



lesson plan

nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher:

period:period1 type:reading

duration: 45minutes

teaching ideology

the current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. in the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. the three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

teaching material and learning condition

the analysis of teaching material

the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2 unit. the topic of this unit is . this passage mainly introduces the passage consists of paragraphs. the first paragraph is a general introduction of the . para.2 to para.4 introduces . the last paragraph tells about . the topic is not new to the ss. but there is some new words and phases in the passage.

the analysis of learning condition

the students are from grade1 in senior high school. as high school students, they have achieved certain english level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. they are familiar with the topic of and know some. but they may not know before. moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences.

learning objectives

1. language skills

? at the beginning of the class, ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title. ? ss can scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related with

? ss can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of the passage.

2. language knowledge

? ss can master the key words and phrases of the passage as follows, . ? ss can learn , especially

3. affects

? ss will realize that and they will concern themselves with the issue of

4. cultural awareness

? ss will broaden their minds by knowing something about

5. learning strategies

? ss will cultivate their ability individual learning and cooperative learning by doing some

activities independently and some in groups.

? ss will communicate with each other in english while doing the group work.

language difficulties

focuses and anticipated

language focuses

this is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ reading skills. the many activities are designed to help ss to train their reading skills, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and summarizing.

it is also important for the ss to master the new words and phrases.

anticipated difficulties

as the ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in understanding the passage. so the teacher will help them learn the new words and phrases.

ss may did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them some background knowledge about it.

teaching method

three-stage model: based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language

efficiency in general and reading strategies. the three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

teaching aids

multimedia devices and ppt documents: in order to help ss to fully understand the whole passage, i adopt multimedia devices and ppt documents to bring the real-life situation into the classroom.

teaching procedures

step1. lead-in (6min)

activity1. greetings and free-talking (2min)

t leads into the topic by asking ss some they know. ss tell the name of the they know freely.

t: hello boys and girls. (ss say hello to the teacher.)

t: when we say , what appears in your minds? (ss tell the things appear in their minds freely.) t: what are the ? (ss tell some names of .)

activity2. picture-talking (4min)

t shows some pictures about the in china and abroad. after seeing the pictures, ss are expected to tell the similarities of them.

t: just now, you talk about some in china. now, let’s see some pictures of some . (t shows the pictures and ss see them carefully.)

t: what do the have in common?for example, they are very precious. what are your opinions?

(t gives them some hints and ss tell the characteristics of )


? in this step, t first leads in the topic by talking with the ss freely about the which

is familiar to them and then ss see some pictures and tell the characteristics. these two activities aim to arouse the ss’ interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge of . then ss will be mentally prepared for the reading comprehension. what’s more,

when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will realize that theare rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the issue of .

step2. pre-reading (3min)

activity1. knowing something about (1min)

t gives a brief introduction of the. ss will know the t: today, we are going to learn . it is . do you know what is? (t shows some pictures ofand ss get to know the .)

activity2. predicting (2min)

t asks ss to read the title of the passage and then ask them some questions. ss will predict the content of the passage with the help of the title.

t: please look at the title “”, what does “” mean?

(if the ss can not give the answer, then t explain it.)

t: in search means that people are looking for it. why are people looking for it? can you guess? what will the passage talk about?

(ss predict the content, but t will not give the answer here.)


in this step, the ss first know some information of the ; the background information will make it easier for the ss to understand the passage. then t asks ss to make predictions about the passage. it aims to help ss develop the reading skills of predicting.

step3. while-reading (22min)

activity1. skimming (4min)

ss skim the whole passage and find out and check their predictions. t: why are people still ? here is a multiple choice for you.

activity2. scanning (3min)

t presents several true or false statements and asks the ss to scan the passage and judge the right from the wrong.

(keys: F,F,T,T,F)

activity3 close-reading (15min)

t designs various kinds of activities and ss do the activities to fully understand the passage. para.1

t: please read para.1 carefully and then take some note about the .


please read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the removal of the room.

please read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the person related with the amber room and the things them down with it. para.5

please read para.5 carefully and then find out the the rebuilding of the amber room.


the english teaching plan

of pep book 4

enhe primary school teacher:___________

the curriculum schedule



the teaching schedule

the students’ result table

the english curriculum standard

















感和感觉,如:喜欢和不喜欢; 5.能根据表演猜测意思、说词语;

















● good morning, my dear judges. my name is_______,

from____________. i’m glad to interpret my teaching design here.

● the teaching content is part, of unit of pep primary english, book .

this unit is mainly about now, i will explain the lesson from the following aspects.

1. 教学内容(体现教材的整合)

the lesson is a new one of unit .

it includes and in section 1, it mainly deals with these key words, 2. 教学对象(根据不同年级的学生,描述其特点)

secondly, it is about the students.

our students are in grade

they are active and curious, interested in new things.

after learning english for years, they have some basic english background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language.

they have learnt english for years, and have already known it is not difficult for them to understand and use the language

3. 教学目标(根据具体内容定目标和要求)

so, i set the following aims.

by the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words:

and, these sentences:

by the end of the lesson,

students can understand the

and get useful information from the through attentive listening and reading.

students are able to talk about students can use to give suggestions on

students’ abilities of listening and speaking will be developed. (affect;learning strategies;cultural awareness.)

in this lesson, the emotional aim is

to help students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups.

to foster students’ consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition. to help students cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems independently.

to foster students’ initiative and creativeness.

to help students to recognize and identify the differences between chinese and english cultures on

to help students know some and comprehend the

to make sure that students can use correctly and skillfully. to develop students’ interest in english.

the difficult point is:

the pronunciation of new words

4. 教法学法

fourthly, it talks about teaching methods.

in this lesson, i will mainly use “task-based teaching method”, “communicative language teaching method” and “tpr teaching method”, and so on.

5. 教学过程

①具体steps 根据具体内容定;

②板书steps + purpose 说明;



next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures.

i will finish the lesson in 5 steps.

it will cost about minutes.

after greeting with the students, i will begin the lesson by singing the song together with the students.


the purpose of this is to form a better english learning surrounding for the students, and, at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt


for the next step. it will cost about mins.

with the help of the ppt, i set a situation of by to stimulate the students’ interest of the lesso n.

by playing the ppt, iand then,


小学英语教案全英模板 【篇一:小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选)】 小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选) 【对于英语学科专业在事业单位教师、普岗教师、昆明教师、特岗教师面试说课或试或教师资格试讲中,到底是使用全英文的,还是可以使用汉语的,是所有考试面试的学生所纠结的一个问题,育萃面试为您提供了不同的案例。其实不在乎你使用什么形式的说课稿或教案,关键是你是否运用的熟练。在面试考试中,注意】 《unit2 colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备 颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revision 1.教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。 2.t: what’s this? s: it’s a book. t: what are these? ss: books. t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no. 继续换几种物品提问。 3.出示第二课时的句型订读。 step 2 presentation 1.教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸: what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2.教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue?教学yellow。 教师拿出一片叶子教学green

教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗:red, red stop;yellow yellow wait; green green go go go! 3. t show an orange: what’s this ? it’s an orange. what colour is it? it’s orange. t: orange is orange. 4.show a peach:what colour is it? it’s pink.教学粉红色。 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it’s brown.教学棕色。 6.show a grape: what colour is it? it’s purple.教学紫色。 7.ss read together step 3 consolidation 1.listen to the tape, point and read. 2.教师拿着各种颜色纸,让学生说英语。 3.play a game: 规则:将各种颜色纸放入一个口袋内,让他们猜一猜摸到的东西是什么颜色的,猜对的小朋友奖励。 4.read together 5.让小朋友在教室里找一些颜色。 step 4 homework read the new words. 《we love animals》教案 一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听、说、读、写本单元的动物类单词。 (2)进一步巩固句型:do you like...?yes,i do./no,i dont.以及i like...和i dont like... 2.能力目标 能够用几句连贯的英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友以及它的特征。 3.情感目标 使学生认识到人与动物之间的亲密友好的关系,从而树立应该保护自然、爱护动物的意识。 二、教学重点 能够听、说、读、写本课的动物类单词。 三、教学难点 较熟练地在情景中运用几句连贯英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件、动物实物、若干动物名片。 五、学情分析


牛津小学英语3B Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like 一、教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraffe s. 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like …. I don’t like…. 3、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 4、能力目标:培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力。 5、情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识 二、教学重、难点: 1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语 I like ….I don’t like…. 2、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 3、四会单词的拼读和三会单词的掌握。 三、课前准备: 1、教具准备PPT,单词图卡片,句子卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up/Revision 1.师生相互问候: T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: … T: How are you? S: … Chant :< everybody clap ……> 2. Sing a song: T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy? So let’s sing together. 把学生分成两组 【设计意图】:通过儿歌给学生营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛,并为引入对上学期学过的动物单词的复习做铺垫。 3. Revision: T:(让学生看多媒体) What can you see? S:I can see two rabbits .


小学英语教学案例范文 PEP Book3 Unit6 B Let’s learn 学校:温州市墨池小学 姓名:洪艳 日期: 11月15日 设计说明 一,话题:PEP 小学英语第三册Unit6 B Let’s learn . 二,课题说明:本课的教学内容职业与学生日常生活密切联系.教学重点是掌握5种职业的正确读音. 三,课时说明:本案例是第六单元的第四课时.学生在前面已学过人物特征的描述和爱好等内容.因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用. 四,学生情况说明:通过第三册第三单元的学习,同学们对人物特征的描述 He/She is…和爱好He/She likes…已经有了较好的掌握,这为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础.本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合,拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用.在教学时,教师要通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展职业这一话题. 教学详案 课题名称 PEP Book3 Unit6 B Let’s learn 教学目标 1,知识与技能目标: a.能听,说,读新授单词: baseball player, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse. b.能综合运用句型:What’s he He is a ….He is ….He likes…. 2,情感态度:培养学生从小树立树立远大理想的情感. 3,文化目标:了解多种职业的特征. 教学重,难点 1,重点:掌握5个单词的读音. 2,难点:掌握句型:Wha t’s he He is a …. 课前准备:(教具) 单词卡片,彩色职业徽章,若干图片,录音机,多媒体设备,职业道具. 教学步骤 具体操作过程 设计意图 Warm-up (热身) Listen and do T:walk/jump/run/swim/play PingPong/ play basketball/play volleyball…


小学英语优秀教学设计(一) 时间:2010-12-22 09:49:02 来源:蓬莱南王中心小学作者:包晓晴 小学英语第五册(外研版) Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start? 蓬莱市南王中心小学包晓晴 一、教材分析 Module 8 Book 5 的主题是“School”,“ Unit 1 What time does school start?”的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为“What time does school start? What time do you get up?” 二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea. 2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. (二)能力目标 能口头运用“What time does school start?”这类语句询问发生的时间,并能口头运用“My school starts at 9 o’clock.”这类语句回答。 (三)情感目标 为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并了解西方小学学校日常生活习惯,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。 四、教学要点分析 (一)教学重点 1.单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。 2.运用“What time … ?”来询问事情发生的时间。 (二)教学难点 能够在真实的语境中正确运用“What time … ?”询问事情发生的时间。 五、教学准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Chant:《I like coffee, I like tea.》(第二册中M3 U2 4) 教师一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说Chant,并教授单词:coffee, tea。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Leading-in. (1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom? (2)课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片

PEP小学英语全英教案模板 800字

PEP小学英语全英教案模板 800字 The English Teaching Plan of PEP Book 4 Enhe Primary School Teacher:___________ The Curriculum Schedule Class:____________ Class:____________ The Teaching Schedule

The Students’ Result Table The English curriculum standard 英语课程标准一级目标 总体目标: 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语;能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线);能做简单的角色扮演;能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣;能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事;能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉;能书写字母和单词;对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 听做: 1.能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;

2.能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应; 3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等; 4.能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 说唱: 1.能根据录音模仿说英语; 2.能相互致以简单的问候; 3.能相互交流简单的个人信息,如:姓名、年龄等; 4.能表达简单的情感和感觉,如:喜欢和不喜欢; 5.能根据表演猜测意思、说词语; 6.能说唱英语儿童歌曲15-20首,说歌谣15-20首;

7.能根据图、文说出单词或短句。 玩演: 1.能用英语做游戏,并在游戏中用英语进行简单的交际; 2.能做简单的角色表演; 3.能表演英文歌曲及简单的童话剧,如《小红帽》等。读写: 1.能看图识字; 2.能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语; 3.能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事; 4.能正确书写字母和单词。 视听:


小学英语教案范文 Unit1 My new teachers第一课时 教学重点 本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。 二、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s sta rt部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。三、课前准备 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及本课时的八张单词卡。 2.准备一些教师的照片或图片。 3.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.Warm-up(热身) (l)教师播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习strong,tall,short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。 (2)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下: T:Hello, everyone!Welcome back to school! Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to meet you! (3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下: T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now? Ss:We’re in Grade 5. T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?

小学英语教案模板 全英文

Instructional Design I. Background information Content: Section A, Unit 5, JEFC Teacher: Chen Jie Description of students: 40 students in Junior/Primary/Senior 1, 15 boys and 25 girls Lesson duration: 40 minutes Time & date: 8:20—9:00am, Tuesday, 29th April, 2014 II. Teaching contents: Topic: Asking the way. New words: face, hand, …. New patterns: Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 按照听、读、说、写的内容分开写,然后要功能与话题。 III. Teaching key points and difficulties: Teaching key points: Teaching difficulties: IV. Teaching objectives: A.Knowledge objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ……

B.Ability objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to …… C.Affects/Morality/Attitude…. Students learn to be good listeners while the others are talking. V. Teaching aids: tapes, OHP, chalk, etc. VI. Teaching Model /Method ?PPP ?Three stages ?Five-step teaching method ?Audio-lingual method, etc. ?语法课见第七单元 ?每节课选用一个 VII. The style of the lesson: ?Reading ?Reading and writing ?Reading and talking ?Listening and talking ?Listening and speaking ?Grammar ?Exercises


优秀小学英语教案Prepared on 21 November 2021

牛津小学英语3B Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like 一、教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraff es. 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like …. I don’t like…. 3、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 4、能力目标:培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力。 5、情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识 二、教学重、难点: 1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语 I like ….I don’t like…. 2、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 3、四会单词的拼读和三会单词的掌握。 三、课前准备: 1、教具准备PPT,单词图卡片,句子卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up/Revision 1.师生相互问候: T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: … T: How are you S: … Chant :< everybody clap ……> 2. Sing a song: T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy So let’s sing together. 把学生分成两组 【设计意图】:通过儿歌给学生营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛,并为引入对上学期学过的动物单词的复习做铺垫。 3. Revision:


小学英语全英教案模板 整理表 姓名: 职业工种: 申请级别: 受理机构: 填报日期: A4打印/ 修订/ 内容可编辑

三年级英语教案设计 Unit1 Hello!Part B (人教版PEP三年级下册) 谭木双云南省德宏州芒市西山乡毛讲明德小学【教学简案】 第五课时

【教学详案】 课前预习: 复习文具单词 教学内容: Part B let’s learn let’s do 教学目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词bag、pen、pencil box、book。 2.要求学生能听懂指令并做出相应的动作。 教学重点: 能听、说、认读单词bag、pen、pencil box、book。 教学难点: 要求学生能听懂指令并做出相应的动作。 教学用具: 课本、录音机、书包(里面装有钢笔、铅笔盒、书)、文具卡片。教学过程: 1.导入 1.Let's chant. I have a ruler. Me too!

I have a pencil. Me too! I have a crayon. Me too! I have an eraser. Me too! 2.Guessing game:猜一猜。 教师将pencil,ruler,eraser,crayon等文具放入一个书包里,请一位学生从中挑出一种文具,藏于身后,其余同学猜测他手中的文具是什么,猜对者为所在小组赢得一分。 3.教师拿出橡皮的卡片,学生说出相应的单词eraser,依次复习ruler、pencil、crayon。师及时评价Wow,so many! A happy face! 【设计意图】: 通过日常问候交际用语,说唱歌谣,创造良好的英语学习氛围,复习A部分所学有关文具的单词,导入话题,为下一步继续学习单词做好铺垫。 二、新授 探究一:学习单词bag 1.Look and guess: What does Zoom have? PPT中出示I have a bag(图片). 播放录音bag, 对于听出来的学生要鼓励,奖励一个小笑脸。再点击图片出现单词,师教读bag,分音素示范发音(注意字母a的发音,口要张大),升降调领读,生跟读,贴图片或画简笔画或是多媒体课件呈现图,板书,整体读,出示词卡认读,男女生读,检查个读。 2.意义操练:师展示书包,边说边做动作:I have a bag. 板书核心句型I have a...Show me your bag. 引导学生展示自己的书包并说Bag, bag, I have a bag. 开火车练习说句子。 3.渗透Let’s do内容:师边说边做动作:Carry my bag. (边说边做动作) 教师手指一生的书包说:…! Your bag! Now, carry your bag. OK? 师边说边做 Carry your bag. 此生做动作。师对全体学生说: Carry your bag. 生边做动作边说单词


小学英语六年级上册(全英)教案 do you go there?Period OneTeaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s playTeaching aims: 1、To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway 2、 To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada…?”And answer with“I go by…”Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike, on foot Teaching difficulty:To differ “subway” from“train”Teaching methods: Communicative ApproachTeaching aids: 1、Word cards 2、 Tape recorder and tape 3、 Multi-media playerTeaching procedure: 1、(Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again、 Ho w are you? What day is it? What ‘s the date? What’s the weather like today?


小学英语优秀教案Revised on November 25, 2020

外研版小学英语第六册Unit 6 Lesson1教学设 计 姓名:方芳性别:女职称:小一学历:本科 单位:合肥市第61中通讯地址:金寨路1100号合肥市第61中 邮编:230022 一、教材分析: 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第六册第六单元第一课,课型是交际型听说课,含八个食物名称单词和五个功能性对话。熟悉的食物和真实的情境为学生提供了良好的学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境;同时也充分激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、设计理念: 根据《英语课程标准》的指导理念:以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,着重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法,以及自主合作学习的能力。倡导“任务型”教学途径,力求创设真实的语言情境,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习过程中完成学习目标,同时,增强学生的自信心,为今后的学习奠定基础。 三、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标 1)能听懂、会说、会读flour、meat、salt、sugar、corn、lettuce、六个单词。

2)能听懂、会说What do we need We need some meat How much is the ____ It’s ____ yuan a kilo. Can I have ____ kilo, please Sure. Here you are. ____ yuan, please. 2、语言能力目标: 1)培养学生语言实际运用能力。 2)培养学生交流与合作的能力。 3)培养学生用英语思维的能力。 3、情感态度目标: 1)通过学习,学生体会用英语购物的乐趣。 2)培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情。 四、教学重点: 学生对flour、meat、salt、sugar、corn、lettuce六个单词有正确的语音认识,能对句型What do we need We need some ____. How much is the ____ It’s ____ yuan a kilo. Can I have ____ kilo, please Sure. Here you are. ____ yuan, please.真正理解,并灵活运用到真实情境中。 五、教学难点: 的正确读法。 2.学生能运用所学句型顺利完成任务。 六、学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年半的英语学习,大部分学生对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。而处在这一年龄段的学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,注意力不易集中,因此在课堂上要采取多


小学英语教案模板范文 Unit1 My new teachers第一课时 教学重点 本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结 合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。 二、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学 生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师 应准确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要实行使用,并协 助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及本课时的 八张单词卡。 2.准备一些教师的照片或图片。 3.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.Warm-up(热身) (l)教师播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单 元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还能够使用四 年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习 strong,

tall, short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。 (2)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下: T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to meet you! (3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下: T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now? Ss:We’re in Grade 5. T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)? Ss:Yes! T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess! What’s the topic of Unit 1? 2. Presentation(新课表现) (l)教师出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. Do you have new teachers? 引导学 生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后教师说:“今天我们将学习怎 样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师? (2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说: They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习 部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生表现新词:youny,kind old,funny。教师可利用简笔画、单词 卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生准确理解、认读。


小学英语备课教案范文模板2020 英语老师要能积极的参与到课堂活动中来,他们善于表演,乐于模仿,接受能力也比较强,每节课所要求学会的内容也都能够掌握。以下是整理的小学英语备课教案,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。 小学英语备课教案范文一:交际用语的表达Canyou? 教学目标: 1. 巩固学习有关游戏或活动的六组词汇。 2. 学习交际用语的表达Can you? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 重点难点: 学习交际用语的表达Can you? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 教学准备: 光盘,单词卡片 教学过程: 一、热身(Warm-up) 1. 师生问好。

2. 跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌谣。 二、预习(Preview) 1. 学生听单词,举卡片。 2. 教师闪现单词卡片的一部分,让学生猜测并说出相应词组。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) A Look listen and repeat 教师引导学生观察主情境图,了解功能句在生活中的使用语境,体会语音的意义。 1. 让学生听录音,看情境图理解对话。 2. 学生再听录音,指认人物对话。 3. 学生第三次听录音,跟读对话。并引导学生细致模仿录音中的语音语调。 四、语言操练 1. 师生示范:师生分别扮演Bill和Joy,表演A项对话。 2. 生生示范:教师邀请几组语言水平较好的学生示范表演对话。

板书设计: Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 2 Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 小学英语备课教案范文二:家务劳动 一、教学目标: 1、能够介绍自己会做哪些家务劳动,如:I can clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. 2、能够询问别人会做什么家务劳动,如:What can you do? I can…Can you set the table? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 3、掌握有关家务劳动的短语: sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the room, water the flowers, empty the trash, wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, put away the clothes. 4、掌握情态动词can的用法。 5、养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。


小学英语全英教案范文 【篇一:全英文英语教案模板】 lesson plan nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher: period:period1 type:reading duration: 45minutes teaching ideology the current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. in the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. the three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. teaching material and learning condition the analysis of teaching material the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2 unit. the topic of this unit is . this passage mainly introduces the passage consists of paragraphs. the first paragraph is a general introduction of the . para.2 to para.4 introduces . the last paragraph tells about . the topic is not new to the ss. but there is some new words and phases in the passage. the analysis of learning condition the students are from grade1 in senior high school. as high school students, they have achieved certain english level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. they are familiar with the topic of and know some. but they may not know before. moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences. learning objectives 1. language skills


英语小学教案模板范文 【篇一:小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选)】 小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选) 【对于英语学科专业在事业单位教师、普岗教师、昆明教师、特岗教师面试说课或试或教师资格试讲中,到底是使用全英文的,还是可以使用汉语的,是所有考试面试的学生所纠结的一个问题,育萃面试为您提供了不同的案例。其实不在乎你使用什么形式的说课稿或教案,关键是你是否运用的熟练。在面试考试中,注意】 《unit2 colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备 颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revision 1.教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。 2.t: what’s this? s: it’s a book. t: what are these? ss: books.

t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no. 继续换几种物品提问。 3.出示第二课时的句型订读。 step 2 presentation 1.教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸: what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2.教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue?教学yellow。 教师拿出一片叶子教学green 教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗:red, red stop;yellow yellow wait; green green go go go! 3. t show an orange: what’s this ? it’s an orange. what colour is it? it’s orange. t: orange is orange. 4.show a peach:what colour is it? it’s pink.教学粉红色。 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it’s brown.教学棕色。 6.show a grape: what colour is it? it’s purple.教学紫色。 7.ss read together


小学英语教案全英文版 小学英语教案全英文版篇一 Ⅰ.Teaching objectives https://www.360docs.net/doc/36244410.html,nguage functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food. 2. Language structures: I like… 3. New vocabulary: Monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat 4. Skills: Listening: 能听懂各种动物的名称及其习性的内容,-go to the zoo。Speaking: 能运用所学的单词句型谈论各种动物的习性 5. Teaching activities: (1). Role play: Elephant 生日请客,分食物给他的朋友们并说”I like…”T-elephant Ss-monkey, rabbit, panda, goat (2). A game: Looking for good friends 让学生自取道具找朋友,如当T说1,2,3后拿carrot的要与拿rabbit的站到一块并说We are good friends. Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points 1.The sounds of the new words. 2.Freely using the sentences. Ⅲ.Teaching aids 课件,a big picture (animals party), 10 small pictures (monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat, bananas, grass, carrots, bamboo, leaves)Ⅳ.Teaching procedure 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song: one two three song 3. say goodbye to the 1, 2, 3 and go to the zoo T: We


外研版小学英语第六册Unit 6 Lesson1 教学设 计 姓名:方芳性别:女职称:小一学历:本科 单位:合肥市第61中通讯地址:金寨路1100号合肥市第61 中 邮编:230022 一、教材分析: 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第六册第六单元第一课,课型是交际型听说课,含八个食物名称单词和五个功能性对话。熟悉的食物和真实的情境为学生提供了良好的学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境;同时也充分激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、设计理念: 根据《英语课程标准》的指导理念:以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,着重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法,以及自主合作学习的能力。倡导“任务型” 教学途径,力求创设真实的语言情境,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习过程中完成学习目标,同时,增强学生的自信心,为今后的学习奠定基础。 三、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 1) 能听懂、会说、会读flour 、meat、salt 、sugar 、corn 、lettuce 、六个单词。 2) ____________________________________________________________ 能听懂、会说What do weneed? Weneed somemeat Howmuchis the __________ ? It 's _____ yuan a kilo. Can I have kilo, please? Sure. Here you are. ___ yuan, please. 2、语言能力目标:

1)培养学生语言实际运用能力。 2)培养学生交流与合作的能力。 3)培养学生用英语思维的能力。 3、情感态度目标: 1)通过学习,学生体会用英语购物的乐趣。 2)培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情。 四、教学重点: 学生对flour 、meat、salt 、sugar、corn 、lettuce 六个单词有正确的语音认识,能对句型What do we need? Weneed some ____________ . Howmuchis the ? It ' s yuan a kilo. CanI have kilo, please? Sure. Here you are. yuan, please. 真正理解,并灵活运用到真实情境中。 五、教学难点:的正确读法。 2. 学生能运用所学句型顺利完成任务。 六、学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年半的英语学习,大部分学生对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。而处在这一年龄段的学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,注意力不易集中,因此在课堂上要采取多样化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,充分调动学生的积极性,帮助学生培养英语学习的自信心,以及用英语进行简单的情境交流 的能力 七、教学方法: 直观教学法、情境教学法、交际法、“任务型”教学法以及多媒体辅助 法 八、教学用具: 畅言教学机、多媒体、卡片、道具钱币
