


Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.





如果考前对以上三方面的雅思写作真题都思考过,相信本题一定会变的很简单,实际上只要把一些理由进行组合就可以了。由于考题的提问形式是“Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ”所以,既要讨论到个人能够采取何种行动解决一些环境问题,也要讨论为什么有些环境问题个人无法解决(即只有政府或公司才能解决)。Sample Answer:

It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.

Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.

There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill near the bord der line, which would necessitate government intervention or even international coordination.

So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicated problems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so r equire the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community.

271 words


Some people believe that improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities; others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.



Sample Answer (359 words)

The construction of new sports facilities are definitely needed in an environment where people's health is in a declining state. However, there are those who believe that the way to improving people's health should lie in other measures that governments have to come up with to get people to live more healthily.

In many countries around the world, sports facilities are diminishing at an alarming rate, with existing ones being threatened with closure or face redevelopment in favor of housing and commercial development. The lack of sports facilities has directly led to a sharp decline in the general public’s involvement in sports activities, which is the major culprit for ill health and excessive weight nowadays. If a wider range of sports and fitness facilities (swimming pools, basketball court and gymnasiums etc.) were available, then people would be more willing to spend

time in these facilities to train their bodies and to improve their fitness, instead of living a sedentary life at home watching television, playing video games or using computers.

However, the building of such facilities may become a waste of time and taxpayers’ money if they are built far away from where people live or if they are too expensive to use. There are scenes of empty sports grounds in many cities because it takes too much trouble to get there, and many sports clubs are receiving fewer guests because they charge unreasonably high membership fees. In these cases, the government should be spending more on advertising healthier life style instead of just wasting money on facilities that are not going to be actively used by the people. For example, it is important for people to know that little things like jogging or taking the stairs provide as many benefits as using exercising equipment in a sports club.

All in all, the government should be spending more money on the campaigns of getting the people to be more involved in a healthier lifestyle instead of wasting taxpayers’ money on sports facilities that are barely used by the general public. This is by far the best way of improving the health standards of a nation as a whole.


Newspapers have become an enormous influence on people’s ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation?

The nickname of the “Uncrowned King” given to the modern journalist is by no means an exaggeration. In almost every modern society, newspapers have been playing an essential role in shaping people’s thoughts on a wide range of iss ues and are always regarded as an indispensable source of information. In my opinion, this complex phenomenon can be boiled down to several key factors, and both its positive and negative aspects need to be analyzed thoroughly.

To begin with, human curiosity is an underlying factor in the growing popularity of newspapers. As the only species on the planet equipped with extraordinary intelligence, humans are inveterately curious about the latest events around the globe. Therefore, all kinds of newspapers pro sper in such an age that is gushing with information, appealing to people’s increasingly strong desire to know more about this constantly changing world. It is little wonder that numerous readers are lured into heavier reliance on those well-established and internationally renowned newspapers.

To a large extent, this situation is a desirable one with its many positive aspects. First of all, in order to maintain their good reputation, most newspapers and magazines report actual events in a detailed way, providing not only factual information but also deep insights into complex social and political issues. In addition, circulated on a daily basis and across an extensive demographic region, major newspapers have smoothly operated branches, seasoned correspondents and a highly efficient system to collect local news with the swiftest actions. Most importantly, their coverage and insightful comments can encourage young readers to form their own opinions on current affairs.

On the other hand, people should be fully aware of the downside of the journalistic dominance. More often than not, newspapers of national importance are largely controlled by the government and act as the organ of the authorities. By furnishing citizens with prejudiced and self-opinionated reports on sensitive issues, such as foreign affairs and national security, these newspapers can manipulate their perspectives and attitudes and exercise a sort of monopoly on their way of thinking. On a less serious level, flooding the pages with trivial pieces of entertainment news and celebrity secrets is the usual way to divert the public’s attention away from government scandals and to eclipse such social and economic ills as unemployment, crime and judicial incompetence.

In conclusion, although the positive functions of modern journalism are to be sufficiently recognized, people must not slacken their vigilance against the possible abuse of such a tremendous power that newspapers possess. In other words, while absorbing bits of information in the newspapers, readers are advised to adopt an objective approach and cast a discriminating eye on their way of presentation, comments and implicit assumptions.


Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem?

Nowadays, the issue of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others is not uncommon. This is especially true among young people. There are mainly two causes of this phenomenon--the negative influence of mass media and the decline of the family and poverty.

As the mass media become increasingly commercialized, program producers and publishers of books are more focused on ratings, which is clearly associated with profits. Therefore, violence of all kinds is presented on TV and in books. The constant exposure to violence is to suggest people that violence is an ordinary way of life, and that shooting and cheating are possible ways to succeed. We also notice that our societies and even our families have become less cohesive, as people have to struggle to cope with the challenges of life. The decline in our sense of community and family has gone

hand-in-hand with the rise of individualism. People increasingly look after their own interests without considering the needs of society.

Accordingly, it is the government's responsibility to introduce restrictions and supervision on the mass media, i.e. not allowing certain TV programs at given times, or by limiting the number of books published according to their content. Families and schools also play equally important role in dealing with this problem. Parental guidance is a key factor of self-cultivation in one's lifetime. Parents can spend more time staying with their children and patiently carry out the duty of family education. For children who exhibit some

anti-social behaviour, schools should help them to realize what they did is wrong rather than giving up on them.

Overall, although the problem of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others seem to be inevitable, we must recognize its negative effects on the society as a whole and work on effective measures to diminish its adverse influences.


本议论文的问题对于多数雅思考生来说稍显困难。困难之一来自于考生对“anti-society behavior”的不了解。要写这篇文章,考生可以从现在的teenage身上看看实际的“反社会”行为的例子。比方说“非主流”的打扮、对于学习的厌恶、青少年犯罪、离婚家庭中子女的暴力表现和自暴自弃的表现、对男女关系处理方便的任性随便等等。例子数不胜数。如果不理解什么是“反社会”行为,则这篇文章很难入手。专家建议在安排段落的时候可以用其中的一段用来列举部分“反社会”行为。第二点困难则来自于考生对这些“反社会”行为的成因和解决方式找不到合适的语汇来表达。




Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and

controlled by the governments rather than private companies.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

A country active in scientific research is often one that has a strong power for innovation and wealth creation. Nevertheless, the optimal structure for such kind of research is still source of debate. Should it be the sole responsibility of the government?

Some people argue that it’s better for the government to co ntrol scientific research. They believe that research into nuclear technology, national defense or military intelligence is in the national interest or involves high levels of secrecy and should be carried out only by the government. Also, in basic scientific research which is directed purely towards the advancement of knowledge, or where results cannot be guaranteed, there is little incentive for the private sector to invest in these areas and therefore the governments take the leading role.

There are, however, reasons for private companies to participate in scientific research. Research is done more efficiently by private companies because they are profit driven; their products are also more closely associated with market needs. Research into simple articles such as cosmetics or cough medicine is not what the government is interested in, so it’s necessary for the private sector to invest in these areas because they are important for our daily lives.

From my point of view, both the governments and private companies should be actively involved in scientific research. We should encourage the cooperation between different

research institutes including state-owned research centers, universities and corporate labs to accelerate the transfer of technology and research into products and services that can benefit human life.





如本文作者所写的那样,牵涉到大笔资金投入和国家机密的research into nuclear technology, national defense or military intelligence需要由政府来主导;而跟我们日常生活息息相关的research into simple articles such as cosmetics or cough medicine则应该由公司来负责。这样一来,文章不仅好写,而且生动。



Each country has its own charity organizations. Some people think that those organizations should only offer help to their own country while others think they are

suppose to give aid to people in great need, wherever they live. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Common individuals tend to be more prepared to offer help to their relatives than to the workmates and regular friends. And it may be the human nature to show greater preference to the people related. While the issue being magnified to the national level, similar controversy arises concerning whether the national charity organizations of one country should only goes to the domestic emergency or all the people in need should be supported whatever their nationality are. As for me, I assert that loving care and assistance should never be confined within the national boundary.

Undeniably, the domestic citizens are supposed to acquire the native aid, physically and economically. The fund and the material resource of the charity institution mainly come from the generous donation of the public and of course the masses should enjoy the access in case of emergency, in other words, from the people, to the people.

On the other hand, the people suffering the miserable lives, such as the natural disaster and the extreme poverty, should be involved into the help list of all such aid agencies. This is particularly necessary in the case of the catastrophic disasters when sudden earthquake or the seaquake occurs. People involved generally lose all their belongings in such tragedy and are severely shocked, physically because of the loss of all possession and mentally due to the loss of the relatives, hence a hopeless situation. Considering their difficult position, every piece of bread provided for these people may be crucial to their survival, and every penny supplied to them might be significant to their livelihood. Still remember the disastrous earthquake of 8.0 scales taking place in China, it is the unselfish supply all around the world that help the affected regions to survive in the tragedy.

When considering the necessity of the aid, the cases with the greatest urgency and

the mal-conditions should always be given priority, rather than the nationalities of the victims.















What are the effects of living longer on individuals and the society?

Population ageing has emerged as a global phenomenon in the wake of the now virtually universal decline in fertility and increases in life expectancy. Many countries are

confronted with new demographic realities that spread from the cities to the villages. In my opinion, more problems than benefits will surface with this trend.

Admittedly, older people often have time to offer for the benefit of family and the community. Nowadays, the young tend to rely on the older generation for household chores. It is also reported that time devoted to voluntary work and care is at its height within the age groups over 55. Such devotion adds greatly to the community well-being, if not to the GDP.

Population ageing, however, brings about serious economic and social problems. When the number of workers decreases, the national income goes down. At the same time, as a person's use of health services increases significantly in the later years of their life, an ageing population causes a relative rise in the public resources required for pensions, health and residential care outlays. Moreover, with an ageing population, the problems associated with the “sandwich generation”, people who have both children and parents to look after, have gained increasing prominence. Members of t his “in-between” generation are often torn between the needs of raising children, caring for ageing parents and job responsibilities.

To sum up, population ageing is an inevitable prospect, the negative effects of which outweigh the positive. As ageing is a normal part of lifecycle for human beings, we must recognize its challenges to our life and society, and work on effective strategies to minimize its adverse influences.


本次考题和2006年3月的一个考老龄化的题目(In many countries, the

proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more

positive or negative effects on the society?)类似,本次的考题为讨论寿命增












Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Over the last century, modern technology has exerted tremendous influence on individuals and the society as a whole. It has revolutionized people’s original lifestyles and improved the quality of their lives to a very large extent. However, many of its negative side effects should no longer be neglected.

There is no denying that technological development such as the application of vehicles of all kinds contributes to mobility and convenience in people's lives. Flights and trains allow us to discover new cultures of distant continents swiftly. Cars and buses take us to our destination without any efforts on our own. Yet, this mobility and convenience is achieved at the environmental expense. Such vehicles release CO2 into the air, which is a major reason responsible for the ever devastating global warming.

Other technologies in the form of computers and the internet are penetrating into our lives on a daily basis. In spite of their great help in the workplace, education, entertainment and communication, problems of deteriorated eyesight, misleading information, the surge of pornography and disconnection with real people have emerged, to name but a few. The most worrying concern lying with these problems is their damage to young people in terms

of their physical and psychological growth. Much evidence has suggested that quite a number of teenagers in Shanghai are addicted to the Internet and that their devotion to the cyber world has created serious negative effects in their school and home lives. Facts show that Internet addiction has become the biggest cause of juvenile delinquency, as youngsters tend to imitate crimes they have read about on seedy Websites or steal money to pay for the bill from internet bars .

Overall, as no one can plead ignorance of modern technology and its effect, it is important that we balance its benefits with an understanding of the price we have paid. Not until we realize both its pros and cons can we make the most of it.






Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence.

Discuss both of views and give your opinion.

The impetus behind the development of society is generated by people from all walks of life, especially politicians and scientists. People pass different judgments on them and it seems hard to define whose accomplishment is superior to the other.

There is no denying that politicians exert tremendous influence on the society, regardless of eras. They are entitled to represent the country and its citizens, with the authority conferred by law. As policy makers, their decisions and instructions may manipulate the situation of the country and even the whole world. For instance, the reform and

opening-up policy, proposed by the great politician — Deng Xiaoping, brings China a brand-new look; its far-reaching impact has lasted so far and will remain effective. However, it is a remarkable fact that wrong decisions sometimes leads to disasters; the war is a good case in point.

Scientists are also regarded as an indispensable part in human history. Technological advancements made by them have revolutionized people’s original lifestyles and improved the quality of their lives. Yuan Longping, the “Father of hybrid rice”, dramatically boosts the production and his achievement is utilized throughout the world. Another devotion of scientists that cannot be neglected is that they shoulder the responsibility for popularity of science and technology, which helps wipe off ignorance and superstitions; geocentric theory of the universe brings a new f ace on people’s scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, their intentions may result in some negative consequence, out of their expectations. Whether GMF(Genetically modified food) is a blessing or curse is still under discussion.

In conclusion, we should admit that both politicians and scientists are driving force behind the social developments; they make contributions in various forms in different fields. It is their combined effort that promotes the progress of human society. On the other hand, the problems arising should not be underestimated.


本次考试题目要求考生比较政治家和科学家对社会的影响。应该说,可以扩展的内容还是很大的。因为题目中的关键词politician, scientist和influence的范围都很广,因此考生在完成这篇文章的时候可以从政治家和科学家对于社会,家庭和个人的影响上进行阐述。需要注




Many countries aim to improve living standard by economic development, but some important social values are lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?

It is definitely true that economic development would lead to some by-products including the loss of social values but these problems cannot cover the outstanding achievements. I think advantages of economic development and disadvantages of that will coexist for a long time.

Economic progress is the basis of all the nations in the world. United States is the most advanced country and the living standard of the people in that country is very high. The citizens could have high level of social welfare and they enjoy free medical care and free education. Even the poorest people in the States could get the social insurance, which ensures their impossibility to get starved. Take China as another example. During the years of social reform, the manufacturing industry has been improved a lot and the international trade in China was vigorous. Most multinational companies are investing in the country so that the citizens in China would have more opportunities to get a good job and their living standards would be higher.

But one thing we could not ignore is that the social values are losing day by day. Especially in some developing countries, as they are developing economy, some severe situations would occur. For example, in some Asian countries, more and more illegal

prostitutes appear, which would cater to the needs of some businessmen, who would use sex as a means of negotiation. In some developed countries, the same thing happened again. Tiger Woods is a typical example. He is a wealthy guy, but he is not loyal to his wife and he had the affairs with the lots of women. The other examples could be found in NBA even in the political world. Bill Clinton, the former president of the United State, came across the similar problem. So we could get the idea that economic accumulation would cause to people to seek other undesirable excuse to obtain satisfaction. Step by step, the values could collapse. Other social values have been lost as well. For instance, in the business world, the colleagues are not cooperative as before; instead the competition makes them to be enemies. As a result, the relationship of the people in the society is much worse than that in the past. Money-oriented society is a formidable thing. And the consequence of that is more than the loss of social values.

The trend of economic development cannot be reversed and most people welcome it much. And disadvantages of economic development, I would say they are almost equal and it is a sociological question and more work should be done to access the answer.




Air travel only benefits the richest people. The majority of people cannot receive the advantages of the development of air travel. Do you agree or disagree?

Improved traffic technology(transportation technology) has made travelling means more various than ever before. People relish their journey by diverse transportation. Some people consider that air travel actually widen(widens) the gap between the rich and poor due to the only benefits it offers to the wealthy group, while the majority of average people are kept far away from the advantages of the development of air travel. Personally, I do not think this is the complete picture.

Admittedly, the cost of flight is much higher than the travelling expense by railway or some other means of transport. The price would be more likely twice or even triple that of trains or buses. Rich people may tend to enjoy its swiftness and comfortableness, while humble citizens prefer to take more care of their purse, giving ways to the endurance of filthy compartments and noisy surroundings in trains and buses.

Nevertheless, the less-wealthy folk(people) are not completely out of the gate. Due to the stagnant market and the fierce competition in the domain of civil aviation companies, plenty of preferential and promotion activities(programs) are offered to consumers which makes(make) air flight possible(affordable) for average people due to the diving price. (For example,) CAAC ever sliced 80% off from the original price to attract more passengers. What's more, some business people have to make the option of flying due to some urgent jobs no matter they are rich or not(no matter what kind of social economic status they are in).

From what discussed above(From what has been discussed above), it seems unreasonable to maintain that air travel offers convenience only to the wealthy people. It is bound to benefit more people, given the more prosperous marketing and more advanced air traffic system.

-268 words –专家点评:





The gap between rich and poor is becoming wider; the rich richer, the poor even poorer, what problems can the situation cause and give the solutions.

From the first rise of the capitalism in the 19th century to the economic globalization in the present days, the 200 years in between have witnessed a dramatic change in the gap between the rich and the poor, which brought forward the question of what the consequences of such phenomenon are and what can be done to compensate for it. Here follows the analysis on its impact on the society as well as some possible solutions.

Undeniably, such tendency will certainly have a negative impact on the society. To be more precise, it may contribute to the instability of the nations. For one thing, the crime rate will rise as a result of this change. Taking those of limited means as an example, by having so many people in desperate financial conditions while allowing such a small group of people control most of the wealth of the state, it will arise hatred and prejudice among the former group and perfect motivations for them to commit a crime, thereby threatening the safety of the citizens as well as disturbing public security. For another, this enlarged gap may cause riots or even war as well. The Chinese Nationalist government, for instance, focused too much on taking care of the interest of the rich while ignoring the suffering of the poor people which triggered the revolution. The fight can not be stopped even with the finest weapon and the smartest generals.

To tackle these problems, however, the government should act as a dominant feature. In other words, it is only the government that has the ability to establish a more enhanced welfare system. By levying a heavier tax on the rich and use the of money to aid those who are in desperate need of the financial assistance, it will, to some extent, obtain appreciations from the poor and thus eliminate some of their thoughts to gain properties in illegal manners, hence creating a more harmonious relationship between the two parts. Another way of resolving the problem at hand is to promote charity donations. The government, at the same time, is advised to utilize its propaganda machine in an attempt to highlight the need of the poor people to their counterpart as well as raise feelings of mercy so that they will be willing to give away their money which will be well used in promoting their health care and education quality, thus bridging the gap between the rich and the poor.

From the argument above, it is reasonable to conclude that alleviating the current issue requires the great effort of the government together with the compromising of the rich to some extent and by taking the proper measures as listed above, the campaign of reducing the financial difference between the rich and the poor will finally reach some levels of success.

-469 words –朗阁海外考试研发中心专家点评:























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图表写作:两个柱图,分别是世界六个地区的人口比重和教育花费的对比。The graphs compared the distribution of the world of population with the spending on education between developing and industrialized countries (new topic & chart) in 2000. 论文写作:What is the causes of anti-social behaves such as committing crimes. Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? 产生的原因和谁应该对此负责. 2011.1.22 图表写作:The chart below gives information about the population, literacy rate(male and female) and infant mortality rate in four different countries (Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Pakistan) in 2002.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


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雅思写作真题汇总修订 版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

0107 国内 A类小作文流程图? 大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 ? 澳洲?A类小作文柱图, 大作文Many universities offer online courses to student instead of deliverying on campus. 积极还是消极development ? 0112 国内小作文?柱图 大作文?Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. ? 澳洲?A类小作文柱图, 大作文is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人?

? 0114 国内 A类小作文table 三年的income output profit? 大作文Some people say job?satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ? 澳洲 A类小作文饼图, 大作文some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? ? 0121 国内 A类小作文饼图?留在英国和离开的原因? 大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? ? 澳洲?A类3个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。


2019年12月17日雅思大作文真题及范文 Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad, but other people do think it’s much better for old people to live now than in the past. Please show your idea with explanation, examples and your knowledge. Sample answer: It has become a common phenomenon for people in a number of countries to enjoy an increasing life expectancy. While some people believe it is horrible just to imagine getting old , I think the situation has completely changed comparing to decades ago and now elderly people can lead a happy life. In some cases, the seniors do experience empty nest syndrome because their children are away from home. However, things are different nowadays. There are numerous residential homes with trained carers in a country and they have become a perfect place for the elderly to stay after retirement, where the elderly will not feel lonely and bored with the company of their peers. Another concern for numerous senior citizens is the health problem. In the past, without advanced medical science, the seniors tend to suffer from various kinds of diseases, which decrease their quality of life at great extent. By contrast, the medical science is developing at an amazing speed and this trend can at least delay the onset of some chronic conditions and with healthy body, the elderly can enjoy happier lives.


雅思资料分享群:430104023(厦门) 2014年雅思A类写作真题全年汇总2014年雅思A类写作真题汇总: 2014.1.9 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) The best way for government to solve the traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.1.11 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages out-weight disadvantages? 2014.1.18 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem? 2014.1.25 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) International community should act immediately to encourage countries to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.1 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.13 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. Do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.15 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

汇总推荐:2008年雅思写作Task 2真题

汇总推荐:2008年雅思写作Task 2真题 (1)2008.01.10 Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2)2008.01.12 Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (3)2008.01.19 Some think the traditional thoughts of old people are out of date. Some believe they are still of some value. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions? (4)2008.01.26 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. What’s your opinion? (5)2008.02.02 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion? (6)2008.02.14 An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns? (7)2008.02.16 An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?


雅思作文题目必备的十个雅思话题 一、教育类别 1. 教育会囊括一些什么内容? 母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是 上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应 当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要 让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2. 学校的科目谁来选择?

母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916) 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。 子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择? 子题2:要不要学国际新闻?要不要学历史?要不要中学阶段就学习外语?要不要学数学哲学这类的科目? 3. 什么样的教学方式最好? 母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023, 100515) 提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction, 缺乏


Task One: two pie charts describing the percentages of the people staying in and movin g out of UK Task Two: Someone believes that a country should help its local residents, while others b elieve that the help should be given to the most needed. Discuss both of opinions and pr esent your opinion. 2010.01.14 Task One: a table describing the transportations of UK Task Two: Governments are more responsible for scientific research than private compan ies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010. 01.23 Task One: a map describing the change of towns Task Two: The gap between the poor and rich gets larger. What cause the phenomeno n and how to solve it? 2010.1.30

Task One: a bar chart Task Two: Many people believe that there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour s and lack of respect for others. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it? 2010.2.6 Task One: pie chart: the distribution of business time Task Two: Air travel is only beneficial to the richest people. To what extent do you agre e or disagree? 2010.2.20 Task One: three pie charts of course selection Task Two: Social development improves the living standard of the public. However, som e social values may get lost in the process. What are the advantages and disadvantage s of this phenomenon? 2010.2.27 Task One: table of British Population in three years


2017雅思写作真题总汇 雅思写作真题part1 WRITING WRITING TASK1 You should spend about20minutes on this task. The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged65and over between1940and2040in three different countries.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least150words. WRITING TASK2 You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least250words. 雅思写作真题part2 WRITING WRITING TASK1 You should spend about20minutes on this task. The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least150words. WRITING TASK2 You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who

2019--2020疫情开始前雅思写作Task Two真题汇总

2020.1.11some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2020114In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on television and the general public can watch them. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 2019年12月14日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Today in many countries people are living in a “throwaway” society, where things are used for a short time and then thrown away. What do you think are the causes and what problems will it lead to? 2019年12月12日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 2019年12月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people, rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? 2019年11月30日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月23日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern age, some people think it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月16日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life,the influence outside from home is a bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In some cultures old age is highly valued, while in other cultures youth is highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2019年11月2日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for this change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future? 2019年10月26日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Some people think that private companies and individuals, not the government, should pay to clear up the pollution they produced. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年10月19日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2


雅思写作十大话题万能分类题库 一、教育 1. 教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面 来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成吅格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2. 学校的科目谁来选择? 母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916) 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。 子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择? 子题2:只有学术科目重要,体育和音乐这样的课不重要,你同意吗?要不要学国 际新闻?要不要学历史?要不要中学阶段就学习外语?要不要学数学哲学这类的科目? 提示:子题2与母题联系不大,需要准备这些科目各自的优点。 3. 什么样的教学方式最好? 母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023, 100515) 提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点 是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction, 缺乏教师的moral guidance, 因为没有 体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。 子题:私立学校好不好?留学好不好?要不要分快慢班?小组学习还是单独学习好? 4. 谁来为学费买单?


Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 思路解析: 2016年雅思收官之战的作文来了一道新题,问当今社会老年人的生活是不是很 糟糕?说是新题,因为本题以前从未原题出现过,但关于年龄的话题却不缺少。 比如2010年7月10日“年轻人是否适合担任政府要职”,2012年3月10日“老 龄化现象的原因及解决方法”,2012年3月31日“年轻人和老年人谁的价值更 高?”,2013年6月8日“政府是否应该对老年人养老提供财政支持?”,2015 年1月1日“年轻人当领导,行不行?”,2015年4月11日“老年人与年轻人 争夺工作职位,怎么办?”等等。 本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。那 么,变老有哪些坏处呢?首先,当然是身体条件没有以前好了,甚至可能出现多 种疾病(物质层面);其次,不工作了,与人的联系少了,心里可能会感觉孤单, 甚至感觉没有价值了(精神层面);最后,变老后对社会的依赖程度更高,给社会 增加了压力(社会层面)。那么,这些问题在当今社会是不是得到了解决呢?首先, 医疗条件的改善有助于保持老年人的身体状况;互联网的出现有助于缓解老年人 的心理孤单问题;物质水平的提高也降低了老年人给社会造成的压力。如此观之, 现代社会老年人的生活的确容易多了,但我的观点是:外部条件只是改善老年人 生活的一个方面,最重要的还是老年人自己要积极调整心态,努力适应退休后的 生活,从而过一个更幸福更祥和的晚年。 Sample answer: Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reach a certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, and you may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you will feel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, then you may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically or emotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your family and the whole society as well. For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that the life of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the first place, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old people to stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might have
