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本文所说的-ever词主要包括whatever, whoever, whichever,whenever, wherever, however 等。由于它们在近几年的高考英语中一直比较热,再加上它用法难度大,所以许多同学对它们的用法一直比较头痛。为此,本文拟对其具体用法作一归纳,以帮助同学们正确把握这些词的用法。欢迎关注微信号80796072,每天为你传递最新高考资讯和提供最新考题!


它们都可用来引导状语从句(让步状语从句),其大意为“无论什么(是谁、哪一个、什么时候、什么地方、如何)”等,相当于英语中的no matter what (who,which, when, where, how)。如:

whatever [Nomatter what] you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。Whoever [Nomatter who] telephones, tell them I’ m out. 不管是谁打电话,都说我出去了。Whichever[No matter which] day you come, I’ll be pleased to see you. 无论你哪天来,我都欢迎。

Whenever [Nomatter when] you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。We found thepeople friendly wherever [no matter where] we went. 无论我们走到哪里,我们都发现人们很友好。

However [Nomatter how] much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少,他都不发胖。Phone mewhen you arrive, however late it is. 你到达之后就给我打电话,不论多么晚也要打。


1. 有时从句谓语可用情态动词。如:


正:I'll find him, wherever he is.

正:I'll find him, wherever he may be.


正:Keep calm,whatever happens.

正:Keep calm,whatever may happen.

2. whoever 的宾格也是whoever, 而不是whomever, 后者在现代英语已基本不用,有的词典已不收录此词。如:

Whoever you marry, make sure he can cook. 不管你跟谁结婚,他一定要会做饭才行。


The building must be saved, whatever the cost (is). 一定要挽救这座建筑,不管花多大代价。

whatever your argument (is), I shall hold to my decision. 不管你有什么理由,我都坚持我的决定。

I refuse,however favorable the conditions (are). 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。

4. 有时可省略从句中的动词be及其相应的主语。如:

I’d rather have a room of my own,however small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,也不愿意与别人合住一个房间。

A grammarrule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood. 一条语法规则,不管如何正确,除非能懂,否则毫无用处。



除引导状语从句外,whatever,whoever, whichever等还可引导名词性从句(主语从句或宾语从句)。如:

He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。

I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。

Whoever breaks the rules will be punished. 谁违反这些规则都将受到处罚。

I’ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。

Whichever team gains the most points wins. 哪个队得分最多,哪个队就赢。Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。



whatever[What ever] do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?

Whenever[When ever] did you find time to do it? 你什么时候有空做这事?

Wherever[Where ever] can the children be? 孩子们究竟会在哪里呢?

Whoever [Whoever] told you that? 到底是谁告诉你的呢?

Whichever[Whichever] did you choose? 你到底选了哪个?

However [However] did you escape? 你到底是怎样逃出来的?


1. or whatever诸如此类,类似的东西

You plug itinto a computer or whatever and it does the rest. 把它插入计算机之类的东西,其他的工作就由它来完成了。

Anyone seencarrying bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police. 警察看见谁拿着袋子、箱子或别的什么东西,就叫住谁。

2. or whenever或其他什么时候,或随便什么时候

He mightcome on Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever. 他也许星期一来,也许星期二来,或者其他随便哪个时候来。

3. orwherever 或其他类似地方,或随便什么地方

You may hearthe song at home, at school, or wherever. 在家,在学校或随便在哪里,你都可以听到这首歌。

4. or whoever 或者其他什么人,或者随便谁

When you're done with the book, just give it to Mary or Shelley or whoever. 当你看完这本书的时候,就把它交给玛丽,或谢莉,或其他什么人。

5. whatever you do 要紧的是,无论如何

Don’t miss the train, whatever you do. 千万不要误了火车。

whatever you do, don't mention my name. 无论如何,不要提起我的名字。

