



一、单项选择: (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

1. The crazy fans ______ patiently for two hours, and they would wait

till the movie star arrived.

A. were waiting

B. had been waiting

C. had waited

D. would wait

2. ---What would you do if it ______ tomorrow'?

--- We have to carry it on, since we've got everything ready.

A. rain

B. rains

C. will rain

D. is raining

3. He is not very confident and always _______ before making a


A. considers

B. hesitates

C. reflects

D. waits

4. Unless_______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited

B. inviting

C. being

invited D. having invited

5. _______ news came ________ an unknown disease was spreading in the area.

A. Disturbing / that

B. Disturbed / which

C. Disturbing / which

D. Disturbed / what

6. Seeing your picture, I couldn’t resist _____ the days _____ we

spent together.

A. to think of; when

B. to think of; which

C. thinking of; which

D. thinking of; when

7. Every possible means _______to prevent the air pollution, but the

sky is still not clear.

A. are being used

B. have been used

C. has been used

D. had been used

8. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself________.

A. heard

B. hearing

C. being heard

D. hear

9. I can’t see him now----__________ convenient.

A. it isn’t

B. I’m not

C. he isn’t

D. it is

10. ________ his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain.

A. That

B. Whether

C. If

D. Even if

11. There was almost nothing in his house except a jar under a

________ table.

A. broken

B. breaking

C. break

D. to break

12. All the leading newspapers ________ the trade talks between China and the United States.

A. reported

B. printed

C. attracted

D. published

13. ----Shall we go skating or stay at home?

----Which _______ do yourself?

A. will you rather

B. would you rather

C. would you prefer

D. should you rather

14. Hard work and good methods ________ great success.

A. go on with

B. stick to

C. fall over

D. lead to

15. Mary looks unwell. You _______ her the sad news.

A. should have told

B. shouldn’t have told

C. mustn’t have told to have told

16. In Germany, over 50% of the country’s trees ________ by the end of 1986.

A. had damaged

B. have been destroyed

C. had been damaged

D. have destroyed

17. It’s _______ to see all the children look fine at school.

A. pleased

B. pleasant

C. happily

D. well

18. When you come late to class, you must _______ to your teacher.

A. say hello

B. write

C. apologize

D. introduce

19. Many towns and villages had their water supply ________ because there was no electricity.

A. cut through

B. cut off

C. called in

D. blown down

20. It was ________ and therefore the trees still had their leaves on.

A. an autumn

B. autumn

C. the autumn

D. certain autumn


We are living in a world which is made of “dreams”. Why do I say so? Many great inventions are actually dreams of 21 at the very beginning. The dream of Edison 22 the invention of the light bulbs. The dream of Steve Jobs caused the invention of the first computer. The dream of Sony Company 23 this world the invention of high-quality electronic products. Without dreams, I can dare say that we 24 not have telephones, satellite, airplanes, computers and the Internet. Dreams make our life innovative and 25 . Dreams improve our quality of life and make 26 in society.

Dreams are hope of life. We are like plants and dreams are sunlight. 27 plant depends on not only sand and water to grow, but also sunlight. Life without dreams is like a plant without

sunlight, 28 certainly cannot grow 29 . Dream make our life colorful and hopeful. 30 actually a way of life.

21. A. invent B. inventing C. the inventors D. invention

22. A. lead to B. led to C. leading D. lead

23. A. take B. bring C. took

D. brought

24. A. should B. can C. will

D. would

25. A. creative B. created C. creating

D. creation

26. A. inventions B. advancements C. progress

D. changes

27. A. The B. Some C. A

D. Real

28. A. who B. which C. that

D. where

29. A. happily B. strongly C. rapidly

D. healthily

30. A. They are B. It will be C. It is

D. They will




Football is,I believe,the most important game in England:one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this. Rich and poor,young and old,one can see them all there,shouting for one side or the other.

To a stranger,one of the most surprising things about football in England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. He has pictures of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he expects will win such a match,and his opinion is usually as good as that of men three or four times his age.

Most schools in England take football seriously—much more seriously than nearly all European schools,where lessons are all that are important,and games are left for the children themselves. In England,it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with facts in classroom, it also means the training of character by means of games,especially team games,where the boy or girl has to learn to work with others for the team instead of working for himself or herself alone. The school therefore plays games and

matches for its pupils. Football is a good team game;it is good for both body and mind. That is why it is every school’s game in England. 31.In paragraph 1,“this ”means .

A. people often shout at each other in a football match

B. people,rich and poor,young and old, often play football

C. football is the most popular game in England

D. people usually go to the important matches

32.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.English children have more knowledge of football than adults.

B.Nearly all European schools consider lessons the most important.

C.It is surprising that English children have great knowledge of football.

D.English schools attach more importance to football than nearly all European schools.

33.What does education mean in England?

A.Filling a boy’mind with facts.

B.Teaching how to work with others for the team.

C.Training character by means of games.

D.More than the teaching of knowledge.

34.From the passage, we learn that .

A.football is popular mostly among English children.

B.schools in England make use of football for the training of

body and mind.

C.football is more important than lessons in England.

D.other European schools consider football unimportant


A small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That’s the findi ng of a study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce (盎司)of salt water fish per day compared to those who never ate fish.

The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific support to the long held belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart.

Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But previous research has shown that the level of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.

For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-aged men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish.

At the start of the study, average fish consumption was about two-thirds of an ounce each day, with more men eating lean fish than fatty fish.

During the next two decades, 78% of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was true regardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure, or blood cholesterol (胆固醇) levels.

35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The Dutch research has proved that eating fish can help to prevent heart disease.

B. People who regularly eat fish never suffer from hear disease.

C. Heart disease causes more deaths in America than any other disease.

D. There is a low level of heart disease in such countries as

Japan and Greenland.

36. The underlined words “lean fish” (paragraph 5) roughly mean


A. large fish

B. fresh fish

C. fish that live in salt water

D. fish that have little fat

37. The passage is mainly about _________.

A. the high incidence of heart disease in some countries

B. the effect of fish eating on people’s health

C. the changes in people’s diet

D. the daily fish consumption of people in different cultures

38. The phrase “this relationship” (para graph 6) refers to the connection between _______ and the level of heart disease.

A. the amount of fish eaten?

B. regular fish-eating

C. the kind of fish eaten??

D. people of different areas


For years scientists have been worried about the effects of air pollution on the earth’s natural conditions. Some believe the air inside many houses may be more dangerous than the air outside. It may be one hundred times worse.

Indoor air pollution can cause a person to feel tired, to suffer eye pain, headache and other problems. Some pollutants (污染物) can cause breathing disorders, diseases of blood and even cancer. Most

scientists agree that every modern house has some kind of indoor pollution.

People have paid more attention to the problem now. It is said that when builders began making houses and offices they did not waste energy. To do this they built buildings that limited the flow of air between inside and outside. They also began using man-made building materials. These materials are now known to let out harmful gases.

As the problem became more serious, scientists began searching for a way to deal with it. They discovered a natural pollution control

system for building-green plants. Scientists do not really know how plants control air pollution. They believe that a plant’s leaves absorb (吸收) or take in the pollutants. In exchange the plant lets

out oxygen through its leaves and small organizations on its roots. Scientists suggest that all buildings should have one large plant or several small plants inside for every nine square metres of space. Studies of different plants show that each absorbs different chemicals. So the most effective way to clean the air is to use different kinds

of plants. Having green plants inside your house can make it a

prettier and more healthy place.

39. Generally speaking, indoor air pollution may be more harmful than

the air outside because _______.

A.indoor air pollution can often make people seriously ill

B.man-made building materials give off dangerous gases

C.there may be more harmful gases outside the buildings

D.the flow of air indoors is limited, which is very harmful

40. Some kind of indoor pollution can be found in ________.

A. every modern house

B. every old house

C. all kinds of houses kinds of offices

41. The indoor air pollution is caused by ________.

A.the limit of the flow of air between inside and outside

B.the building way that the builders want to save energy

C.the building things that are made of man-made materials

D.the man-made building materials and the limit of air-flow

42. The reason why we should use different kinds of plants to clean

the air is that ________.

A.plants can let out all kinds of pollutants indoors

B.plants may take in more oxygen which people need

C.plants can absorb all kinds of harmful indoor chemicals

E.plants can make our houses prettier and more healthy


New York: When the first plane struck 1 World Trade Center at

8:48 am on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center who saw the instant (瞬间的) damage to the other tower realized clearly what they, too, must do: get out fast.

Katherine Ilachinsiki, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast (一阵)of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Mrs Ilachinsiki, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), cried sharply and set off too.

But others up and down the 110 floors, many without seeing the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.

Most people had no idea about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower asked people to stay put, assuring (使……确信) them that the building was sound and the threat (威胁)was limited to the other tower.

Some left, others stayed. Some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other cautions (警告) to stop or return, went back up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay were killed completely when the second plane crashed (坠落,碰撞) into the south tower.

One of those caught in indecision (犹豫不决) was the executive at Fuji Bank USA.

Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up, two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor.

“I just don’t know what happened to them,” Mr Jacobs said.

43. From the passage, we know that the south tower was hit by the plane ________.

A. at 8:30

B. 18 minutes earlier than the north tower

C. at around 9:06

D. at 8:48

44. The underlined words “stay put” means ________.

A. stay in the building

B. leave at once

C. put everything back and then leave

D. keep silent

45. Which floor was hit by the second plane?

A. The 91st floor

B. The 103rd floor

C. The 60th floor

D. The 79th floor

46. Fewer people would have died if ________.

A. more announcements had been made

B. people hadn’t used the lifts

C. the attack had happened on a weekend

D. the people had obeyed the office rules


Paloalto, California—“Turning off the television may help

prevent children from getting fatter—even if they do not change their diet,” US researchers said last week.

A study of 192 third and fourth graders, generally aged eight and nine found that children who cut the number of hours spent watching television increased nearly two pounds less over a one-year period than those who did not change their television diet.

“The findings are important because they show that weight loss can only be the result of a reduction in television viewing and not any other activity,” said Thomas Robinson, a pediatrician (儿科专家) at Stanford University. “American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing video games. And rates of childhood being very fat have doubled over the

past 20 years,” Robinsin said.

In the study presented this week to the Pediatric Academic

Societies annual meeting in San Francisco, the researchers persuaded about 100 of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third. Children watching fewer hours of television showed a much smaller increase in waist (腰) size and had less body

fat than other students who continued their normal television viewing, even though neither group ate a special diet nor took part in any

extra exercise.

“One explanation for the weight loss could be the children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around more and burning off calories,” Robinson said. “Another reason might be eating fewer meals in front of the television. Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more,” Robinson said.

47. The report tells us that children will get fatter if they ________.

A. eat in front of the TV

B. change their diet

C. do special exercises

D. spend much time watching TV

48. According to the report, the time American children usually spend

on watching TV and videos or playing video games ________.

A. is four hours a day or more

B. is less than four hours a day

C. has doubled in the last 20 years

D. has been reduced to one-quarter

49. The time some children were persuaded to spend on TV viewing every day was less than ____.

A. one hour

B. two hours

C. three hours

D. four hours

50. Watching TV will increase kid’s weight be cause ________.

A.they usually eat more and move less

B.they no longer take part in outdoor activities

C.they will not burn off calories

D.they will enjoy having meals in front of the television 第二节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


51. As the daughter of a famous heart surgeon Sarah is used to living

in comfort and doesn’t want things to change. Now she is starting university. She doesn’t like to cook for herself when she could be lazing around the swimming pool.

52. John is looking for a room near the university. He is on a very

limited budget so he wants to share with his classmate to minimize expenses.

53. Billy is a party boy who is more interested in having fun than

studying. He doesn’t like people telling him what to do or when to do it. Money is very tight so he also has to work part time to make ends meet.

54. Melinda and her husband are visiting students at the university

for one year. They need a comfortable room from where it is

convenient to get to the university as they have no car.

55. Edna doesn’t like cooking. She is looking for accommodation that

is reasonably convenient to both the university where she is

studying and the downtown where she works.


51. Sarah A. Banbury House

52. John B. Three Seasons

53. Billy C. First Stop

54. Melinda D. Sturtin Hotel

55. Edna E. Downtown Digs

F. Hilton Hostel


56. Those who will attend the meeting have different n_______________(国籍).

57. you have to have your l__________ (行李) checked before boarding.

58. Smoking is f_____(禁止) in public places.

59. His suggestion sounds quite r_________ (有道理的)to most of us. were strong a______ (争论) for and against the plan.

61. She r_______ (退休)from the competition after pulling a leg muscle.

62. Listen! A child next to the house is s________ (哭泣) loudly.

63. People like to spend a f________ (一大笔钱) on the new car.

64. You should have the new pencil s___________(削尖) or you can't use it.

65. This book s__________ (从细节上) talks about the development of the agricultural tools.


66. 他突然意识到他对英语的了解相当肤浅。(be aware of /that, shallow)

67. 就他而言,他负担不起一间这样昂贵的房子。(as far as one is concerned)

68. 他通过考试的消息使家人很高兴。(that引导的同位语从句)

69. 几天前是我们大学毕业后的第一次相遇。(the other day, 强调句型)

70. 我已经等了一小时而她还没出现。(用现在完成进行时)


真题示范: 1.Tourism is becoming good source of revenue for many countries. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of exploiting this resource. 2.What is your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?(2002,10;2003,1;2004,4) 3.In 1995,an Englishman killed a burglar who broke into his house. He was sentenced. Do you think he should be sentenced ? How can we protect our property? 4.With the development of a market economy. Advertisements have become a dominant feature in television industry, despite the rich information brought by television. There still exists strong criticism against television advertisement. Write an article analyzing the positive and negative effects of television advertisement. 5.作业:version:000121(2005年G类新题) Some people think that visitors to other countries imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree. They think the host country should welcome culture different. Discuss the two views and give your own opinion. 主体和方向 例文讲解:真题重现: 1.Some people think that people at the age of 55 and over should be encouraged to retire in order to give opportunities to a new generation. Do you agree or disagree? 2.A report indicates that nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable. Give the reasons for this and a proposal for a solution.(2003) 主体相似方向不同: 3.Computers are widely used for education and some people think that teachers will not play important role in the classroom. Disagree or agree? 4.People use computers when they work, go banking and so on, but some argue that it will make people isolated and decrease their social skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 5.Some people think that traditional techniques and modern technology are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6.Oriental session 7.Some people think that strong tradition can civilize a country and the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? what should government do? 8.Is it possible for a woman to be a good mother and a successful career woman at the same time? some people agree that government should pay some money to women so that they can stay at home to look after their children. Do you agree or disagree? 9.Modern technology, such as fertilizer and machinery has changed our world so much. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Discuss 10.There have been many technological developments in the 20th century. For example, computer and electric power. Choose either of them, describe the change it has brought about and discuss whether all the changes are positive. 11.作业:What are the purposes of places, such as museums and how should they be funded? 审题和构思后如何展开段落 题目重现:首段展开 1.电视对儿童的影响?正面还是负面?你的观点 A.Television is the most popular form of entertainment in the modern household.(引入话题)people of all ages use this medium to entertain themselves for an average of four hours a day.(发展话题)thus, television has had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children.(缩小话题范围指电视 对孩子的影响)scientists now say that children can be negatively effected by constantly watching


雅思写作中对词汇的要求 很多考生把词汇当成是雅思写作的一道难以逾越的鸿沟,那么雅思写作对词汇到底是什么要求?我们要掌握多少词汇量才能够达到雅思写作的标准呢?雅思考试要求考生的词汇量在8000以上,而这其中有三分之一指的是阅读中的一些高难词汇或专业词汇,对于我们写作而言,能够灵活高效地运用5000词汇就已足够。英文核心词(约2000左右) 首先,我们要来看一下雅思写作对于词汇的要求。 Lexical Resource 1. Accurateness 2. Authentic vocabulary 3. Variety 我们来一一分析者三点,第一点是准确性;第二点式地道词汇的使用;第三点是词汇多样性。 很多学生都是可以追求了第三点而忽视了第一和第二点。这直接导致的结果就是虽然作文中出现了一些水平比较高的词汇但是由于自己并不能用的得心应手结果出现适得其反的效果,把好的词汇用在了不恰当的地方.由于一心想要在词汇上标新立异,但是能标新立异的单词又不能准确运用,因此在写作过程中会浪费很多时间去思考. 有时候记不清楚但是不写出来似乎又不甘心,于是花更多时间去思考,或者写了一个认为是正确的实际上却写错的单词。而这些都是对分数有直接影响的。 大家要知道,大作文除了词汇要求,还有语法要求,和小作文相比,大作文更重要的是你有没有切题的观点和清晰的文章结构。在保证这两点的基础上再去思考词汇的出色应用才是正确的选择。就好比是你画一幅建筑设计图,没有框架,没有设计核心,你用的材料再好,也不会达到预期的目标。 所以我认为并不是词汇量少就一定写不出高分文章. 大家再复习考试时不要刻意的去追求词汇多样化. 熟练准确的运用单词比生拼硬凑好单词更重要。 雅思写作训练方法 1 精读仔细阅读范文,欣赏并标出精彩的用词和句型,体会上下文中 表达的精妙,提高对精彩语言的敏感度,要多写,多记。 2 背诵背精彩词汇,背精彩句型,背精彩句子,背精彩框架,背精彩 段落,通过背诵完成从欣赏到掌握的过程,别人的变成自己的。 3 默写将背过的句子,段落默写下来,检查核对,看看是否精确掌握 了每一个词汇。Reading makes a full man writing makes an exact man 4 互译英文----中文; 中文------英文,---与原文核查核对,发现自己 不足,纠正提高。使自己逐步写出规范的语言达到和原文作者相似的水平。 5 效仿在范文中学到的单词,词组,句型,框架放在新的语境下模仿 创作,造句写作。在新的作文中保留一定闪光点。 雅思写作必背200句!


Government should pay for the health care and education. Do you agree or disagree? Health care and education can always attract enough public attention, for they are closely connected with people’s welfare. Some people suppose that it is government’s duty to shoulder the responsibility for those two important aspects. As far as I am concerned, I am in total favor of this opinion. Initially, the government’s fundamental principle of serving the people justifies this obligation. There is no denying that the significance of government lies in the fact that this organization can better people’s life, and meanwhile the health care and education can best illustrate living standards. Therefore, inevitably, government should pay for those significant fields to fulfill its promise for people. Moreover, the taxes collected from citizens determine that government should stick to this duty. It is clear that government has levied a large amount of money from its citizens in the hope of striking a balance in society and if poor people fail to enjoy a qualified medical service and receive excellent education, what is the significance of heavy taxation? Consequently, as for health care and education, government ought to take the responsibility, ensuring all the people, especially the needy to be equally treated. On the other hand, it is highly probable that government has been too overburdened financially. For example, among other responsibilities, traffic jam, poverty and crime are up to national or local authorities to solve, which are usually confronted with budget problem. However, if suitable policies can be pursued and efforts form various fields can


SAT写作范文 Abraham Lincoln said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." In other words, our personal level of satisfaction is entirely within our control. Otherwise, why would the same experience disappoint one person but delight another? Happiness is not an accident but a choice. Assignment: Is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose to be happy? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. My Essay: Happiness is an elixir to all diseases, so everyone wants happiness and most of them think that it comes from success. But even if we fail something, we can still choose to be happy. Last year, our school held a basketball competition. Our class had entered into the semi-final and all the students in our class were very excited. Moreover, we had just beaten the team which was considered the best in our grade and my classmates were hopeful that we might enter the final game. On the day of the semi-final, the players of our team went to the field in our cheers. But as soon as we saw the members of the other team, we knew it would be a hard match. One of the players in their team is as tall as 1.93 m, much taller than any of our players and we also learned that their team was the only one which hadn’t lost a single game. The match started. To our disappointment, our team wasn’t playing well, and the best player in our team was followed by the tallest in theirs at every pace. Anxious and worried, we girls jumped onto the platform beside and shouted at the top of our voices. After sometime, it seemed that our cheers had gave my classmates some energy and they began to catch up, slowly but gradually, we were only two points behind. But just at that time, the first ten minutes were over and we came to a stop. The players were tired but hopeful, and we kept cheering them. However, when the match started again, our opponents seemed to become stronger. They got more points and we were soon eleven points behind. Meanwhile, our throats were burning, but we kept shouting for our classmates. Though we caught up some points, at last we lost by only one point. When we got back to the classroom, all of my classmates were disappointed and sad. One of the players even cried. But our teacher came in at that moment and said, “Cheer up everyone, we just lost by one point and we are already the top four. We still have a match and let’s get the third place!” Then one of my classmates suddenly went to the dais and wrote something encouraging on the blackboard and one by one, over ten of our classmates all


环球雅思 高分周末班课堂笔记 (学术类) Listening 注意听降调,重读,被重复 注意连读: In eighteen … [ei] In nineteen … [ai] 1. Note-taking题一心二意,单词拼写与发音 Do not: 翻译,中文,全神贯注 第4个字母是p,b,m,前面都是com, 剩下的都是con, 除了:comfortable 听数字时,注意:8和9,50和15,“1+2”只听数字,忽略thousand, million… 0.508:naught point five o eight $9.5 nine dollar fifty 2. 地图题: 找箭头,读参照物,绝对+相对,形状+大小:square, round, circle, sphere... 第 1 页共27 页

3. 主观题:pre: 划路标词 找“关系”:并列:and, 并列符号因果:for, so… 路标词后,注意:语音,语调:降调,重读,被重复;空格前后的单词;下一题的路标词 记录,不要拼写单词 注意格式:名词:单复数,大小写 Venue = place = where 一律大写,name, course课程名大写 4. 表格题: 路标词是时间均为间接给出 有so后就有答案 5. 判断题:(考点) 数字(19,90;8,9;数字后名词偷换);否定词(hardly, little, never…); 比较,最高级;动宾搭配;绝对词(every, none, only, must); 相对词if, sometimes; 情态动词 6. 单选题: 时间,城市无法AB重现 选项区别大:正确答案肯定在题干后(先浏览题干),通常AB重现(语序调整意义不变,核心词,同意词)干扰选项:语音干扰…this means…答案已过去 错误搭配 Not given 备注:所谓AA重现:题目与原文基本一致,照搬过来;AB重现:同义,近义,反义,上下义(从属关系) 7. 多选题: AB重现+被否定 并列连词后anything else? 熟悉被选项,耳到眼到 一连串的被选项同时被提到,第一个被提及通常是正确选项,答案跟并列词后 8. 配对题Matching 词性配对,题干定位 Section 1 Interview Q-A, Discussion Q-A?-A??-A(最后原则,最后被确定的是答案,so后) 填空,注意字数,尽量用原文,冠词,程度副词可省略 S3 Q-A-Summary 第 2 页共27 页


写作笔记 评分标准: 一、审题 二、描述(主要指小作文,小作文不可以添加任何评论性言语) 三、论点、论证能力(大作文的论点控制在2-3个左右) 四、清晰的表达能力 大作文结构: 开头段落(50个字左右):背景信息(2-3句话) 个人观点(个人观点控制在一句话左右,务必简单明确) 个人观点分为三种:同意 反对 中立(完全中立和偏向性中立) 主体段落(150个字左右):2-3个自然段 每个自然段:开头第一句话为主题句 第二句话至末尾为论述句 结尾段落(50个字左右):suggestion or restatement 建议或者重述(3-4句话) 主流题型: PROBLEM/SOLUTION 1、Beginning: Background Information Your Opinion(概括) Body:问题以及解决方法分别陈列P1 P2 P3 …S1 S2 S3 Conclusion: Restatement(重申时不要引出新话题) 2、Beginning:同上 Body:每个问题各写一段进行详细陈述P1 P2 P3 Conclusion:总写解决方案S1 S2 S3 例子:课本24页 Nowadays, more and more children are becoming obese. Give possible reasons and suggestions. AGREE OR DISAGREE/ADVANTAGE OR DISADVANTAGE Beginning: Background Information Your Opinion(中立具有偏向性) Body: 三分之一篇幅写与自己相反的观点 三分之二篇幅写与自己相同的观点 先写反,后写正,中间一行过渡段。 Conclusion: Suggestion 例子:课本37页 Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 主流话题:


The Analysis and Solution of Cambridge IELTS (4、5、6、7) 环球雅思温亮明 IELTS Reading(剑4. 5. 6. 7) 第1章IELTS中关于阅读文章中是非判断题分析 是非题中关于“only”题的总结(共11题,8F, 2NG , 1T) 总结:剑4、5、6中共有“only”题(是非判断)7小题,5题F,2题NG,剑7中共有“only”题(是非判断)4小题3F,1T。F机率远大于NG及T 是非题中关于比较级的总结(共24题,5F, 12NG, 7T) 剑7中比较级考点(是非判断)共计4小题1F,2NG,1T 剑4.5.6比较级考点(是非判断)共计20小题,6T,10NG,4F 总结:NG>T>F 是非判断题中同级比较(the same …as…)(…as well as…)的总结 剑4.5.6共计the same …as题4道2T,1NG,1F 剑7共计2题同级比较,1T,1 F 总结: 剑4.5.6.7 阅读真题中同级比较考点无规律可循 剑桥IELTS阅读文章中是非判断题解决方法 1、是非判断题的出题顺序与其在原文中定位句(处)的顺序是一致的,所以做此类题时必须有方向感,即Q1题在文中定位要在Q2前边,Q2题在原文中定位句要在Q3原文定位处前边……例如:剑5,P23,T1P2Q26 题目中独特定位词为sociobiology,在和中都出现了,第一次出现是在Q25题原文定位处的前面,第二次出现在Q25题原文定位处的后面,因为Q25与Q26两题具有顺序性,所以Q26题的答案应在原文Q25题原文定位处的后面的中定位,而不是在Q25题原文定位处的前面的找答案。 注意:此规律内容并非绝对,但基本成立。 2、剑桥IELTS是非判断题基本上是考查原文中连续段落,即几个是非判断题在原文中的定位处是几个连续顺序的段落,或这些是非判断题集中于原文某一个或某两个段落,但无论是何情形,定位处(句)仍旧是按顺序的。注意:此规律并非绝对,定位处的连续性基本上正确。 3、据考证是非题干中划线的定位词在文中的定位基本上是首次出现时进行定位划线,个别时候,在二次出现时定位,极个别时正确答案在三次以上原文出现时定位。 4、IELTS文章的题目,除List of Headings考段落、Sections主题,或文章后边一个单个选择题考整篇文章title之外,几乎所有阅读文章题目都是针对整篇文章的不同信息点设置的,每个题目所考内容只是整个文章中的一个信息点,而整篇文章是由多个信息点构成的一个层面,考试时间有限,考生使用的答题时间有限,IELTS考官设置试题时必须给予考生一定的解题线索,没有解题线索,此考题出题失败,而每个是非题目中的定位词(关键信息词)就是考生在原文中找到出题点的钥匙,所以把题干中的定位词(题干信息点)确定之后,找其在原文的重复出现或找其在原文中的同义替换,就可以确定本题在文章中的定位处(出题句),题目中的考点词与定位词同处于一道题目中,考点词与定位词之间肯定存在某种逻辑关系,基本上在文中找到定位句后(通过题干中定位词找在文中的对应定位词),就可以在定位句找到与题目中考点词有密切关系的答案信息,这是解决是非判断题最科学有效的方法,切记雅思所有题目实质上就是找题目信息点与原文信息点的逻辑对应。


【观点型作文模板】 首段部分: 一,(背景句)In this day and age, 主题词is advancing at an amazing rate in a host of arenas. 二,(观点导入句) As to/ Concerning the issue whether…or…, people from all walks of life can hardly reach an absolute consensus. whether+ 从句…or not, there exists a fierce controversy among people. 三,主旨句 讨论①If it is up to me, my objective analyses for their views will be based on the following parts. ②Personally, I think that both of their views have reasonable/rational exposition. 单边讨论①For my part, the boons brought by far outweigh its bane. (事物) ②Personally, I think that their view has both merit and demerit. (观点) 纯倾向①As I see it, my view will be identical with the advocates'/objectors'. ②Personally, I am inclined to the advocates'/objectors' view. 主体部分: 讨论A (第二段)The advocates hold a view that 正面观点,based on the following reasons. To begin with, 理由一;拓展2-3句话 Additionally, 理由二;拓展1-2句话 Lastly, 理由二;拓展1-2句话 讨论B (第三段)The objectors,however, argue that 反面观点, with the following supporting reasons. In the first place, 理由一;拓展2-3句话 In the second place, 理由二;拓展1-2句话 In the third place, 理由二;拓展1-2句话 单边讨论型第二段Admittedly, 话题can bring about numerous benefits to us. In the first place, 理由一;拓展2-3句话In the second place, 理由二;拓展1-2句话In the third place, 理由二;拓展1-2句话 Undeniably,doubtless to say, 单边讨论型第三段However, it would be erroneous if we failed to acknowledge its drawbacks. On one hand, 理由一;拓展1-3句话On the other hand, 理由二;拓展1-3句话


今天,环球雅思为大家带来了雅思G类小作文之书信的格式分类汇总,我们将从书信的格式分类和书信的汇总两方面来详述,大家阅读之后将会了解3种书信格式,和8中书信类型。值得考友们收藏。详情请看下文: 一、雅思G类小作文之书信的格式 书信包括三个内容,即称呼、主体部分和署名。 称呼——开头段(2句) 主体部分——(8—10句) 信末礼貌语和署名——结尾段(2句) 格式1、称呼:有三种方法。 A、如果收信人是企业、团体、或机构,不知道收信人的名字和性别,那么就用Dear Sir or Madam,或者To whom it may concern; B、如果收信人是一个认识的人(知道这个人的性别和姓名),但是这个人并不是熟悉或者亲密的朋友,那么一般用Dear Mr. or Ms. + 收信人的姓,比如Dear Mr. Smith 等。 C、如果收信人是自己熟悉的朋友,那么一般用Dear + 收信人的名,例如Dear John. 格式2、主体部分 信件内容分为:投诉信、询问信、建议信、求助信、道歉/解释信、感谢信、邀请信和求职信。根据信的内容不一样,语气也要有所不同。另外,还要注意使用的语言。如果是给熟悉的朋友写信,要使用比较随意的语言。但是如果是正式的商业信件,那么一定要使用正式的语言。 格式3、信末的礼貌语和署名 A、如果写解释信,常用yours faithfully, yours truly; B、其他时候,一般用yours sincerely,这是最常见的用语; C、如果写给很好的朋友,一般用yours,with love and best wishes,lots of love等。 D、签名可以随便写,不一定要写真名。 二、雅思G类小作文之书信的分类 分类1、投诉信 A、具体描述当时的情形,譬如说人物、时间、地点和原因; B、指出具体的原因; C、概括说明问题所产生的后果; D、指出并支持自己的一个特定要求; E、清晰说明读信的人可以做什么来补救自己目前的局面; F、建议解决方法并指明解决的时间限制; G、未必一定要使用激烈的言辞,最好使用比较礼貌的用语。


Lecture One (For General & Academic Training) 1. General introduction to IELTS writing The writing part of the IELTS is a one-hour test consisting of two tasks. Each task is awarded a band score, and the two separate band scores are converted into a final, or overall band score for the writing part. Y ou are recommended to spend 20 minutes on task one and 40 minutes on task two. However, it is your responsibility to manage your own time. Y ou may, if you wish, attempt task two before task one. They don’t have to be completed in chronological order. It is important to bear in mind, however, that task two is worth more marks than task one. For example, if you were awarded a band 6 for task one, and a band 7 for task two, your overall score for the writing would be band 7. However, if you were awarded a band 7 for task one, and a band 6 for task two, then your overall score would be 6. Therefore, if you spend too much time on task one, thus not allowing yourself time to complete task two adequately, your overall band score may be affected. Y ou must use a pencil for the writing test. Y ou cannot use a pen. Y ou can use the question paper to make notes if you wish, but test papers cannot be taken out of the room. Y ou are not allowed to use a dictionary in the test. General T raining T est In the general training test, task one is to write a letter. This may be an informal letter to a friend or a formal letter requesting information or making a formal complaint, for instance. Y ou therefore need to be familiar with different writing styles. The word length is restricted to 150 words. If you write too few words, it will affect your bad score. To leave sufficient time for task two, it is therefore important that you practice writing task one questions in 20 minutes. Task two is to write a 250-word essay on a topic of general interest. Y ou are expected to present an opinion or point of view in a style appropriate for the purpose. Therefore, you are expected to support and evaluate your ideas. Y ou should spend about 40 minutes on this task.


雅思写作真题集合 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d4499579.html, 2008-1-29 14:03:00 来源: 环球雅思 Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and examples in your answer. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you prefer? Explain why. Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer. Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. You want to persuade someone to study your native language.What reasons would you give?Support your answer with specific details. You have been asked to suggest improvements to a park that you have visited. This might be a city park.a regional park,or a national park.What improvements would you make?Why?Use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendations. 辨证客观思维题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should read only those books that are about real events,real people, and established https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d4499579.html,e specific reasons and details to support your opinion. 熟知问题:Films can tell us a lot about the country in which they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies?Use specific examples and details to support your response.
