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Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill.


Please allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Jianxin Hong. I am deputy managing director of the Sino-Americ an Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.

4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。

It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance .

5. 我们去取行李吧。

We wil go there and pick up the luggage .

4.久闻先生大名, 我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。

I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies.


It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months.


We will provide you with two lab assistants,and If necessary, we would like to i nvite one of your associates to join us.


If you don’t mind, we would like to accommodate you in Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a forty-minutes drive from our lab.


The company will pay for the hotel rooms.


Our guesthouse, a small familystyle apartment building

is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel. The guesthouse is located in Zhangjiang High –teck Park of pudong on the other side of Huangpu River ,a beautiful and peaceful environment that has never failed to attract any visitor.


In any case, I hope you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city. 13.我们会尽力为您服务,使你们在上海有一种舒适如归的感觉。

We will do everything we can do to accommodate you and make you comfort able .


If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, don’t hesi

tate to let me know and I will be very glad to help you out.


Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight, and we would like you and your family come to the dinner this evening to meet our managing director .

16.我们晚上再见。 I will see you again then.


1.Your 4 Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen:


2.I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.


2.On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.


4.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and people of my country.

