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B. Receiving not
C. Not having received D. Having not
3.The secretary worked late into the night, B___ a
long speech for the president.
A. to prepare B. preparing
a tailor's shop.
(After )Finishing my work, I went out. Having told us a funny story, the teacher went on to explain the text to us
(3)-ing分词可以作原因状语,常放句首。 如: Being ill, he can't go to school. Not knowing her address, we couldn't get in
He turned off the light, seeing nothing.
5. -ing分词的复合结构 物主代词/人称代词/名词所属格或普通名词 +ing分词
(1) 作主语(须用物主代词或名词所属格)
His/Tom’s not being chosen made us disappointed.
3. ---ing分词的被动式
当-ing 分词与它的逻辑主语构成被 动关系时,需要用被动形式。根据-ing 分词动作发生的时间,-ing分词的被动 式分为一般被动式(being done)和完成被 动式(having been done), 如:
The question being discussed is very important.
is standing at the gate
另外,-ing分词的完成式不能作定语。例如 不可以说:The man having written many books is a former student of our school.应改为
The man who has written many books is…
(2)作宾语(除了物主代词和名词所有格,也可用普 通名词或代词宾格)
He was awakened by someone’s knocking
at the door.
They have never forgiven us going there. We don’t mind him explaining it again. My friend can’t understand your treating him like that.
had enjoyed his stay here.
A. having added B. to add
C. adding
D. added
6.“ Can’t you read?” Mary said __A_ to the notice. A. angrily pointing B. and pointed angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing
Having been praised by the teacher, he works even harder.
4. ---ing分词的句法功能
1) ---ing 分词作主语 Learning English has become a part of his life. It is no use trying to repair the ship. These holes are much too big.
(2)所修饰词的性质特征。如: exciting news 令人激动的消息 a moving story 一个令人感动的故事
(3)所修饰名词正在进行的动作,可以换成定语 从句形式。如:
a sleeping child (=a child who is sleeping) 正睡觉的孩子
a walking man (= a man who is walking) 正散步的男人 注:分词短语作定语须放在所修饰词之后,例 如:the man standing at the gate=the man who
--ing 分词的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示 的动作同时进行的一个动作;完成式表示 先于谓语动词动作之前的一个动作。如:
Walking along the street, he caught sight of an old friend of his.
Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations.
1. _A__ more attention, the tree could have grown
A. Given B.To give
C. Giving D. Having given
2._C__ a reply, he decided to write again.
A. Not receiving
A. having written
B. to be written
C. being written
D. written
1. –ing 分词的构成
一般式 doing
being done
完成式 having done having been done
否定式: not+ --ing/not having(been) done 不是 having not (been) done
2. 一般式和完成式的用法
5) 在see,hear,feel,watch,notice等感官动词后 可以用-ing形式做宾语补足语。这时-ing 形式 和句子的宾语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系, 并且-ing 形式表示宾语正在进行的动作。如:
He saw a boy climbing the tree. Do you hear someone knocking at the door? 有人敲门你听见了吗?
C. prepared D was preparing
4. She’s upstairs _D__ letters.
A. writes B. is writing
C. write D writing
5. The visiting Minister expressed his
satisfaction with his talks,C__ that he
8. The computer center, _D__ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.
A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened
9. The first textbooks_D__ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
Make them easier for you to remember !
避免 错过 少延期 avoid miss put off/ postpone 建议 完成 多练习 suggest finish practise 喜欢 想像 禁不住 enjoy imagine can’t help 承认 否定 与嫉妒 admit deny envy 逃避 冒险 莫原谅 escape risk excuse 忍受 保持 不介意 stand keep mind
Compare: Did you notice a man enter the room just now? 你注意到有个人刚才进了屋子吗?
6)-ing分词作状语 (1)-ing分词在句中可以作伴随状语,常放于
句后,表示主语正在进行的另一个动作,来对 谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰或作主要陪衬。 如:
2) ---ing分词作宾语 以下动词必须跟---ing分词作宾语:admit/
appreciate/avoid/consider/delay/deny/dislike/enjoy /escape/excuse//fancy/finish/imagine/keep/mind/ miss/postpone/put off/practise/resist/risk/stand/ stop/ suggest/ give up/cannot help(禁不住)
(3)作状语 (须用普通名词或主格代词,亦称 独立主格结构) Time permitting, we’ll deal with the text. The boy was playing with a ball, his mother standing nearby.
典型错误: Reading in bed in my room, someone knocked Raetathdeindgoionr.b应ed改in为m:y room, I heard someone knocking at the door. I reading in bed in my room, someone knocked at the door.
regret 遗憾去做某事
mean 打算/想做某事 意味着做某事
go on (做完某事)接着去 继续做同一件事 做另一件事
stop 停下来去做另一件事 停止做一件事
try 努力去做某事
3)--ing 分词作表语。如: Our job is playing all kinds of music. The music they are playing sounds so exciting.
They sat in front of the building, laughing and
He worked late yesterday, preparing for the
lecture. (2)-ing分词可以作时间状语,常放在句首,
如: (When)Walking in the street,I caught sight of
注:一般来讲,--ing分词作表语有两种情况, 一是名词性,这时主语和表语可以互换。即: Playing all kinds of music is our job. 二是形容词性,表示主语的性质和特征, 主表不可互换。
4) -ing分词作定语可以表示 (1) 所修饰名词的用途。如: a waiting room(=a room for waiting) 候车室 a walking stick(=a stick for walking) 手杖 a sleeping car (= a car for sleeping) 卧车
Walking across the street, a car knocked him down.应改为:
Walking across the street, he was knocked down by a car. He walking across the street, a car knocked him down.
touch with her. Having lived in the city for many years, he
knows it very well.
Turning to the right, you’ll find the post office there. (5)-ing分词可以作结果状语,常放句末。
是:advise, delay, appreciate, consider, be worth,
feel like eFra Baidu bibliotekc.
to do sth.
doing sth.
forget 忘记去做某事 忘记已经做过某事
remember 记住去做某事 记住曾做过某事