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偏微分方程论文:偏微分方程孤立子解 Lie变换群


进行叠加。可得边值问题的解,其中特征值是利用一个齐次线性PDE 在其自变量的标度下的不变性得到的。另外,也将讨论多参数Lie点变换群作用下边值问题的不变性。我们利用上面给出的方法求出了Green函数的边值问题的不变解。

【英文摘要】First tanh-function method is extended then used to solve BBM equation. we also used deformation mapping method to obtain solutions of BBM equation. With both methods we can obtain abundant explicit and exact traving wave solutions. Which coation Soliton solutions, Plural line soliton solutions, periodic wave solutions, Jacobi elliptic fuction solutions,Weierstrass elliptic function solutions and other exact solutions.Second we apply infinitesimal transformations to the construction of solutions of partial differential equations. As for ODE’s we will show that the infinitesimal criterion for invariance of PDE’s leads directly to an algorithm to determine infinitesimal generators X admitted by given PDE’s . Invariant surfaces of the corresponding Lie group of point transformations lead to similarity solutions. These solutions are obtained by solving PDE’s with fewer independent variables than the given PDE’s. Now we obtain the set of determining equations is an overdermined system of PDE’s which is composed of the arbitrary

element of axisymmetric wave equation and the coefficient of infinitesimal generators, that derived by classical

infinitesimal Lie method. Second we give some infinitesimal generators of axisymmetric wave equation with the help of

symbols computer sorftware, after we find out the PDE’S

one-parameter Lie group of transformations by first

fundamental theorem of Lie. Last take the infinitesimal

generators that we find out into invariant surface condition

then we can get group invariant solutions of axisymmetric wave

equation by use invariant form method or direct

st we discuss how one can use infinitesimal transformations to solve boundary value problems for PDE’s .If

a one-parameter Lie group of transformation admitted by a PDE

leaves the domain and boundary conditions of a BVP invariant ,

then the solution of the BVP is an invariant solution, and hence

the given BVP is reduced to a BVP with one less independent

variable .we also consider the invariant of BVP’s under

multi-parameter Lie groups of transformations. We now apply the

given method to solve the boundary value probolems’solutions

of Green function.

【关键词】偏微分方程孤立子解 Lie变换群

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