Unit 4 ——常用表示方位的介词和短语

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1. on


例如:Your book is on the desk. 你的书在课桌上面。

There is a ball on the floor. 地板上有个球。

拓展:above 和 over的区别



例如:There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。

The picture is hanging over the blackboard. 那张图挂在黑板的正上方。


例如:A plane flew above our heads. 一架飞机从我们头上飞过。

The Turners live above us. 特纳一家人住在我们的上面。

2. in


例如:Your pen is in the pencil case. 你的钢笔在铅笔盒里面。

She is the tallest in her class. 她是她们班最高的。

3. under


例如:My bike is under the tree. 我的自行车在树的下面。

The shoes are under the chair. 鞋在椅子的下面。

拓展:under和below 的区别


例如:There is a book under the table. 桌子下面有一本书。

A cat is sitting under the table.一只猫在桌子下面。


例如:He is below the average at school.他的学习成绩在水准以下。

He looked down at the hall below. 他瞧了瞧下面的大厅。

4. behind


例如:Your brother is behind the tree. 你的弟弟在树的后面。

She is standing behind her mother. 她站在她妈妈的后面。

5. next to

next to是由形容词next和介词to构成的介词短语表示“紧挨着、在某物的旁边”的意思。

例如:The table is next to the wall. 桌子紧挨着墙。

6. between


例如:Your desk is between the door and the window. 你的课桌位于门和窗户之间。

Lily sits between Mary and Ann. 丽丽坐在玛丽和安中间。


between指两者之间, among指三者或三者以上的人或物之间。

例如:The teacher is among the students.老师在学生们中间。

7. outside


例如:There are many people outside the room. 房间外有很多人。

What did you see outside the hall? 你在大厅外看见了什么?



例如:A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近建了一所医院。

My home is near the school. 我的家离学校很近。

9.in front of,in the front of

in front of 意为“在……前面” ,表示在物体外部的前面;in the front of表示“在……前部”,指在物体内部的前面。

例如:A river flows in front of the house.房子前有一条河。

There is a boy in the front of the car. 车的前座坐着一个小男孩。

10. around


例如:There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。

There are flowers around the stage. 舞台周围摆着鲜花。

11. at


例如:Let’s meet at the school gate. 我们在学校门口见面吧。

I get up at seven o’clock. 我七点起床。


Ⅰ. 把下列词组翻译成英语。

1. 在沙发上_____________

2. 在桌子底下____________

3. 在你的背包里____________

4. 在抽屉里___________

5. 在教室(外部)前面__________

Ⅱ. 单项选择。

1. Your computer is ______ to the door.

A. behind

B. on

C. in

D. next

2. The map is ____ the wall ____ our classroom.

A. on; on

B. of; on

C. on; at

D. on; of

3. Look! The window is _____ the wall and the picture is _____ the wall.

A. on; on

B. in; in

C. in; on

D. on; in

4. -Where is my ball? I can’t see it. Look! It’s _____ the door.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. behind

5. Sally is very happy. There is a big smile ______ her face.

A. on

B. to

C. in

D. at

6. My father is ill (生病), He is ______.

A. in bed

B. in the bed

C. on bed

D. on the bed
