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1.I’m hungry. 我饿了

2.Do you want noodles 你想吃面条吗

3.Look at the mess! 看弄得这么乱

4.Do you use chopsticks in the UK 在英国你们用筷子吗

5.We use a knife and fork. 我们用刀和叉

6.It’s hard/easy for us. 这对我们来说太难/


7.He’s eating hamburgers and chips. 他在吃汉堡和薯条

8.They’er Chinese fast food. 他们是中式快餐

9.The sheep is eating grass. 那只羊在吃草

10.I use my hands to eat rice and meat. 我用手(抓)吃米饭



1.-What are you doing 你在干什么

–I’m riding my bike. 我在骑自行车

2.Let’s make a cake for Mum and Dad. 让我们为爸爸妈妈做


3.Good idea! 好主意

4.Please be quiet. 请安静

5.Please go to your room. 请回到你的房间去

6.Please stop! Go and make your cake. 停!去做你们的蛋糕

7.Sam’s playing the drums/piano. Sam在打鼓/弹钢琴

8.My dad is watering the flowers. 我的爸爸在浇花

9.Please come and eat the cake now. 现在请过来吃蛋糕吧

10.I’m sorry. Here you are. 对不起,给你


1.–What are those 那些是什么

-They’re paper flowers. 他们是纸花

2. They’er dragon boats. 他们是龙舟

3. People row on this lake. 人们在湖上划船

4. Look at those ducks over there. 看那边那些鸭子

5. Let’s feed the ducks. 让我们喂鸭子吧

6.These ducks are very naughty. 这些鸭子太淘气了

7.The children are playing in the rain. 孩子们在雨中玩耍

8. They’re playing hide-and-seek. 他们在玩捉迷藏

9. Those boys are hiding under the tree. 那些孩子藏在树下

10. Life is like a dream. 生活就像一场梦


1.Can you run fast Yes, I can. 你能快跑吗?能

2.I can’t jump far.我跳得不远

3.You can’t run fast. You are slow. 你跑得不快。你跑


4.I’m the winner. 我赢了

5.But I can swim here. 但我可以在这游泳

6.Look at the picture. What can you see 看这幅画。你能看见


7.I can see a bird. It can fly. 我可以看见一只


8.I can see a koala. It can climb. 我可以看见一只树袋熊。


9.Can you throw it very high, in the sky 你能高高地把它抛向


10.C an you throw it very far, like a racing car 你能把它扔得远远的,


1.Can I have a look 我可以看看吗

2.Can I have a drink 我可以喝点什么吗

3.Can I watch TV _No, you can’t. 我可以看电视吗?不

4.I can go to the shop for an ice cream. 我可以去商店买根儿


5.You can’t go out. You’re ill. 你不能出去。你生


6.Can I come in _Yes, please. 我可以进来吗?请进

7.This is my small library. 这是我的小图书馆

8.You can read all the books now. 现在你可以读所有的


9.Don’t worry. 别着急/担心

10.C an I write a letter here 我可以在这写封信吗M6

1.I’ve got a new friend. 我新交了个朋友

2.I’ve got new shorts and new shoes. 我有新短裤和新鞋了

3.Can I play with you 我可以和你一起玩吗

4.Be careful! 小心/当心

5.Don’t worry. I can wash them! 不用担心,我会洗他们

6.I’ve got a peach. 我有个桃子

7.He’s got new trousers. 他有条新裤子

8.She’s got a new dress. 她有条新裙子

9.She’s got new shoes. 她有双新鞋

10.H e’s got a new shirt. 他有件新衬衫


1.Have you got a stomach ache 你肚子疼吗

2.Are you sad Are you ill 不高兴了?生病了?

3.Have you got a headache 你头痛吗

4.Have you got a test today You don’t like tests.今天你们考试吗?


5.We have tests on Fridays. 我们每逢周五都考试

6.You’re a clever boy. 你是个聪明的孩子

7.Now class begins. 现在上课

8.He’s ill. He’s got a cough. 他病了。他咳嗽

9.She’s got a cold. 她感冒了

10.S orry, I’m late. 对不起,我来晚了

11.H ave you got a picture of panda 你有张熊猫的照片吗

12.T his is my animal picture book. 这是我的动物画册


1.This is Bob’s house. 这是Bob的房子
