

新时代交互英语视听说 2 对话文本


Scripts for Apply video I

UNIT 1 A quick lunch

Dave: Here you go. A half-caf, half-decaf, low- fat latte. Enjoy! Next, please Emi: Hi, Dave.

Dave: Oh, hi, Emi. What can I get for you?

Emi: I ' d like a tuna fish sandwich.

Dave: For here ,or to go ?

Emi: For here.

Dave: Sure. What kind of bread would you like?

Emi: Bread? Whole wheat, I guess.

Dave: Sorry, we don ' t have any whole wheat. How about white or rye? Emi: White is fine.

Dave: Would you like a slice of tomato or lettuce on it?

Emi: Um…Tomato or lettuce? Just lettuce, no tomato.

Dave: Would you like mustard or mayo?

Emi: Dave, look,I don 'treally care. Just give me a tuna fish sandwich! Dave: Sure. One tuna fish sandwich. Coming right up.

Dave: Anything to drink with that?

Emi: Maybe some iced tea.

Dave: With ice?

Emi: Of course!

Dave: Sure. Large, medium, or small?

Emi: Small.

Dave: Regular or decaf?

Emi: Regular or decaf? You have decaf tea?

Dave: Emi, there 'salways a chioice , didn ' t you know that?

Emi: OK, Dave. Regular.

Dave: With sugar or sweetener?

Emi: Dave ,cut it out.Why are there so many choices?

UNIT 2 What a weekend

Ana: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend?

Chris: Boring. I was at home all weekend. How about you?

Ana: You know me, I ' m never home on weekends!

Chris: Where were you?

Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday.

Chris: Where?

Ana: Los Angeles.

Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do?

Ana: We did a bunch of tourist stuff —shopping, beach, movie studios.

新时代交互英语视听说 2 对话文本Chris:

Ana: Chris: Ana: Chris: Ana: Chris: Ana: Chris: Ana: Chris: Ah.Did you have a good time?

Oh, yeah, it was great. But I spent way too much money. Who… who did you go with?

Emi and Sam.

Oh. How did you get there?

We flew.

Wasn' t that expensive?

No. It was really cheap. Sam had these great discount coupons. Where did you guys stay?

Oh, Sam has a brother in L.A. We stayed at his place.

Ah. Wasn' t that …crowded?

Ana: No. It was a lot of fun. You know, Chris, you ought to come with us next time. Chris: Hmm. Maybe.

UNIT 3 Working smart

Laura: Frankie: Hi, Frankie. What are you doing? Homework

Laura: Frankie: Need any help?

Un,yeah,Can you show me how to use this math program?

Laura: Frankie: Sure … Just type the numbers in column 1. OK,do I have to hit “return ”?


Right.You have to hit "retur n "after each nu mber.Ok,oops …careful …do

it carefully.Good!

Frankie: Cool. OK, now how do I add them?

Laura: Next, you need to highlight the numb ers … and now you have to click

on “add

Frankie: And that 's the answer?

Laura: Frankie: That's it. Pretty c ool, huh?

Wow. That's easy. You don 't have ttohink. I love it!

Laura: Yeah, computers are great …but, you have to learn how to add

numbers the real way.

Frankie: The real way? This is the real way.

Laura: Well, you know what I mean. You have to learn how to add without a computer.

Frankie: Why do I have to learn that?



That's a good question. It 's important. But why?

Laura: Believe it or not, Frankie, you won 'atlways have a computer with you when you need to add something.

Frankie: Why not?

UNIT 4 Feeling down

Doctor: Hi, Emi. You don ' t look so good today.

Emi: I know. I feel terrible.

Doctor: You have a fever.

Emi: I know. I have a cold.

Doctor: Gesundheit!

Emi: What does that mean?

Doctor: Oh, it 'Gs erman. It means “Good health ”P.eople say it when someone sneezes.

Emi: Thank you.

Doctor: OK, ope n up …Say “ ahh”…

Emi: Ahh.

Doctor: Does this hurt?

Emi: Yes.

Doctor: You need some medication.

Emi: What kind of medication do I need?

Doctor: You have a sinus inf ection, so I 'gmiving you some Azithromycin.

Emi: Azithro- what? What ' s that?.

Doctor: It ' s an antibiotic. You need to take it for five days.

Emi: What do I do with this?

Doctor: T hat ' s the prescription. Take it to the pharmacy, and they ' ll fill it for you.

Emi: Thank you.

Doctor: Oh, and I know you ' re busy, but you need to take it easy for a few ays, OK ? Emi: I know. I definitely need some rest.

Doctor: OK. Bye-bye.

Emi: Bye.

UNIT 5 Late again

Luis: Hello. Luis Mendez.

Laura: Luis, it ' s Laura. Where are you?

Luis: What do you mean, where I am?

to me.

Laura: But we have a meeting with Lucid Luis: At one? Oh, man! How do I get to Lucid? Laura: It 's on Ashby, 3121 Ashby,

Avenue to Ashby, and turn right. Luis: Got it.

Laura: Hurry!

Luis: I ' m on my way.

Laura: Oh, Luis?

Luis: Yeah?

Laura: Be sure to bring the Lucid file.

Luis: Where is it? I 'm here. I ' min the office. You're talking Systems, at one o ' clock!

near Telegraph Avenue. Take college

Laura: I put it on your desk this morning. Luis: You did?

Laura: Remember? I put it next to your computer. Luis: Oh, right. Yeah, here it is.

Laura: And Luis, please hurry. I need to talk to you about Luis: OK, we ' ll talk about it when I get there.


UNIT 6 Weekend plans


Are you going to the party tomorrow night?

Chris: Emi ' s farewell party? Absolutely I 'll be there.

Ana: Great. It ' ll be so much fun.

Chris: Yeah. Who else is going to be there? Ana: Oh, probably a million people! Emi has so many friends. Chris: Yeah, she does. Are you going to bring a present? Ana: Sure. I ' ll bring something. Chris: Hmm, what should I bring?

Ana: Oh, Chris, use your imagination! Flowers or a card would be nice. Chris: Ok, I ' ll think of something. Sam: Emi, Emi, I think it ' s time for aspeech.

Chorus of friends: Yeah Emi …Speech, speech …

Emi: I just want to thank everyone for coming

for me. I

' m going back to Japan next week, but I

time here …and I ' II miss all of you. Someday, you

Japan. So thanks, everybody, for being such great friends

UNIT 7 Excellent choice!

In the Arnello kitchen: Laura checks Paul

' s grocery lis)t.

Paul: OK. Frankie, let ' s do the grocery shopping. Can you help? Frankie: Sure, Dad. Paul: Bye. Laura: Bye, sweetie. Maggie: Bye-bye. Paul: Bye. (In the grocery store.) Paul: OK, I made a list. Now,where is it? Frankie: It ' s in your shirt pocket, Dad.


Oh, got it! Frankie, go get some milk, two cartons, okay? And I

' ll go get

the vegetables and fish.

(Frankie arrives with two cartons of ice cream.) Paul: Ah, did you get the milk? Frankie: No, I didn ' t get any milk, but I did get some ice cre am. Paul: Frankie, put it back. You know we have to cut down on sweets. Frankie: (Pleading ) But, Dad, check it out! Chocolate Crunch!

… This is a really special day ' ll

always remember my fabulous

' ll all have to come and visit me in

… I think I ' m going to cry.


Oh …hey …Chocolate Crunch …Excellent choice.

(Laura enters the kitchen as Paul and Frankie areunpacking groceries.)

Laura: Frankie: Hi, guys. Oh good, you got the groceries. Yeah! We got a lot of good stuff. Laura: Paul: Mmm …did you pick up some lettuce? Oh, lettuce. Darn! I forgot to get that.

Laura: Paul:

Oh. Did you remember to buy some tomatoes? Tomatoes? Shoo t! I didn 't know we needed tomatoes.

Frankie: But look, Mom, we got a big box of Crunch- O 's cereal, a six -pack of Orange

Plus, three bags of chips, and two cartons of ice cream. Maggie: Hey, Chocolate Crunch … excellent choice!


(Being sarcastic ) Good work, guys.

UNIT 8 Sound advice


Maggie: What 's wrong, Maggie? Nothing.

Emi: Come on, you can tell me. Maggie:

Well, I wanna ask Brian to the school dance

… but I can 't. Emi: You want to go to the dance, but you don

't want to ask Brian? Maggie: Emi: Maggie: Emi:

Maggie: No , I want to ask Brian, but I can


Sure, you can. It

's easy.

It is?

Yes. Try calling him up

. Say, “Do you want to go to the dance with me?

I can 't do it. I 'm too shy!


Maggie: Don 't be shy. You can do it! I

'll bet he says yes. Mogstuys would love that. Well, OK. I 'll do it. Oh, it 's busy! Maggie: OK... I 'll try again. Oh! It 's ringing!


Maggie: Brian: Maggie:


Brian? Yeah. Hi, it 's Maggie. Maggie Arnello from third period math.

Brian: Maggie: Hey, what 's up?

Um … I was won deri ng

…if you … had a date for the dance on Friday?

Brian: Maggie: No.

Well, I was wondering if you … do you wanna go to the dance with me? We

could just go as friends, we could …

Brian: Maggie: Brian: Maggie:

You wanna go to the dance with me? Yeah. Cool. But do we have to dance?

Well, no … but it is a dance.


Maggie: Oh …but I don ' t have to dress up, do I?

No, you don 't have to dress up. Well, maybe you can pick me up or something?

Brian: Sure. What time?

Maggie: Well, the dance starts at 8:00, so maybe, like, 7:30?

Brian: Yeah, cool.

Maggie: OK, great, see you later?

Brain: Later.

UNIT 9 Welcome back

Ana: Kate! Welcome back!

Kate: Thanks.

Ana: You look tired.

Kate: Ahh... I 'm exhausted …

Ana: What happened?

Kate: What didn ' t happen?! First, I left my hotel in New York at 6:00 this morning.

But I forgot my briefcase, so I had to go back and get it.

Ana: Oh, Kate …

Kate: And then I missed my flight …

Ana: Ohhh …

Kate: So I had to wait two hours for the next flight. It was so frustrating!

Ana: I bet.

Kate: And I sat next to this lady who talked and talked, and this little kid kept kicking my seat! I almost lost my mind!

Ana: Oh, no! That ' s terrible. Where ' s your suitcase?

Kate: Well, when I arrived, my bag wasn ' t at the baggage claim!

Ana: That ' s SO annoying, I can ' t believe it! Well, at least you made it!

Ana: By the way, what were you doing in New York?

Kate: I was there on business. Our head office is in New York, and I was at a

national meeting.

Ana: Oh, I see. Did that go well?

Kate: It was great. Lots of interesting presentations. So much new stuff. I am

so-o-o brain-dead now!

Ana: Well, get some rest, and I hope they find your suitcase.Kate: Thanks, Ana.

UNIT 10 A better place

Landlady: This is a great location. It ' s rceloaslley to the subway station,


there ' s a bus stop right across the street!

Kate: Mmm, that ' s convenient.

Landlady: And this is the apartment!

Kate: Mm-hmmm.

Landlady: High ceilings, large windows, very spacious.

Kate: Yes, it is big. It ' s bigger than my place.

Landlady: And, it has two bedrooms. A large bedroom … and a smaller one.

Kate: Mmm.


1单元 W: Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Pearl. I need permission to drop your class, Literature and Writing. 谢谢你和我见面,珀尔医生。我需要你放弃你的课,文学和写作。 M: It's only the second week of class, Stacey, why are you giving up so quickly? We've only written one essay so far, and you won't get your grade back until next Wednesday! 男:这只是上课的第二个星期,斯泰西,你为什么这么快就放弃了?到目前为止,我们只写了一篇文章,直到下星期三你才会恢复你的分数.! W: I know, sir. But as a third-year engineering student, I don't want to risk lowering my grade point average by scoring poorly in a writing class! 我知道,先生。但作为三分之一年工程专业的学生,我不想在写作课上成绩不好而降低我的平均分数.! M: OK ... What's worrying you? 男:好的…什么让你担心? W: I spent two weeks reading Great Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours to write the three-page essay. Well, engineering courses are easy but important, as we know. But a writing course ... I don't know. I'll just take a film class next semester, not hard at all –a two-paragraph review for each film. That will cover my humanities requirements. 女:我花了两个星期读了很高的期望,然后花了我10个小时写了这篇长达三页的文章.。嗯,工程学课程很简单,但很重要,因为我们知道。但写作课程…我愿意不知道。我下学期只上一门电影课,一点也不难--每部电影的一二段评论.。这将涵盖我的人文要求。 M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the opposite. Math was hard; literature was easy. But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found Librarian, located on the 15th street, math helped me! 男:好的,斯泰西,听着:在大学里,我是相反的。数学很难,文学很容易。但后来,当我打开我的咖啡馆,发现图书馆员,位于第十五街,数学帮助我! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian? That's our favorite coffee place. We get coffee and dessert there every week —and work on math homework. 女:等!你拥有找到的图书管理员吗?那是我们最喜欢的咖啡馆。我们每周都在那里喝咖啡和甜点,然后做数学作业.。 M: Yeah, that's my shop. Stacey, let's reconsider. Success in life needs a variety of skills. Humanities majors need math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This writing class will serve you well. Go to the University Writing Center and sign up for free tutoring. Then stop by my office each Friday at 11 a.m. and I'll work with you. Together you can succeed in becoming a strong writer. A good deal? 是的,那是我的商店。斯泰西,让我们重新考虑。生活中的成功需要多种技能。人文专业学生需要数学。工科专业需要写作技巧。这样的写作课将为你服务好去大学写作中心,报名免费辅导。每个星期五早上11点到我办公室来,我会和你一起工作。你可以成为一个坚强的作家。一个好的交易吗? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl! 女:是的!谢谢你,珀尔博士! Q1: Why does Stacey come to Dr. Pearl's office?


Conversation 1 W:Hello,Mr.Williams.This is John Barrett's secretary.I'm calling to cance l his appointment with you at10today as he is not feeling well. 你好,威廉姆斯先生。这是John Barrett的秘书。我打电话是想取消他今天10点的约会,因为他身体不好.。 M:Thanks for calling.It's quite all right.We'll arrange some other time t o meet. 谢谢你的电话。这是完全正确的。我们会安排其他时间见面。 Q:What is the man going to do?? Conversation 2 M:I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don't have a calculator.Shall I go and buy one? M:对于这些问题我需要用的不仅仅是我的数学技能,但我没有计算器.。我去买一个吗?W:Actually,I've got two.And I'll let you have one for the price of a coffee. 女:事实上,我有两个。我会给你一杯咖啡的价格。 Q:What do we learn about the woman from this conversation??Conversation 3 M:Professor Smith,I'd like to have your advice as to my career develop ment in the future. 男:史米斯教授,我想知道你对我未来职业发展的建议.。 W:It's my pleasure.I think you are good at abstract thinking.I am sure you'll make it if you pursue your graduate work in theoretical physics. 这是我的荣幸。我认为你擅长抽象思维。我相信,如果你继续你的研究生在理论物理学,你会成功的.。 Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?? Conversation 4 W:I can't believe Ken missed such an important lecture even though I re minded him the day before yesterday. 我真不敢相信肯竟然错过了这么重要的演讲,尽管我前天就提醒过他.。 M:You should know him better by now.He's known for taking everything in one ear and straight out the other. 男:现在你应该了解他了。他是众所周知的采取一切在一个耳朵和直出其他。 Q:What does the man imply??

大学视听说2级 体验英语学习中心对话原文

201 Lin Fei: Good morning, Mr Wang. I plan to apply for a student visa to the U.K. Could you tell me how I should prepare for this? Wang: Yes. First get 2 Application Forms and have one filled in English and the other in Chinese. Lin Fei: But where can I get the Form? Wang: It can be downloaded from the Embassy's website and it's also available from most branches of the CITIC Industrial Bank, free of charge. Lin Fei: What else do I need to prepare? Wang: Quite a lot! Two passport photos, your passport, the Notice of Admission, your diploma; transcripts of your courses and grades, and the results of your IELTS test, etc. Lin Fei: Thank you very much for all this info... Wang: Any time! Secretary: The U.K. Embassy-Beijing's Nonimmigrant Visa Unit. Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Madam. I'd like to make an interview appointment with the visa officer, please. Secretary: Have you filled the Application Forms and got the documents ready as required? Lin Fei: Yes. Secretary: Your name, please? Lin Fei: My name is Lin Fei. Secretary: Thank you. Your appointment date is July 6, 15:00 and your number is 44. Lin Fei: July 6, 15:00, No.44. Thank you... Lin Fei: By the way, how much is the application fee, please? Secretary: It's RMB830. Lin Fei: Is it refundable? Secretary: No. Lin Fei: Is there anything I am not supposed to bring to my appointment? Secretary: For security reasons, you should not bring any cellular phone, beeper, briefcase or handbag. Lin Fei: Many thanks. Secretary: My pleasure. Officer: Mr. Lin, why do you want to go to the United Kingdom? Lin Fei: I want to learn English and learn about the culture there. Here is my Notice of Admission from the London Language Institute. Officer: Do you plan to work during your spare time? Lin Fei: No, sir. But I may try to find a job during vacations, if I'm permitted.


Hello,my name is ****,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I would like to answer whatever you may raise,and I hope I can make a good performance today. now I will introduce myself briefly,I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province and I am currently a senior student at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies South China Business College. .my major is international economic and trade, and I will rec eive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. in the past 2 years,I spend mo st of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. And I have acquired basic knowledge of international trade both in theory and in practice. besides, I think i am able to work under great pressure. Thanks for the chance. A:I’m afraid I haven’t had any experience in just this sort of work. I’m studying economic in college. I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies. E:Have you got any selling experience at all? A:I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation. E:What subjects did you like most at university? A:I like sales strategies most. E:Now tell me about your educational background. A:I graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies South China Business College. A:I majored in international economic and trade. E:What courses have you completed? A:The courses I completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales management, distribution theory, economies and psychology. E:What would you like to work with us? A:Its a job interested in, and your company is one of the best known. Although I have no work experience as a salesperson, the job description you sent was very interesting. It’s a job I’ve been dreaming of since I was at university. E:Do you know anything about this company? A:Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products. E:In what department did you work? A:I was in Women’s Fashion Department. E:Have you got an excellent record in English? A:Yes, I think I can manage English conversations with American staff members.


人物:John 毕鹏飞Nick谭迎宾Tony王东Joe聂子卿Ivy小薇 John: Hello, Joe! Where did you travel last week? 你好,乔。你去哪里旅游了? Joe: Beijing, for I only had a week. But I had much fun on our trip. 北京,因为我只有一周的时间。我觉得旅行还是很有意思的! Nick: How about you, Ivy? Could you tell something about it? 你呢,艾薇?讲述一下你的旅游好吗? Ivy: Oh, not bad, but very tiring! 哦!挺不错的,就是感到累。 John: Where do you think is better for shopping in Beijing? 北京哪里适合购物? Ivy: Wangfujing Street. I think. It has got more exclusive shops. 王府井街。那里有更多的专卖店。 Tony: My mother and I are very excited about this ride to Taiwan! 我和我妈妈因为这趟台湾之旅都非常兴奋! Nick: Is this your first time to go there? 你们是第一次去那里吗? Tony: Yes, it is and the scenery is spectacular in countryside. 是的,而且台湾乡下的风景非常美丽. Joe: Did you enjoy your stay in Sweden, John? 在瑞典玩得开心吗? John: Oh, yes. It's really a fairyland. 开心。那儿真是仙境一样。 Ivy: What impressed you most there? 给你最深印象的是什么? John: I should say there're so many wild rabbits in the parks there. 我要说那儿的公园里野兔可真多。 Nick: Will you go there again next year? 那你明年还会再去吗? John: I'm afraid not.. A 16-hour flight was really terrible. I just couldn't sleep on the plane. I


新视野大学英语第三版第二册视听说最新整理答 案 2019-1-20 兰小文制作Unit 1 ·1-2 Sharing Practice-2 1) new things 2) At the moment 3) quite difficult Practice- 3 T:1, 3, 7, 8. F:2,4,5,6. Practice-4 (1)ever learned (2)found (3)a combination (4)body movements (5)Learning to drive (6)nine cases (7)by most standards (8)French (9)hated ·1-3Listening Use the skills-2 e-c-a-g-d-h-b-f Use the skills-3 (1) speak (2) saying the wrong (3)practice speaking to himself/practice talking to himself (4)making mistakes (5) native speakers (6) pronunciation (7) listening skills (8) listening and reading Use the skill-4 (1) embarrassed (2)hear (3)anything you like

(4)going for the weekend (5) voice (6)pronunciation (7) how it sounds (8)the news (9)English television (10)on the Internet (11)sound like (12)native speaker ·1-4 Viewing View it-1 BABA View it-2 DABAD ·1-6 Role-playing Note them down-1 A Note them down-2 G:1, 3, 5.R:2,4,6,7. Activity 3 (1)you should eat (2)a good (3)should not spend (4)You’re/You are (5)Why don’t/Why do not (6)am not sure that’s/am not sure that is/am not sure it is/am not sure that (7)it’s a good/it is a good/this is a good/that a good/that it is a (8)suppose so ·1-8 More practice in listening Short conversations BDDCA Long conversation CDAC Passage-1 DACD Passage-2 (1) alternative (2) numerous (3) traditional (4) academic (5) countryside (6) athletes (7) take advantage of


Unit 1 Script 1 Talia: It’s all so incredible, Mom. I’m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford… No, that’s the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he’s innocent. [Knock on door] Talia: Look, Mom. I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye. Nick: Hi. I came as soon as I could. What’s up? Talia: I’ve been thinking about this all day… Now tell me, again: When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman? Nick: I’ve already told you. She came up to me at the juice bar. We set up a meeting. Talia: Right. At her office. Except you never went up to her office. Nick: Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands, and she takes me to lunch. Talia: Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recall. Nick: Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia: Yeah. You told me they’re called Kicks. Nick: Right. And she explains that I’ll have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads. Talia: OK. Can you think of anything else? Nick: Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial. Talia: A commercial? What commercial? Nick: I told you about that, didn’t I? They wanted me to be in a commercial. Script 2 Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I want to hear more about this. Don’t leave out any details. This could be important. Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal… Jackie:So, you’ll wear our shoes when you play. And we’ll us e your name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year? Jackie:Uh, yeah, that’s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we’ll probably want you to appear in a commercial. Nick:Cool! Jackie:In fact, I’m working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you want to hear about it? Nick:Sure. Jackie:OK. Picture this. You’re sitting in a park. On a bench. It’s a beautiful spring day. Nick:So far, so good. Jackie:OK. A young ki d comes up to you and says, ―Hey! Aren’t you Nick Crawford, the soccer star?‖ Nick:Uh-huh. Jackie:And you say, ―That’s me.‖ Or something like that. Nick:Right. Jackie:And then the kid says, ―Wow! Cool shoes! What are they?‖ And you say, ―Kicks. What else?‖ Nick:That’s it?


完成句子练习一(1) as soon as…(not) as/so…as…as… as possible ask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth. 1、昨天他一写完作业就去游泳了。 He went swimming _as soon as _ he finished his homework yesterday. 2、我一到家就给你打电话。 I will call you _as soon as I get home_. 3、我和她一样忙。 I am _as busy as_ she is. 4、Lucy不如Lily漂亮。 Lucy is not _so/as bueatiful as _ Lily. 5、我会尽快去看我妈妈的。 I will go to see my mother _as soon as possible_ . 6、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。 Yesterday, he finished doing the washing as early as possible . 7、如果你有问题,请向警察求助。 If you have any questions, please call the police for help. 8、请不要再向你父母要钱了。 Please don’t ask your parents for money again . 9、她妈妈问她怎样玩游戏。 Her mother ask ed her how to play computer games. 10、请你告诉我怎样解出这道题,好吗?


Unit1 A:Welcome! What can I get for you? B:May I have a look at the menu, please? A:Sure. Here you are. B:Thank you! A:Are you ready to order? B:Yes. I want a Chicken Sandwich, French Fries and a double hamburger. A:A Chicken Sandwich. Would you like a slice of tomato or lettuce on it? B:Lettuce. A:French fries. Regular or large? B:Regular. A:And a double hamburger. Anything to drink? B:Yes, a cup of apple juice. A:With ice? B:No,thanks. A:Large, medium or small? B:Medium. A:Thirty yuan in all.Would you pay in cash or alipay? B:In cash, please. A:Ok. Wait a minute, please. Unit2 Sarah:Good morning. Alice. Alice:Morning. Sarah:I had a wonderful weekend. Yesterday is my roommate Emi's birthday. We went to a cinema to watch a movie. Alice:Wow! What's the story about? Sarah:Zootopia. The movie is interesting. Alice:Oh, I had watched it. The fox Nick is very cool! Sarah:Yes. We agreed with that. After that, we made a birthday cake for her together. Although the cake looks not good. We still eat happily. Alice:Oh. I think Emi must be happy. Sarah:Sure. Then we went to the Yangtse River Bridge and the night is very beautiful. Alice:Wow! It sounds exciting! I have never been there. Sarah:When we got to school, it was very late. We were so tired that we fell asleep quickly. Alice:What a wonderful day! Sarah:How was your weekend? Alice:Boring. I was at dormitory all weekend and do some homework. Sarah:Why not go out to have fun? Alice:You know I was so lazy to go out.


视听说课程标准 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

厦门海洋职业技术学院商务日语视听说 课程标准 适用专业:商务日语 计划学时:60 课程编号:GS07021 课程负责人:孙晓柳 教研室主任:赖德富 系主任:缪明聪 2013年8月


一、课程性质 商务日语视听说课程为商务日语专业的专业基础课,本课程的主要目的在于使学生掌握日语基础知识,训练日语听说的基本技能,培养实际运用语言的能力,能同日本人进行一般性交谈,发音基本正确;通过影视作品使学生了解到生活的语言,从而提高日语的理解力及表达力。使学生能看懂有一定深度的影视作品,能讲述大意,同时要求学生有分析、欣赏一部电影作品的基本能力。通过“视”、“听”、“说”的结合,以直观画面和情节内容为基础开展有针对性的口语训练,运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述、即席演讲,小组合作,专题演讲等活动形式,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,加深他们对日本的政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解。 (一)专业能力 通过“视”、“听”、“说”的结合,以直接画面的情节内容为基础,开展有针对性的口语训练,使学生能够正确辨别语音,掌握发音难点,接受并习惯日语的正常语速;掌握情景对话的内容并做到熟练运用;掌握日语使用的特定环境和会话技巧;通过运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述、即席演讲,提高口头表达思想的能力。训练学生有意识、有选择地学习影像资料中标准、地道的日语表达,能复述所看影像资料的主要内容和情节,听两遍后能复述50%的内容,并能够对其进行评价。

(二)方法能力 本课程主要采用交际法教学原则。课堂教学以学生为主体,教师为主导,开展以观看各种影像材料(隐去日文字幕的DVD)为中心的,结合各种形式(选择、判断、填充题、听写、讲座、摘记、根据笔记回答问题等)的听力练习与复述、讨论、即席演讲、表演等口语练习(对较复杂的视听材料要提供足够的生词、注释与背景材料),开展课堂活动。课堂上尽量为学生创造发表个人见解的机会,注重培养学生的合作意识,判断能力,分析能力,讨论能力和表达能力,最大限度地让学生参与学习的全过程,提高教学效果。教学过程中,应该根据听力教材的难易程度以及学生的反应情况对教学作具体的安排,做到有精有泛。精听的内容可反复听,泛听的内容掌握大意即可。 (三)社会能力 1.具有较强的语言应用能力,能用日语流利地进行日常生活会话,能就有关专业进行简短发言。 2.了解日本人的语言习惯及生活侧面,提高日语的理解力及表达力。 3.了解日本的文化及风土人情,提高跨文化交流的能力,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考和创新的能力以及综合运用语言的能力。


Waitress:Good evening, sir. Here's your menu. 女服务生:先生,晚安。这是菜单。 John:OK. Give me a minute to look it over, please. 约翰:好。给我几分钟,让我看一下。 Waitress:Take your time. I'll be with you in a moment. 女服务生:您慢慢看。我等会儿就过来。 (a moment later) (过了一会儿) Waitress:May I take your order now, sir? 女服务生:先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗? John:Yes, please. I'd like to start with the chicken soup. 约翰:可以了。我想先来一份鸡汤。 Waitress:What would you like for your main course? 女服务生:主菜您想点什么? John:Filet mignon, please. 约翰:菲力牛排。 Waitress:How would you like that done? 女服务生:您要几分熟? John:Medium rare. 约翰:四分熟的。 Waitress:Anything for dessert? 女服务生:要点甜点吗? John:Is the dessert menu 约翰:甜点有菜单吗 Waitress:There, that is, to you 女服务生:有,这就是,给你 John:Give me an apple circle, thank you 约翰:给我上一份苹果圈,谢谢 Waitress:Wait a moment please. 女服务生:稍等请用餐 John:Thanks. 约翰:谢谢。 B:Hello, I read in a newspaper that you want to Sales Engineer 你好,我昨天看报纸说你们这里要招聘销售员 A:Yes, you want to apply for? 是的,你要应聘? B:Yes.


《新一代大学英语视听说教程1》习题参考答案(Unit 1) 2015年9月说明:答案以序号ABCDE依次排列,对应第二部分三段听力及第三部分两段听力。 Unit 1 Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills A.Listening and understanding: How to apologize ? Step 1: Prepare. Step 2: Approach. Step 3: Lower your voice. Step 4: Make eye contact. Step 5: Give the apology. Step 6: Take the wrap. Step 7: Finish on a positive. ? 1 eating humble pie (eat humble pie: admit that you were wrong, especially in an embarrassing situation) 2 make amends (try to make a situation better after you have done sth. wrong) 3 have a word (have a short conversation or discussion, usually without other people listening) 4 looking for an argument (look for an argument: behave in a way that looks like you expect to argue with sb.) 5 holding something back (hold sth. back: keep sth. secret) 6 make it up to (make it up to sb.: do sth. good for sb. you have upset, in order to become friends with them again) 7 clear the air (discuss a problem or difficult situation with sb. in order to make it better); face the music (accept criticism or punishment for sth. you have done wrong) 8 move on (finish or stop one activity and start doing sth. different) 9 old wounds to resurface (old wounds resurface: sb. remembers an unpleasant event or situation that happened in the past) B.Listening and understanding: Making New Friends ?1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C ? 1 She felt anonymous and it was a devastating feeling. 2 She joined a gym and a community garden, took yoga classes and visited a teahouse. 3 She complimented her hair. 4 They both liked to work with textiles and to write. 5 She invited the woman to her house for coffee.
