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2、以e结尾的为了避免重复e,就直接加r,如 nicer、finer

3、以辅音字母(A 到 Z 除掉 A, E, I O, U, 一共 21 个)加y结尾的,把y改成i+er,如heavier、

4、以重读闭音节(单个元音字母后面有辅字组(r w y 除外)且以辅字组big,top,stop)结尾的,双写末尾辅音字母再加er,如bigger、thinner等

5、多音节和部分双音节的形容词、副词的比较级:前面加more,如:more interesting 等

6、规则变化good/well---better;bad/ill---worse;much/many---more;little--less;far--farther/f urther


一、Even(甚至)、a little、a bit :略微,一点,much、a lot 、far等程度词+比较级

如:much stronger中much+stronger(比较级);a little taller (比较级)

a lot more fun :fun的比较级为 more fun 所以 a lot +比较级


如 he is more interested in PE than Chinese 中than 引出比较对象Chinese (语文)注意:有了than(比)就要跟比较的对象,且比较的对象之间要相一致

如: He has more books than Jim (对) he 和Jim 是一致的:人与人比较,

His books are more than Jim (错)因为 His books 与Jim 不一致,故要改成Jim's



如: He has more books than Jim (does)这个does就是指代has,


He is more ethletic than Jim (is)也是同理

四:than 后面可以加代词的宾格、也可以加代词的主格

He has more books than her(宾格)

He has more books than she(does)主格



1、more and more,越来越。。。。(more指代形容词或副词的比较级,下同)

2、the more,the more :越。。。越。。。。

3、less 、more都可跟部分双音节或多音节形容词或者副词构成比较级,两者意刚好义相反

4、the more of the two :两者中更。。。的一个,

如 the taller of the twin brothers 双胞胎兄弟中更高的一个


Who is good at PE,Tom or Jim good改成better(看到or想到比较级)

She is a little outgoing than me outgoing 改成more outgoing

This box is much heavy 。Heavy 改成heavier

John's homework is much more than Jim 。Jim 改成Jim's

(看到 a little、a lot、much、even、far想到比较级)

He has much more homework than I (do)对

He has much more homework than me(对)

He has much more homework than me do错

(than后可跟主格,省略助动词,如例句1中的do;也可以跟宾格,但是后面没有助动词)I have few books than you 。Few 改成fewer

He does much work than me。Much改成more


My hair is longer than her 。Her改成hers=her hair

(比较的对象要一致,my hair 不能跟she 比较)

注意:very、too 、quite、so、as。。as只跟形容词、副词的原级,不跟比较级。

二、as ....as的形容词或者副词的原级比较,第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,如:

1、He is as tall as Jim (is)

2、He is as good at PE as anyone else(is)(任何一个其它人)

3、He has much money as she ( does)

否定形式:not as 。。。as 或者not so 。。。As。。。或者never/seldom/hardly so/ as 。。As

如 He is not so/as tall as Jim (is)

He doesn't have so/as much money as she ( does)

He never runs so/ as fast as Jim does

三、倍数的比较,经典例子:half an hou r,half(倍数词) 为:半倍,an hour:名词即:倍数词+名词:构成倍数的比较,

常见的倍数词用time(可数);two times =double:双倍、两倍;half:半倍,一半

表示大小、尺寸的名词:size、width(宽度)、length(长度)、height(高度),weight (重量)

This room is three times the size of that one 。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。The book is double(=two times)the weight of that one 。这书的重量是那本书的两倍。


This room is three times the size of that one 。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。=This room is three times as big as than that one。这个房间的大小是那个房间的
