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剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(一)动物Animal 1.a nimal 2.b ird 鸟 3.c at 猫4.c hicken 5.c ow 奶 6.c rocodile 7.d og 狗8.d uck 鸭9.e lephant 10.fish 11.frog 12.giraffe 13.goat 14.hippo 15.horse 16.lizard 17.monkey 18.mouse/m 19.sheep 20.snake 21.spider 22.tail 23.tiger 24.zoo


1.a pple

2.b anana

3.b ean 豆

4.b read

5.b reakfast

6.b urger

7.c ake 蛋

8.c arrot

9.c hicken 10.chips 11.fries 12.coconut 13.dinner 14.drink 15.eat 16.egg 17.fish 18.food 19.fruit 20.grape 21.ice

22.juice 23.lemon 24.lemonad 25.lime 26.lunch 27.mango 28.meat k 30.onion 31.orange 32.pea 33.pear


34.pineappl35.potato 36.rice 37.sausage 38.supper 39.tomato 40.water 41.waterme

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(三)Home 家

1.a partment

2.f lat 公

3.a rmchair

4.b ath 沐

5.b athroom

6.b ed 床

7.b edroom

8.b ookcase

9.b ox 盒10.camera 11.chair 12.clock pute14.cupboar15.desk 16.dining 17.doll 18.door 19.flower 20.garden 21.hall 22.house 23.kitchen mp 25.living 26.mat 27.mirror 28.painting 29.phone 30.picture 31.radio 32.room 33.sleep 34.sofa 35.table 36.televisio 37.toy 38.tree 39.wall 40.watch 41.window


剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(四)家庭Family 1.b aby 2.b oy 男3.b rother 4.c hild/child 5.c ousin 堂6.d ad/daddy 7.f amily 8.f ather 9.f riend 10.girl 11.grandfat12.grandpa 13.grandmo14.grandma 15.live 16.man/men 17.mother 18.mum/mu 19.old 20.people 21.person 22.sister姐23.woman/24.young

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(五)Body and

1.a rm 胳

2.b ody 身

3.e ar 耳

4.e ye 眼

5.f ace 脸

6.f oot/feet

7.h air 头

8.h and 手

9.h ead 头10.leg 11.mouth 12.nose 13.smile 14.clothes 15.dress 16.glasses 17.handbag 18.hat 19.jacket 20.jeans 21.shirt 22.shoe 23.skirt 24.sock 25.trousers26.T-shirt 27.watch 28.wear 29. sneakers 30. coat 31. 32. shorts 32. boots


剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(六)Games and 1.b all 球 2.b aseball 3.b asketball 4.b ike 自5.c ar 汽6.d oll 玩7.f ootball 8.s occer 9.g ame 10.helicopt11.kite 12.lorry 13.truck 14.monster 15.plane 16.robot 17.toy 18.train 19.bike 20.boat 21.bus 22.swim 23.fly 24.go 去25.ride 26.motorbik27.run

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(七)Place 地点

1.b each

2.s and 沙

3.s ea

4.s hell 贝

5.s treet

6.s un

7.t ree

8.b ank 银9.country

9.c ity 10.library 11. toy store


11.market 12.bakery 13. post 13.video 15. candy 16. cafe

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(八)学校 School 1.a lphabet 2.a nswer 3.a sk 问4.b oard 5.w rite 6.b ookcase 7.c lass 8.c lassroom 9.c lose 10.colour pute12.correct 13.cross 14.cupboar15.desk 16.door 17.draw 18.English 19.eraser 20.rubber 21.example 22.floor 23.find 24.know 25.learn 26.lesson 27.letter 28.line 29.listen 30.look 31.number 32.open 33.page 34.part 35.pen 36.pencil 37.picture 38.playgrou39.question 40.read 41.right 42.ruler 43.school 44.sentence 45.spell 46.story 47.teacher 48.tell 49.test 50.tick 51.understa 52.wall 53.window 54.word


1.b lack

2.b lue 蓝

3.b rown

