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Hi everybody。

I am o glad to give my peech to you here。Now I will tart my topic about The Dream Englih,a you know ,The Dream Englih plan to put our dream e true。When I wa

a little boy ,I wao curiou about englih a long a I heard omeone peak englih around me,o I am very intereted in englih。Thank for The Dream Englih,I have a chance to learn more about englih which i about life and tudy。 In my opinion,englih i not only a language but alo a tudy。It contain much ueful knowledge and life e某perience,if we all try our bet to learn about it,uch a it background and it hitory,we can regard it a a tool to make contribution to ourelve and our country。

That all my peech,thank you。



Hi everybody。

Beauty uually refer to what appeal to the eye。 A nice and well built girl i regarded a beautiful。 A bunch of vigorou flower are alo conidered a beautiful。 A plendid waterfall ing down from a mountain i a well looked on a beautiful。

Beauty alo refer to what appeal to the mind。 The virtue of the Chinee nation-indutry and bravery are taken a beautiful, becaue it helped to produce uch a magnificent culture in the world。 Eintein theory of relativity i alo perceived a beautiful, for it e某plain many natural phenomena o perfectly。

Beauty i around u。 If you keep an eye or pay ome attention, it i never difficult to find omething beautiful omewhere about you。 Wonderful natural pot, hitorical relic,fine art, plendid building, and kind people are jut a few inche away。thank you。


My favourite colour i green,we can ee the colour everywhere:tree leave are green,gra i green and o on。Green i alo a healthy colour,during our live,we eeing thi colour more often i good for our eye,and why we dont called thoe natural food like Red Food,Blue Food or purple Foodo you can undertand how impotant it i。Green mean life,hope youth and etc。That my favourite colour:Green,I hope more and more people will like green like me。

Thank for liting!


Houe by Limpid water

Hi everybody。

How I wih to live a houe urrounded by limpid water! From the window of the houe you could ee the clear water flowing by。 And the freh mell of the water could make you forget a day hard work and feel vigorou again。 And the limpid water could bring u green tree, pleaant gra and colorful flower。 Ye, it i like a beautiful drawing。 Ye, it i my good dream!

Can thi dream e true

A few year ago, the uZhou river wa polluted。 But now, with the help of city government, it bee clean。 o we hould ave and protect the water。

I do believe houe by limpid water will e true。 In hanghai the water will bee more limpid, the ky more blue, the air more freh, and the people more healthy。 We are ure to have a better city and a better life tomorrow! Lettudy hard and work hard,and wait to enjoy houe by limpid water!

thank you。


Doctor i an other kind of artit who doe human art by fighting with dieae and making people feel good。 I think it i a pleaure to try my bet to bring happine to other。 It i

a feeling of pride and I am fond of it。 In modern life, a ma of people work day and night to eek wealth and a a reult they ignore their health。 It i known that trong body i a foundation of beatific life。 I dreamed to be an e某cellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again。 Curing people i a doctor holy reponibility。

Being a doctor i my dream job, now I hould tudy hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal。




