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序号审核要素分数(0,1,2,NA)备注1Does your company have a Safety and Health Policy? 贵公司是否有健康及安全方针?2Is company registered by an international standards function,e.g. SA 8000, etc.? 是否有通过SA8000认证?3*Does company apply a recognized industry safety and health standard, e.g. "Electronics Industry Code of Conduct"?是否贯彻普遍认可的工业安全及健康标准,如”电子行业行为准则” ?4*Does company employ child labor except follow the suggestion of International Labor Organization defining in item 146? 是否有使用童工,除非符合国际劳工组织建议条款第146号规定?5*Does company use forced labor, or require worker to lodge “deposits” or identity papers? 是否有使用强迫性劳动或要求员工交纳”押金”或寄存身份证件?

6Does company provide workers with a clean and safe work environment?是否为员工提供清洁和安全的工作环境?7Are there posted evacuation plans in effect and are they

understood by all employees in case of fire or emergency?是否有火警及紧急事件撤离路线图,并被所有员工理解?8Are aisles clear of obstructions and are fire doors accessible and unlocked? 过道是否畅通无阻, 走火通道不能上锁, 可通行?9Are safety and fire protection equipment such as fire alarm system, fire extinguisher, fire hydrant etc. checked regularly to ensure they are effective and available? 安全及消防设施如警报系统,灭火器,消防栓等是否定期检查以确保有效可用?10Does company conduct regular fire drills? Review records.是否定期进行防火演习? 并应记录在案.

11Are precautions taken to protect workers at inherently

dangerous work stations? 对危险工位是否采取预防措施确保工12Does company use proper safe guards for rotating and moving equipment, heat danger equipment, high noise equipment, etc.?是否对旋转及运动的设备,热危险设备,高噪声设备等有安全隐患的设施采取适当的安全防护装置?Does company have MSDS application in the areas chemical used, including hazard identification information, firefighting methods, first aid method, accident control measures and 13personal protection?在化学物料使用的场所是否有安全信息卡(MSDS), 内容包括主要危害信息, 消防特性, 急救措施, 泄露处理和个人防护?14Does company have proper and legally acceptable chemical storage and distribution? 是否有正确合法的化学品存储及分发程序?

15Is adequate protection provided for employee use of toxic chemicals?对于使用有毒化学品的员工是否有充分的保护?16Is lighting adequate to perform work functions on all shifts?所有班次的工作及生产活动是否有充分的照明?17

Does company assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative?是否有指定一管理代表为全体员工的安全与健康负责?18

Is there evidence that safety and health issues are forwarded for periodic review by senior management? 是否有证据表明高级管理层就安全及健康问题有进行定期审查?19

Does company conduct safety training for all new employees and routinely for all employees? 是否对新进员工进行安全培训,并对所有员工进行经常性的安全培训?20

Is safety training given to personnel upon reassignment to a new job or work situation? 是否有对调职员工进行安全培训?21

Are identified hazards dealt with in an effective and timely fashion? 已识别的危险是否进行了有效及时的处理?22

Are bathroom facilities adequate in number for worker population and are workers able to use bathrooms as needed?洗手间相对员工数量是否足够,需要时员工是否能够使用?23

Are bathroom facilities functional, clean and sanitary? 洗手间是否可用,清洁,卫生?24

Do workers have access to potable water? Check test results.工人是否有可饮用的水? 检查饮用水检测报告.25

Is the supply of potable water sufficient to meet the needs of the worker population? 饮用水相对员工数量是否足够?26

Are dormitory facilities clean and sanitary, if provided? 如果提供宿舍,宿舍是否干净,卫生?27

Do dormitory facilities provide adequate space for the number of occupants?宿舍相对居住的人数,其空间是否足够?28

Are safeguards in place to assure the protection of workers against physical harm in these dormitories?是否保护设施确保员工在宿舍的人身安全?29Is there canteen sanitary qualification certification?食堂是否有卫生许可证?
