

1.judiciary n. (总称)法官, 审判官

Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks. 法官至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。

2.Cinematograph 电影摄影机或放映机

3.Tranquilizer 镇静剂,安静药

They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer.


4.germinate 使某物发芽,萌芽

Warmth is needed for the seeds to germinate.


5.dormant 潜伏的,休眠的

He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.


6.loophole n. 漏洞,空子

They tightened the loopholes in those acts.


7.crony n. (有权势者的)密友,朋友

He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his crony.


8.sooty adj. 煤烟熏黑的,乌黑的

Deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific, valued for food.


9.inexplicable adj. 无法解释的;神秘的

Her inexplicable absence worried me.


10.twilit adj. 微明的,昏暗的

The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn-Henry Fielding; the twilight glow of the sky; a boat on a twilit river.

11.loathing n. 厌恶,憎恨

They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.


12.nudge n.用肘轻推;讨厌的人vt.用肘轻推;一再劝说某人做某事

I gave him a nudge and he understood at once.


13.perilous adj. 危险的

They are perilous close to the edge of the precipice.


14.analogous adj. 相似的, 可比拟的

Brains and computers are often considered analogous.


15.colossal adj. 巨大的

Some of the tall buildings in that city are colossal.


16.corpus n. (书面的, 有时为口语的)资料, 文集, 汇编

I've got the corpus of Shakespeare's works.


17.capricious adj. 无定见的,变幻莫测的

We can't go camping while the weather is so capricious.



Coupled with the affect of grow apace of market economy and global economics, meager profit will become to a reality problem.


19.abate vt. & vi.减少,减轻,减退;消除

The storm began to abate slightly.


20.ambience n.环境,气氛

This restaurant has a pleasant ambience.


21.annihilate vt.(彻底)消灭,歼灭

We annihilated the enemy.


22.articulate adj. 表达能力强的

Articulate speech is very important.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a7539629.html,arre adj. 奇形怪状的,怪诞的

They saw a bizarre animal in the lake.


24.cranky adj.古怪的

By now Art was gettting a little cranky. " What special person?" he asked the voice.


25.dwindle vi. 逐渐变少或变小

The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling.


26.exasperate vt. 激怒,触怒

We were exasperated at his ill behaviour.


27.evasive adj. 逃避的;推托的

She gave an evasive answer.


28.fallacious adj. 谬误的;虚妄的

an argument that appears good at first view but is really fallacious 初看有效实际谬误的论证

29. blaspheme vt. 亵渎;咒骂,辱骂vi. 说亵渎的话;口出恶言

I believe in freedom of speech and of contract, the right to offend and

blaspheme, as well as the right to convert and bear witness.


30. buoyant adj. 轻快的;有浮力的;上涨的

It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.


31. druggist n. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板

The druggist owns a small store.


32. eccentric adj. 古怪的,反常的

The old lady has some eccentric habits.


33. exhortation n. 讲道词,训词;劝告

This is an exhortation for us too.


34. fortitude 坚毅,坚忍不拨

. A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.


35. frantic adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的

Frantic efforts were made escape the sinking ship.


36. haggard adj. 憔悴的;野性的n. 野鹰

He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。

37. heedless adj. 不注意的;不留心的

Don't stumble, you heedless little thing.


38. hereditary adj. 遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的 n. [数]遗传类

In principle , mumbership in these three groups is not hereditary.


39. impetuous adj. 冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的

I can't stand my impetuous individuality!


40. inquisitive adj. 好奇的;好问的,爱打听的

Not finding the answer within ourselves, our children's inquisitive mind harassed matter adults, and again found no clear correct answer.


41. inasmuch adv. 因…的原因

And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children.


42. inexorable adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的Conducting adult education in the institutions of high learning is the inexorable trend of social development and education in our country.


43. knead vt. 揉合,揉捏;按摩;捏制

A baker is knead ing a dough.


44. languid adj. 倦怠的;呆滞的;软弱无力的

As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.


45. loath adj. 勉强的;不情愿的(等于loth)

The little girl was loath to leave her mother.


46. mercenary adj. 雇佣的;唯利是图的n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者

'In the most mercenary way, it's friends for hire.


47. lunatic adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;愚蠢的n. 疯子;疯人

They say lunatic people are making the English word book.


48. menace n. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁vt. 威胁;恐吓

America has no strategic interests in North Korea beyond stopping it from being a menace.


49. mortify vt. 抑制;苦修;使…感屈辱vi. 禁欲;苦行;约束

Forgetting the introductory remarks really mortified me.


50. novice n. 初学者,新手

At skiing he is not a novice.


51. obstinacy n. 固执,顽固;(病痛等的)难治,难解除

I resisted the proposal with obstinacy.


52. ominous adj. 预兆的;不吉利的

His voice, for all its lightness, had an ominous ring.


53. pastry n. 油酥点心;面粉糕饼

You eat too much pastry.


54. pathetic adj. 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的

Let us work together to end Taiwan's pathetic past and create prestige and happiness for the people.


55. plebeian adj. 平民的;普通的;粗俗的n. 平民;百姓;粗俗的人Because iron has a plebeian temperament.


56. prodigal adj. 挥霍的;十分慷慨的n. 浪子;挥霍者

A miserly father makes a prodigal son.


57. pry vt. 撬动,撬开vi. 刺探,探查n. 窥探;杠杆

to pry money from a miser


58. pique vt. 刺激;伤害…自尊心;激怒n. 生气;愠怒;呕气

He was pique d by her indifference.


59. russet adj. 黄褐色的,赤褐色的

The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.


60. repulse vt. 拒绝;驱逐;憎恶n. 拒绝;击退

Do not, for one repulse, forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort.


61. sanctity n. 圣洁;尊严;神圣不可侵犯性

It is about friendship , use as sanctity or as a weapon.


62. sane adj. 健全的;理智的;神志正常的

But most of the protesters are sane.


63. sanguine adj. 乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的vt. 血染;以血沾污n. 血红色

Samson is a sanguine person.


64. scowl n. 愁容;怒容;阴沉沉的样子vi. 皱眉;怒视vt. 皱眉表示;对…沉下脸

The child was frightened by his father's scowl.


65. scuttle n. 天窗;煤桶;筐vi. 逃避;急促地跑vt. 使船沉没;破坏

. He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so.


66. sordid adj. 肮脏的;卑鄙的;利欲熏心的;色彩暗淡的

It was a sordid war.


67. seethe vi. 沸腾;冒泡;激动vt. 使浸透;使煮沸n. 沸腾;感情等的迸发

It makes my lukewarm water seethe.


68. supplication n. 恳求;祈祷

Then hear thou in heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.


69. triumphal adj. 凯旋的,胜利的

The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him.


70. temporal adj. 暂时的;当时的;现世的n. 世间万物;暂存的事物

. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.


71. treatise n. 论述;论文;专著

The work at hand is not a theoretical treatise .


72. weird adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的n. (苏格兰)命运;预言

Why would I be jealous of some weird actor?


73. verdure n. 碧绿

Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us.


74. wistful adj. 渴望的;留恋的;沉思的

Her wistful face haunt my dreams like the rain at night.


75. wretchedness n. 可怜;悲惨;不幸

The rag of wretchedness and the purple robe of power, all differences and distinctions lose in the democracy of death.


76. vomit vt. 吐出;使……呕吐vi. 呕吐;吐出n. 呕吐;呕吐物;催吐剂He vomit ed all the food he had eaten.


77. wince vi. 畏缩,退避n. 畏缩;脸部肌肉的抽搐

The girl wince d when the needle went in.


78. yore n. 昔时,从前

Every election throws up an identikit swing voter—"Mondeo man" and "Worcester woman" in campaigns of yore—whose demographic group is said to hold the key to the outcome.


79. unison n. 和谐;齐唱;[音]同度;同音

In short, stellar orbits can move in unison even if the stars themselves do not.


80. vehement adj. 激烈的,猛烈的;热烈的

I resent her vehement suspicious about my motives.


81. vagabond adj. 流浪的;流浪者的;浪荡的;漂泊的n. 流浪者;浪子;流氓;懒汉vi. 到处流浪

We change the place to Vagabond Cafe at this day.


82. miscellaneous adj. 混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的

On display, cannot too miscellaneous, and must have contemporary feeling.


83. tribunal n. 法庭;裁决;法官席

. A trial by such a military tribunal.


84. suckle vt. 给…哺乳;吮吸;养育vi. 吃奶

It's time to suckle my baby.


85. symptomatic adj. 有症状的;症候的

Fever is symptomatic of illness.


86. soluble adj. 可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的

To wash or percolate the soluble matter from.


87. rabble n. 乌合之众;暴民;下层社会;(搅炼用的)长柄耙vt. 聚众闹事;用长柄耙搅拌

The clergymen of the Christian Church were often rabble d in the civil war.


88. perpendicular adj. 垂直的,正交的;直立的;陡峭的n. 垂线;垂直的位置

A perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre and bisects the arc.


89. oblique adj. 斜的;不光明正大的n. 倾斜物vi. 倾斜

The cutting mechanics of the process is modeled using both mechanistic and orthogonal to oblique cutting transformation approaches.


90. obstruct vt. 妨碍;阻塞;遮断vi. 阻塞;设障碍

to obstruct the development of good relations between the two countries 妨碍两国间友好关系的发展

91. hamper vt. 妨碍;束缚;使困累n. 食盒,食篮;阻碍物

A steady rain hamper ed the progress of the work.


92. mangle vt. 乱砍;轧布;损坏

She was knocked down by a car and badly mangle d.


93. imminent adj. 即将来临的;迫近的

If he was not in imminent danger, they would not to take this sort of action.


94. fraternity n. 友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, us Chinese want these too.


95. famish vi. 挨饿vt. 使挨饿

They are . famish . for food.


96. expenditure n. 支出,花费;经费,消费额

The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal.


97. emulation n. 仿真;竞争;效法

By means of emulation and debugging, we have obtained satisfactory effect.


98. dogged adj. 顽强的;顽固的vt. 跟踪;尾随(dog的过去式)

The police dogged the thief.


99. copse n. 杂树林;小灌木丛

In the middle of the day they set the hounds into a ravine covered with thickly growing young copse.


100. daunt vt. 使气馁,使畏缩;威吓

They were daunt ed by the amount of work still to be done.




1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons) 2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good 3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。 Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all ,替换most. 5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some 6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that替think (因为是书面语,所以要加that) 7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing 8: shared 代common 9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits ) 10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion 11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 12.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly 13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful, 14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer 15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very 16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替换unnecessary, avoidable 17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in 18.capture one's attention替换attract one's attention. 19.facet,demension,sphere代aspect 20.be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代indicate, suggest ,fear 21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause. 22. There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth 23.desire 替换want. 24.pour attention into 替换pay attention to 25.bear in mind that 替换remember 26. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思) 27. interaction替换communication 28.frown on sth替换be against , disagree with sth 29.to name only a few, as an example替换for example, for instance 30. next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible


一到一百的英语单词 1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 ninetee 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 60 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven sixty 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 31thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine 40 forty 41 fourty-one 42 fourty-two 43 fourty-three 44 fourty-four 45 fourty-five 46 fourty-six 47 fourty-seven 48 fourty-eight 49 fourty-nine 50 fifty 51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifity-six 57 fifity-seven 58 fifty-eight 59 fifity-nine 60 sixty 61 sixty-one 62 sixty-two 63 sixty-three 64 sixty-four 65 sixty-five 66 sixty-six 67 sixty-seven 68 sixty-eight 69 sixty-nine 70 seventy 71 seventy-one 72 seventy-two 73 seventy-three 74 seventy-four 75 seventy-five 76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven 78 seventy-eight 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty 81 eighty-one 82 eighty-two 83 eighty-three 84 eighty-four 85 eighty-five 86 eighty-six 87 eighty-seven 88 eighty-eight 89 eighty-nine


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.


英语单词大全 一.学习用品(school things) 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-case 尺子ruler 书book 书包schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信片postcard 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary 二.人体(body) 脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose 嘴mouth 眼睛eye 耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand 手指hand 腿leg 尾巴tail 身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马horse 大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鹰eagle 鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird 蛇snake 老鼠mouse

松鼠squirrel 熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion 老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose 母鸡hen 火鸡turkey 小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹seal 抹香鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend 男孩boy 女孩girl 母亲mother 父 亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟brother 叔叔;舅舅uncle 男人man 女人woman 先生Mr. 小姐Miss女士lady 妈妈mom 爸爸dad 父母parents(外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父grandpa/grandfather 姑姑aunt 儿子son 婴儿baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid 同学classmate 女王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbors 校长principal 大学生university student 笔友pen pal 旅行者tourist 人物people 机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher 学生student 医生doctor 护士nurse 司机driver 农民farmer 歌唱家singer (男)警察policeman 作家writer 男演员 actor 女演员actress 画家artist 电视台记者TV reporter 工程师engineer


★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken .) 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental=evil= baneful =undesirable =harmful=inhumane(无人道的) 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的: energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 12. 普遍的: everywhere=widespread=prevalent=overflow=rampant 13. 富有的: rich=wealthy=affluent 14. 贫穷的: poor=impoverished 15. 严重的:serious=severe (严厉的) 16. 便宜的:cheap=economical=inexpensive 17. 重要的:key=crucial=critical=important=significant=vital=substantial= indispensable=imperative 18. 急剧地:dramatically=drastically=sharply=hugely=enormously=steeply =substantially=considerably=significantly=markedly=surprisingly=strikingly=radically= remarkably=vastly=noticeably 19. 平稳地:steadily=smoothly=slightly=slowly=marginally=gradually=moderately= mildly 20. 有益的:useful=helpful=beneficial= profitable= rewarding= advantageous 21. 明显的:clear=obvious= evident= self-evident= manifest= apparent= crystal-clear ; ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= advance=promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with=tackle=address(*)=handle 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture=agriculture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = believe=insist=maintain=conclude=deem=assert= hold = claim = argue =be convinced=be firmly convinced=be fully convinced 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold= conserve 保护资源 10. 有害于,破坏,损害:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize= break=damage=hurt=injure=harm=jeopardize=devastate (抽象)


1.学习用品(school things) 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-case 尺子ruler 书book 书包schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信片postcard 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary 二.人体(body) 脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose 嘴mouth 眼睛eye 耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand 手指hand 腿leg 尾巴tail 身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰gray 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马horse 大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鹰eagle 鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird 蛇snake 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel 熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion 老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose 母鸡hen 火鸡turkey 小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹seal 抹香鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend 男孩boy 女孩girl 母亲mother 父亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟 brother叔叔;舅舅 uncle 男人man 女人woman 先生Mr. 小姐Miss 女士lady 妈妈mom爸爸dad 父母parents (外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父 grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt 儿子son 婴儿baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid 同学classmate 女王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbors 校长principal 大学生university student 笔友pen pal 旅行者tourist 人物people 机器人robot


1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard


1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 31 thirty-one 41 forty-one 51 fifty-one 32 thirty-two 42 forty-two 52 fifty-two 33 thirty-three 43 forty-three 53 fifty-three 34 thirty-four 44 forty-four 54 fifty-four 35 thirty-five 45 forty-five 55 fifty-five 36 thirty-six 46 forty-six 56 fifty-six 37 thirty-seven 47 forty-seven 57 fifty-seven 38 thirty-eight 48 forty-eight 58 fifty-eight 39 thirty-nine 49 forty-nine 59 fifty-nine 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 61 sixty-one 71 seventy-one 81 eighty-one 62 sixty-two 72 seventy-two 82 eighty-two 63 sixty-three 73 seventy-three 83 eighty-three 64 sixty-four 74 seventy-four 84 eighty-four 65 sixty-five 75 seventy-five 85 eighty-five 66 sixty-six 76 seventy-six 86 eighty-six 67 sixty-seven 77 seventy-seven 87 eighty-seven 68 sixty-eight 78 seventy-eight 88 eighty-eight 69 sixty-nine 79 seventy-nine 89 eighty-nine 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 91 ninety-one 101 one hundred (and) one 199 one hundred (and) ninety-nine 92 ninety-two 102 one hundred (and) two 999 nine hundred (and) ninety-nine 93 ninety-three 103 one hundred (and) three 1000 one thousand 94 ninety-four 104 one hundred (and) four 1001 one thousand (and) one 95 ninety-five 105 one hundred (and) five 1100 one thousand one hundred


100个常用英语单词分类表 1. 动物类(animals) (看特)(配各)(到各)(日乌爱背特)(毛斯)(爱雷分特) cat猫pig猪dog狗rabbit兔子mouse老鼠elephant大象 (盼得)(太各)(大克)(飞事)(败得)(忙KA) panda熊猫tiger老虎duck鸭子fish鱼bird鸟monkey猴子 (吃A肯)(来恩)(谁破)(号斯)(这日阿副)(该乌特)chicken小鸡lion狮子sheep绵羊horse马giraffe长颈鹿goat山羊 (窝副)(够斯)(斯内克)(败)(看各入)(开奥) wolf狼goose鹅snake蛇bear熊kangaroo袋鼠cow奶牛 2. 颜色(colour) (不录)(入爱的)(外特)(夜楼)(各锐恩) blue蓝red红white白yellow黄green绿 (不烂克)(瓶克)(泼泡)(波让恩)(奥锐恩只) black黑pink粉红purple紫brown棕orange橙 3. 身体部位(body) (嗨的)(嗨额)(爱)(A额)(NOZ)(费斯)(耐克) head 头hair头发eye眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子face脸neck 脖子 (啊么)(来个)(佛奥特)(毛付)(汗的)(飞音个)(特哦) arm手臂leg腿foot脚mouth嘴hand手finger手指toe 脚趾 4. 数字(numbers) (玩)(吐)(斯锐)(佛奥)(佛爱付)(斯A克斯)(赛问)(A特)(耐恩)(太恩)(A来问) one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten 十eleven十一(特外物)(色听)(佛听)(飞佛听)(斯A克斯听)(赛问听) twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七 (A听)(耐恩听)(团特A)(色特A)(佛奥特A)eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十twenty-one 二十一thirty三十forty四十 (飞佛特A)(斯A克斯特A)(赛问特A)(A特A)(耐恩特A)(玩夯捉额的) fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十one hundred一百 (佛额斯特)(赛肯的)(斯额的)(佛奥次)(佛爱付次)(斯A克斯次)(赛问次) first 第一second第二third第三forth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七 (A次)(耐恩次)(太恩次) eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十 5. 时间日期(time) year年season四季week周 A.M. (a.m.) morning上午P.M. (p.m.) afternoon下午 day日spring春天summer夏天fall秋天winter冬天yesterday昨天 tomorrow 明天Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期天weekend周末 Jan.(January) 一月Feb. (February) 二月Mar. (March) 三月Apr. (April) 四月 May五月June六月July七月Aug. (August) 八月Sept. (September) 九月 Oct. (October) 十月Nov. (November) 十一月Dec. (December) 十二月 6. 天气和温度(weather) cold冷的cool凉爽的warm温暖的hot热sunny晴朗的cloudy多云的


1. A number of --- many/ a lot of 2. A great deal of ---a lot of 3. A great many --- al lot of 4. A great variety of ----- many kinds of 5. A variety of --- many kind of 6. Abundant -sufficient -ample –enough 7. A small sum of – little money 8. Adequate --- enough 9. A majority of --- most of 10. Approximately – almost 11. Above all --- the most important thing 12. accelerate – increase 13. Accuse sb of doin ---- charge sb with doin 14. Acquire---gain/ obtain 15. Acquaintance ---friend /company 16. ….are highly condemned ---- people criticize..Badly 17. advocate –call for 18. adversity – hardship 19. afford to – can pay for 20. attribute to – because of 21. Assailed by --- troubled by 22. Anticipate ---foresee/ predict/foretell


数字1---100 1 one [ w^n ] 2 two: [ tu: ] 3 three: [ θri: ] 4 four: [ fo: ] 5 five: [ faiv ] 6 six: [ siks ] 7 seven: [ 'seven ] 8 eight: [ eit ] 9 nine: [ nain ] 10 ten: [ ten ] 11 eleven: [ i'leven ] 12 twelve: [ twelv ] 13 thirteen: [ 'θ?:'ti:n ] 14 fourteen: [ 'fo:'ti:n ] 15 fifteen: [ 'fif'ti:n ] 16 sixteen: [ 'siks'ti:n ] 17 seventeen: [ 'seven'ti:n ] 18 eighteen: [ 'ei'ti:n ] 19 nineteen [ 'nain'ti:n ] 20 twenty: [ 'twenti ] 接下来的21~29 都是在twenty: [ 'twenti ] 后加1~9的数字,直接拼一样的 30 thirty: [ 'θe:ti ] 40 forty: [ 'fo:ti ] 50 fifty: [ 'fifti ] 60 sixty [ 'siks'ti] 70 seventy [ 'seven'ti] 80 eighty [ 'ei'ti] 90 ninety [ 'nainti ] 100 a hundred: [ 'handred] 星期一至星期日 星期一:Monday [m?ndei] 星期二:Tuesday [tju:zdei] 星期三:Wednesday [w?nsedi]星期四:Thursday [θ?:zdei] 星期五:Friday [fraidei] 星期六:Saturday [s?t?dei] 星期天:Sunday [[s?ndei] 一至十二月 一月January[?d??nju?ri] 二月February[?febru?ri] 三月March[mɑ:t?] 四月April[?eipr?l] 五月May[mei] 六月June[d?u:n] 七月July[d?u:?lai]八月August[??:ɡ?st] 九月September[s?p?temb?] 十月October[?k?t?ub?] 十一月November[n?u?vemb?] 十二月December[di?semb?]


小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译) book明信片postcard报纸newspaper包bag橡皮eraser蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book英语书English book数学书math book杂 志magazine词典dictionary食品、饮料(food and drink)米 饭rice面包bread牛肉beef牛奶milk水water蛋egg鱼fish 豆腐tofu蛋糕cake热狗hot dog 猪肉pork汉堡包hamburger炸薯条French fries曲奇cookie饼干biscuit果酱jam面条noodle肉meat鸡肉chicken羊肉mutton蔬菜vegetable沙拉salad汤soup冰ice冰激凌ice-cream可乐Coke果汁juice茶tea咖啡coffee早餐breakfast午餐lunch晚餐dinner介词(prep、)在…里in 在…上;在…时候on 在…下面under 在…的旁边near 在…后边behind 与…相邻next to 在…上面over 在…前面in front of洗 wash洗衣服wash the clothes 喝水drink water 洗碗do the dishes 打扫clean 扫地sweep the floor 打扫卧室clean the bedroom打扫房间clean the room倒垃圾empty the trash收拾衣服put away the clothesbe动词am is are was werenice[ nais ]好的 meet[ mi:t ]见面;遇见;go[ ɡ?u ]去to[tu:]给;对 afternoon[,ɑ:ft?:nu:n]下午午后、too[ tu: ]也;太学习用品(school things)钢笔pen铅笔pencil铅笔盒pencil-case尺子ruler书book书包schoolbag漫


1【be】 Proves, seems, serve as …, plays a role in… 2【important】 significant, essential, considerable, indispensable, necessary, crucial, vital, key, manifest, decisive, urgent of great importance 3【加状语】 in people’s daily life in the economic advancement in the development of our country during the process of globalization 4【be because of】 be reasoning/due/owing to , arise/derive/originate from, 5【一系列】 a chain of , a trail of , a series of a host of , numerous 6【said】 reported, known, accepted believed, acknowledged 7【添加副词】 Widely, generally, universally commonly, seldom barely, rarely, hardly 8【层次】 first, second, third To begin with, Besides, Last but not least On the one hand, on the other, In addition Most importantly, In terms of , Overall 9【总结】 consequently, as a consequence Generally speaking It is easy to come to the conclusion that… 10 It is high time that +did(是做某件事情非常紧急和迫切的时刻了。) 翻译:我们必须马上解决这个问题。 It is high time that we took effective measures to solve it. The situation is so severe. The situation being so severe, it is high time that we took effective measures to resolve it. It is important/ necessary/ urgent that +should do 翻译:我们必须制订(work out)一些法律法规(laws and regulations)来解决这个问题。 It is imperative that laws and regulations should be worked out to …… 【very】 Significantly/essentially + important Very + adj. adv.+ adj. 【Different】 various, a variety of, vary from person to person People’s opinions are various. People have a variety of opinions. People’s opinions vary from person to person. 【Think】 believe, suppose, argue 【thing】 Issue, problem, topic, stuff


小学英语单词大全 一.学习用品(school things) 二.人体(body) 脚foot头head脸face头发hair鼻子nose嘴mouth眼睛eye耳朵ear手臂arm手hand手指hand腿leg尾巴tail身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white黑black粉红pink 紫p urple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig鸭duck兔rabbit马horse 大象elephant蚂蚁ant鱼fish鹰eagle鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird蛇snake 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey熊猫panda狮子lion老虎tiger狐狸fox斑马zebra长颈鹿giraffe鹅goose母鸡hen火鸡turkey小羊lamb绵羊sheep山羊goat奶牛cow驴donkey鱿鱼squid龙虾lobster鲨鱼shark 海豹seal抹香鲸sperm whale虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend男孩boy女孩girl母亲mother父亲father姐妹sister兄弟brother叔叔;舅舅uncle男人man女人woman先生mr.小姐miss女士lady妈妈mom爸爸dad父母parents(外)祖母grandma/grandmother(外)祖父grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt儿子son婴儿baby堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin小孩kid同学classmate女王queen参观者visitor邻居ne ighbors校长principal 大学生university student笔友pen pal旅行者tourist人物people机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher学生student医生doctor护士nurse司机driver 农民farmer歌唱家singer(男)警察policeman作家writer男演员actor女演员actress画家artist电视台记者tv reporter工程师engineer会计accountant销售员salesperson清洁工cleaner棒球运动员baseball player 售货员assistant(女)警察policewoman 七.食品、饮料(food and drink) 米饭rice面包bread牛肉beef牛奶milk水water蛋egg鱼fish豆腐t ofu蛋糕cake热狗hot dog猪肉pork汉堡包hamburger炸薯条french fries曲奇cookie饼干biscuit果酱jam面条noodle肉meat鸡肉chicken羊肉mutton蔬菜vegetable沙拉salad汤soup冰ice冰激凌ice-cream可乐coke果汁juice茶tea咖啡coffee早餐breakfast午餐lunch晚餐dinner 十八.星期( week ) 星期一monday 星期二tuesday星期三wednesday 星期四thursday 星期五friday 星期六saturday星期日sunday周末weekend 十九.月份(months) 一月份january(jan.)二月份february(feb.) 三月份march(mar.)四月份april (apr)五月份may (may)六月份june(jun) 七月份july(jul) 八月份august(aug.) 九月份september(sept.) 十月份october(oct.) 十一月 november(nov.)十二月december(dec.) 二十.季节( seasons ) 春spring 夏summer秋fall冬winter 二十一.方位(directions)
