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常见的这类系动词有:look ,feel ,smell, sound, taste, prove, turn out(结果是,证明是)等。例如:This coat feels very soft and smooth.

What he said sounds reasonable.

The medicine tastes bitter.

All he said proved (to be) true.

The flowers smelling sweet (= which smell sweet) in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. (04上海)

We wanted to get home before dark, but i t didn’t quite turn out as planned.(04浙江)


常见的这类动词有:wash, clean, cook, eat, drink, brew, fry, bake, iron, cut , dye , dry, sell, read, write, teach, translate, record, wear, draw, drive, ride, lock, unlock, close ,shut ,open, break, smoke, play, act, wind up, make up, blow, keep, burn, light , strike(划着), fire , pull, fill, begin, start, finish, complete, run(运转), stop, end, owe, print, move, let(出租), carry, handle, kill, , milk, pack, pick, split 等。

这时:(1)句子的主语通常指物。(2)用来表示主语的内在品质、特征、状态或性质。(3) 通常和副词 easily, well, quickly, smoothly, badly, poorly, nicely, wonderfully, perfectly, comfortably 等连用。例如:

He paid all that was owing.

The tea is brewing.

Because the shop is closing down, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.(04浙江)

—What are you going to do this afternoon?

—I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film finishes quite early, so we are going to the bookstore after that. (05重庆)

Books of this kind sell well. ( 99上海).

This knife cuts easily.

This kind of cloth washes well, irons easily and wears long.

The paper tears easily.

This article translates well and reads easily.

The pen my father gave me as a birthday gift writes smoothly.

The school opens at 7∶45 and classes begin at 8:00.

The cigar smokes badly.

The cakes eat deliciously.

---Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

---No, dear. They don’t keep well. Put them in the fridge instead. (02北京)

His voice doesn't carry well.

This material does not dye well but dries quickly.

The damp match won't strike.


This novel doesn’t sell well. 这本小说销售不畅。(是小说本身的原因)

These novels have not been sold. 这些小说没有销出去。(由于其它原因没有卖出去,与小说本身无关)

The door won’t lock.门锁不上。(门本身有毛病)

The door wasn’t locked.门没锁。(人没把门锁上,与门本身无关)

The text teaches well. 这篇课文好教。(由于课文本身的内容才使得这课文“好教”)

The text is not taught well. 这篇课文没有教好。(与课文本身无关,问题是动作执行者没有把课文教好。


常见的这类动词有:happen, occur, take place, belong to ,break out, last, run out ,go out(熄灭), go down(下降),cost, spread,come(传来),come on(开始), come out(出版), come up(出现), come into being(产生), come to one’s mind(想起), come about(发生), come true, give out, suit, fit, add up(to),catch fire, measure, weigh等

The war broke out in 1938 and lasted eight years.

The big house belongs to me.

The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.

The bridge measures 30 meters across.

The news came that our team had won the game.

A terrible accident happened last night.

The price has gone down,but I doubt whether it will remain so.(99全国卷)

The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and lasts only thirty minutes.(04全国卷II)

