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本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150 分,考试用时120 分钟。


1. 本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分。

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第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




I have many new teachers in high school, but Lori Runkle, my English Language and Composition teacher, is my favorite teacher.

Ms. Runkle enjoys getting to know more about students, so I have many chances to talk with her after class. I have always wanted to become a journalist. Since Ms. Runkle used to be a journalist back in the United States, she has introduced many helpful journalistic writing skills to me.

Although she is my teacher, Ms. Runkle and I are more like friends. She often invites my classmates and me to take part in different activities outside of school. For example, I went to listen to a journalist's speech, which helped me better understand current events (时事).

Not only does Ms. Runkle talk with me outside of school, she is also a great teacher in the classroom. English Language and Composition is a really hard subject for a second language learner. We felt worried in the beginning, but Ms. Runkle really makes an effort to help us out. In class, Ms. Runkle always encourages students to question everything to keep us active. One part of class I love the most is when groups of students are required to give speeches on events that are happening in the world. It requires a lot of deep thinking and I really learn quite a lot from it.

I love Ms. Runkle very much. She not only helps me to get good scores, but also acts as a good friend and always gives me advice on life.

1. After class, the author ___ .

A. seldom sees Ms. Runkle

B. talks with Ms. Runkle quite a lot

C. enjoys introducing Ms. Runkle to her friends

D. often invites Ms. Runkle to different activities

2. We can infer from the text that Ms. Runkle is ___ .

A. friendly and helpful

B. kind and humorous

C. clever and active

D. strict and boring

3. The author's favorite part of Ms. Runkle's class is when Ms. Runkle ____ .

A. tells them how to get good scores

B. asks them questions about the world

C. asks them to describe current events

D. tells them about events that are happening

4. What is the author's purpose of writing the text?

A. To express how much she misses Ms. Runkle.

B. To look back on her special high school life.

C. To describe an unforgettable teacher.

D. To show what makes a good teacher.


In my thirty years as a time management speaker, I have observed (观察) a lot of what we can not and should not do to increase our daily results. Time management is not necessarily working harder, but rather smarter.

A lot of our time management has to do more with what we are not doing rather than what we are doing. Sometimes our mistakes will keep us from running at a full pace. Here are some time management mistakes we should all avoid to help us increase our daily efficiency: Start your day without a plan of action. Without a plan, you will have worked hard but may not have done enough right things. Time management is not doing the wrong things more rapidly. That just gets us nowhere faster. Time management is doing the right things.

Work with a messy desk or work area. Studies have shown that the person who works with a messy desk spends, on average, one and a half hours per day in looking for things. That and a half hours per week. If you have ever visited the office of a top manager, you can easily find that he or she is working with a clean desk environment.

Don' t take a lunch break. Many people do not take a lunch break. They work through that time period in the hope that it will give them more time to finish the task. Studies have shown that it may work just the opposite. After doing what we do for several hours, our mind will become boring. A lunch break, even a fifteen-minute break, gives us a chance to get our batteries all charged up again.

5. With a plan of action, you can ____ .

A. work harder

B. do the wrong things more rapidly

C. avoid doing wrong things

D. get nowhere faster

6. Working with a messy desk or work area, you will _____

A. waste a lot of time

C. become a top manager

7. The text mainly tells us ____ .

A. how to avoid wasting time

C. how important time management is B. find the things you need easily

D. save seven and a half hours per week B. we should get our batteries charged


D. some time management mistakes


Once, two phoenix birds flew over a small village in Hunan province. The village was so beautiful that the birds never wanted to leave. This story was recited to me during my visit to Fenghuang, adding a mystery to this ancient town.

Fenghuang is a snapshot (快照) of idyllic (田园诗般的) village life in rural China. Set alongside the banks of the Tuojiang River, Fenghuang is full of small, winding alleys and surrounded by green hills. Having travelled directly from the bustling city of Changsha,

Fenghuang was a breath of fresh air.

When I visited Fenghuang, it was July. My friend and I excitedly explored, walking along the

ancient city wall and crossing the beautiful, old bridges. Despite the crowds of tourists, it seemed as if life in this corner of China had not changed for centuries. People were very relaxed. They were never bothered by the hot weather nor by the tourists, walking, eating and playing outdoors. On our first evening we bought spicy, cold no odles from a street ven dor and ate on the riverba nk as we watched the sun set.

We stayed in a small hotel similar to many of the traditional buildings in the village. Our room was built on high stilts (桩子)over the banks of the river. From our window we could hear the rush of the water and the sounds of excited
