Classification of English vowels

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(2).Central vowels中元音: The central part of the tongue is held highest.
Consisting of / ɜ: / / ə / / ʌ /
(3)Back vowels后元音: Raising the back of the tongue higher than the rest of it.
4.length of the vowels元音的长度
The position of the tongue in the mouth
(1).Front vowels前元音: The front part of the tongue maintains the highest
Including / i: / / i / / e / / æ / / ɑ /
Covering / ɔ: / / ɒ / / u: / / ʊ / / ɑ: /
The openness of the mouth
(1).Close vowels:/ i: / / i / / u: / / ʊ /
(2).Semi-close vowels:/ e / / ɜ: /
(3).Semi-open vowels:/ ə / / ɔ: /
Comprising / i: / / i / / e / / æ / / ɑ / / ɜ: / / ə / / ʌ / (2).Round: all the back vowels except / ɑ: / Being made up of / ɔ: / / ɒ / / u: / / ʊ /
Length of the vowels
through the larynx and oral cavity. Letters that are not vowels are consonants.
Spoken English has approximately 20 distinct vowel sounds, though there are dialectal variations.
(4).Open vowels:/ æ / / ɑ / / ʌ / / ɑ: / / ɒ /
The shape of the lips
(1).Unround: all the front vowels and the central vowals , without
rounding the lips
(1).Long vowels(monophthongs): Long vowels are all tense vowels;
TБайду номын сангаасe larynx is in a state of tension.
(2).Short vowels(diphthongs):The short vowels are lax vowels; The larynx is quite relaxed. / eɪ / / aɪ / / ɔɪ / / aʊ / / əʊ / / ɪə / / eə / / ʊə /
Vowel sounds are differentiated by a number of factors:
1.the position of the tongue in the mouth舌位高低;发音时舌活动的 范围 2.the openness of the mouth口的张开程度; 3.the shape of the lips圆唇与否;发音时的唇形
(2)A vowel is a letter of the alphabet (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y) that
represents a speech sound created by the relatively free passage of breath
definition, a vowel is defined as syllabic, the sound that forms the peak of a syllable. A
phonetically equivalent but non-syllabic sound is a semivowel. • In oral languages, phonetic vowels normally form the peak (nucleus) of many to all syllables, whereas consonants form the onset and (in languages that have them) coda.
(3)In phonetics, a vowel is a sound in spoken language, with two competing definitions. In
the more common phonetic definition, a vowel is a sound pronounced with an open vocal tract, so that the tongue does not touch the lips, teeth, or roof of the mouth. There is no build-up of air pressure at any point above the glottis. This contrasts with consonants, which have a constriction or closure at some point along the vocal tract. In the other, phonological
Classification of English vowels
Definition of Vowels
(1)Vowel is used to refer to either the speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the mouth, the teeth, etc, or to the letter that represents such a sound.