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3. 投标货币Tender Currency

投标人提供的货物和服务用美元货币报价。Goods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar.

4. 投标保证金Tender bond

15.1 投标人应提交金额为不少于投标报价总价2%的投标保证金,并作为其投标的一部分。Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer. It shall be part of the tender.

15.2 投标保证金是为了保护招标机构和买方免遭因投标人的行为而蒙受损失。招标机构和买方在因投标人的行为受到损害时可根据本须知第15.7条的规定没收投标人的投标保证金。Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers. In case Tenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause 15.7 of the Notice.

15.3 投标保证金应用投标货币并采用以下形式:The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form: 由一家在中华人民共和国国内或国外信誉好的银行用招标文件提供的格式或招标机构接受的其他格式出具的银行保函、不可撤销的备用信用证,其有效期应超过投标有效期三十(30)天;A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People’s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty (30) days more than the valid period of the tender;

15.4 凡没有根据本须知第15.1和15.3条的规定随附投标保证金的投标,应按本须知第24条的规定视为非响应性投标予以拒绝。Tenders to which a tender bond is not attached according to Clause 15.1 and 15.3 of the Notice shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders according to Clause 24 of the Notice.

15.5 未中标的投标人的投标保证金,将尽速并不晚于按照本须知第16条规定的投标有效期满后三十(30)天原额退还投标人。Tender bonds of tenderers who fail in the tender will be returned to tenders in full amount as soon as possible and no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the valid period of the tender as provided in Clause 16 of the Notice.

15.6 中标人的投标保证金,在中标人按本须知第34条规定签订合同并按本须知第35条规定交纳了履约保证金后予以退还。The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returned after the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.

15.7 下列任何情况发生时,投标保证金将被没收:Tender bond will be confiscated in case:

1)投标人在招标文件中规定的投标有效期内撤回其投标;或Tenderers withdraw their tenders within the valid period of the tender as provided in the tender invitation documents; or

2)中标人在规定期限内未能根据本须知第34条规定签订合同;或The successful tenderer fails to sign the Contract within the prescribed period according to Clause 34 of the Notice; or

3)中标人在规定期限内未能根据按投标人须知第35条规定提交履约保证金。The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice.

5. 投标有效期Valid period of tender

16.1 根据本须知第19条规定,投标应在规定的开标日后的180天内保持有效。投标有效期不满足要求的投标将被视为非响应性投标而予以拒绝。According to Clause 19 of the Notice, a tender remains valid within the 180 days after the prescribed tender opening date. Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders


保密性 confidentiality

保证金 advance payment, security

报价 quotation

备选方案投标 alternative bid

标准招标文件 Standard Bidding Documents SBDs

不可抗力 force majeure
