim! Tim) 9. 我真想你们啊 I miss you very much. 10. 你真有礼貌 How polite you are! 11. 快请进Come in , please! 12. 你今天高兴吗?Are you happy today 13. 你昨天去了哪?Where did you go yesterday 14. 你周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend

15. 你怎么不高兴?Why are you looking unhappy 16. 你还好吗?Are you OK 17. 我来量一下你的体温。Let me take your temperature. 18. 我的体温有多高?What’s my temperature 19. 你的体温是三十六点七摄氏度。It is 36.7 (Thirty six point seven degree Celsius.) 20. 别担心,上点药就好了。Don’t worry; it will be OK right after applying some medicine. 21. 贴上创可贴就好了。It will be OK, right after applying the bandage. 22. 打一针就好了。It will be OK, right after giving an injection. 23. 洗手时别弄湿伤口。Keep your wound dry。 24. 和妈妈、爸爸说再见。Say bye-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy. 25. 请把外衣脱掉 Please take off your coat. 26. 搬把椅子坐在那里Take a chair and sit there. 27. 玩会儿玩具好吗?Play with the toys, will you 28. 请浇浇花 Please water the flowers.


《英语常用学术词汇表》是由一些应用语言学家统计出来,最常用的有570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。其中斜体字,analysis,在学术英语中最为常见。 Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment economy economic economical economically economics economies economist economists uneconomical environment environmental environmentalist environmentalists environmentally environments establish disestablish disestablished disestablishes disestablishing disestablishment established establishes establishing establishment establishments estimate estimated estimates estimating legislate legislated legislates legislating legislation legislative legislator legislators legislature major majorities majority method methodical methodological methodologies methodology methods occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring occurs reoccur reoccurred reoccurring reoccurs percent percentage


1 Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你) 2 How are u doing(你好吗?回答通常是:i'm doing great.couldn't be better.) 3 Nice to meet u.(很高兴见到你,尤其初次见面的人常用) 4 I'd like u to meet my friend ~~~~~(偶想让你见见偶的朋友~~~但是注意哦,不要引狼入室) 5 This is my friend ~~~~ and this is ~~~~~(同上) 6 I'm a new comer, so could u pls help me(偶是新驴,请多关照) 7 What a nice day.(天气真好) 8 Nice day, isn't it(天气很好,不是吗?) 9 It will take us one hour to get to the top of the mountain.(the foot of the mountain)(我们要花一个小时到那山顶山脚) 10 where are u from(你从哪儿来?) 11 How can I reach u (偶怎么样和你联系哩?各位gg注意,这句很有用哦) 12 May I have ur mobile phone number pls(你能告诉偶你的手机号吗?) 13 Have we met somewhere before(偶们以前见过吗?嘿嘿,不是都知道这是给gg们准备的,不过要看清楚mm身后有没有人) 14 U can depend on me.(偶让你依靠,让你靠,没什么大不了) !5 I'll try my best to help u.(偶会尽力保护你的) 16 you can make it!(你可以做到的,鼓励新驴时可以用哦)


英语课堂教师常用口语 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

1 Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课。 2 I’m sorry I’m late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了。 3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。 4 Class begins. 上课。 5 Who’s on duty today 今天谁值日? 6 Is everyone here 都到齐了吗? 7 Who’s absent today 今天谁没来? 8 What day is today 今天是星期几? 9 What’s the date today 今天是几号? 10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books 李红,作业本都收齐了吗? 11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去。 12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me 班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗? 13 Open your books, please. 请翻开书。 14 Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书本十二页 15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本。 16 No more talking, please. 请安静。 17 Attention, please. 请注意。 18 Let’s have a dictation. 让我们来听写。 19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课。 20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。 21 Who can answer this question 谁能回答这个问题? 22 Do you have any questions 你们有问题吗? 24 Let me see. 让我看看/想想。 25 Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有问题请举手。 26 Raise your hands, please. 请举手。


学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 ( 1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop ( 2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates ( 3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue ( 4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline

deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline date for mortification of acceptance deadline extended Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by? deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3.会注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration information registration form registration fees and items payment official invitation letter telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4.会程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote


网络英语聊天中常用缩写短语(很好很强大!!!)来源:郭年顺的日志 问好 hiho = hola = yo = hi = hey = hellow 你好,大家好 wuz up = sup = S’up What's up?原意:怎么样你?有什么事儿嘛?也可作为问好用(熟人之间候) 再见 cya = cu =see ya see you 再见 laterz = later = cya later = see ya later see you later 再见 gn = gn8 = gnight good night 晚安 nn = nite 晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 惊叹赞扬 OMG oh my god 我的天 OMFG oh my f ucking god = 我的老天;**靠 wtf what the f uck = 怎么会事!?;我日! n1 = nice 1 nice one 漂亮 pwnz = ownz 牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) rullz 强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) you rock! 你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。)

lol laughing out loud / laugh out loud 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样 lmao laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 其他简写 FU fuck you *你;滚 STFU Shut the fuck up! ***给我闭嘴! k=ok=okay=okie 好的,恩 gimme give me 给我 em them 他们的宾格 thx thanks 谢谢 ty thank you 原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了 happy bday = happy b-day happy birthday! 生日快乐 dunno dont know 不知道 kinda a little bit 有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it d one as soon as possible.) cmon = c'mon come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思太多了,不赘述了) hax = hack = cheat 作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)


Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人 151. What do you want, sir? → 先生,您要点什么? 152. I want a cup of tea. → 我要一杯茶。 153. What would you like to eat? → 你想要吃什么? 154. Please give me a hamburger. → 请给我一个汉堡包。 155. What color do you like, blue or white? → 你喜欢哪种颜色,蓝色还是白色?156. I prefer white. → 我偏爱白色。 157. I'd like to talk with Mrs. Smith. → 我想和史密斯太太谈谈。 158. I am sorry, but she is not in right now. → 很抱歉,她现在不在家里。159. Would you like a glass of milk? → 你想要一杯牛奶吗? 160. I'd like to have some coffee, if you don't mind. → 如果你不介意的话,我情愿喝点咖啡。161. Do you know any of those people? → 在那些人当中你有认识的吗? 162. Two or three of them look familiar. → 他们当中有两三个看上去面熟。 163. No, I don't know any of them. → 不,他们当中我一个也不认识。 164. Which one is Mr. Brown? → 哪一位是布朗先生? 165. The tall man in black. → 穿黑衣服的那个高个子。 Talking about languages 谈论语言 166. Do you speak English? → 你会说英语吗?167. Yes, but just a little. → 是的,但只会一点点。174. How well do you know Russia? → 你的俄语程度如何? 175. She speaks Italian with a French accent. → 她讲意大利语带有法国口音。


英语常用课堂口语 要求英语上课,先总结下常用课堂口语。 分别从不同的地方找到的。 I.Class beg ins.上课。。 6.Sit down, please. 请坐。 7.—Who's on duty today?—今天谁值日? 8.—I am.—我值日。 9.—Is everyone here?—都到齐了吗? 10.—Are you all here? —都出席了吗? II.—Yes.—全都出席了。 12.—No, Li Ming is absent.—不,李明缺席(没到)。 13.—Li Mi ng is ill. —李明病了。 14.—May I come in? —我可以进来吗? 15.—Yes, you may.—可以。 16.—Of course you may.—当然可以。 17.—Yes, please do.—请进。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3611023219.html,e in, please.请进。 19.Do n't be late next time.下次别再迟到了。 20.—What day is today?—今天是星期几? 21.—Today is Monday(Tuesday,Wednesday,—今天是星期一(星期二,星期三,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun day)星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日)。 22.—What day is tomorrow? —明天是星期几? 23.—Tomorrow is Mon day.—明天是星期一。

24.—What day was yesterday?—昨天是星期几 25.—Yesterday was Mo nday.—昨天是星期一。。 26.—What's the weather like today? —今天天气怎样? 27.—It's fine.—今天天晴。 28.—It's cloudy.—今天多云。 29.—It's win dy.—今天有风。 30.—It's raining.—今天下雨。 31.Don't talk.别说话 32.Stop talking.别说话了。 33.Sile nee, please .请安静。 34.Please be quiet.请安静。 35.Sit up(straight).坐直。 36.Let't have a daily talk.我们来进行日常对话。 37.We are going to have a new less on today.今天我们上新课。 38.Today we are going to have a revision. 今天我们上复习课。 39.Liste n, please. 请听。 40.Liste n to me carefully.仔细听。 41.Now listen and repeat.现在先听,然后重复。 42.Listen to the tape recording. 请听录音。 43.Look at my mouth.请注意我的口型。 44.Say it after me.跟我说。
