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Wa Ha Ha Brand Strategy Research

Abstract:In the time of market economy, brand has become a important tool for enterprises to occupy the market. With the improving of people's living standard, brand is becoming more important. In the day of economy globalization, Chinese enterprises have to pay emphasis on brand strategy in a strategic height if they want to live on in a global competition.In this paper, the development process of the Wahaha brand from the beginning, the brand had made during the construction work to make a systematic series of sorting out, and some of the important activities which focus on analysis and summary analysis of its brand building in the whole play effect on the Wahaha brand strategy are discussed. Finally, the development of the Wahaha brand strategy, research, brand development direction for the future put forward their views and plans. Brand building is not willing to spend a lot of ads as long as the goals can be a simple process, but the first corporate brand positioning, corporate marketing long-term strategic direction, the recent marketingTarget, etc. With the clear and full understanding, and for the formation of their own brand strategy, and then gradually develop a range of activities including the media launch, brand promotion activities, including a combination of boxing, activities independent of each other, and each other added, but they are finally close around the business development strategy and have planned. This study results have the guidance significances, can help us resolve some problems in the brand strategy building. Keywords:Wahaha, brand, strategy, research



管理学大师彼得·德鲁克曾说过:任何工商企业都只有两个基本职能—市场营销和创新。至于所有其他方面,他认为都是细节问题。市场营销在企业中的核心地位源于以下事实:市场营销是公司为它所选择的客户群体创造价值的过程,而价值就是通过满足客户需求创造出来的。当今世界,经济全球化和信息技术的飞速发展使企业面临的来自国内以及国际的竞争日益激烈。与此同时,技术更新的速度不断加快,产品生命周期不断缩短,这些都要求企业必须根据环境的变化及时制定和调整其战略,在满足顾客日趋个性化与多样化的需求的基础上求得生存和发展。无数的研究成果己经表明:对营销的高度重视以及对客户需求与利益的关注是企业提高核心竞争力、培养和保持可持续的竞争优势的关键成功要素。在中国的饮料市场上,“娃哈哈”已成为一个著名的品牌。它1987 年由个人靠 14 万元起家,经过近二十年的发展,由一个默默无闻的小厂,现已发展成为中国规模最大、软饮料产量位居全球第五的饮料生产企业,跻身全国大型工业企业百强之列。八十年代中期,美国可口可乐、百事可乐进入中国市场,国内八大饮料
