人教版 必修二unit1 Reading公开课教案

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必修二Unit1 Cultural Relics

Reading: In Search of the Amber Room

一、Pre-reading (4min.)

What do you think amber can be made into? (necklace, ring, barrette, bracelet, perfume bottle, etc.)

Can you imagine a room made of amber?

二、Learning aims

1. Help students learn the structure and the content of the reading passage.

2. To learn about some details in the history of the amber room.


1.Fast reading

1) Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage: (5min.)

① It tells us the strange history of the amber room, a cultural relic of two countries: Russia and Germany.

② main idea of each paragraph (4min.)

Para1. The amber room and its design

Para2-3. The history of the amber room

Para4. The missing of the amber room

Para5. The rebuilding of the amber room

2)Read the passage quickly and find out characters, years and places in the passage. (clues 线索)(3min.)

① characters: Frederick I, Peter the Great, Frederick William I, Catherine II.

Background information:

Frederick I: the first king of Prussia.

Frederick William I: the next king of Prussia.

Peter the Great : the Czar of Russia.

Catherine II: the female Czar of Russia.

② years: 1716, 1770, 1941, 2003.

③ places: Prussia, Russia, Germany.

2.Careful reading

Read the passage carefully and answer the following two questions:

1)What did these four characters do to the amber room?

2)What happened in these four years( 1716; 1770; 1941; 2003)

Para1. (3min.)

① What was the amber room made of?

Several tons of amber was were used to make it. It was also decorated with gold and jewels.

② How many years did the artists take to make the amber room?

It took about ten years.

Para2. (5min.)

① For what reason was the amber room first designed?

It was first designed for the palace of Frederick I.

② What did Peter the Great give in return?

A troop of his best soldiers.

③ What was the amber room used for when it belonged to Peter the Great? It served as a small reception hall for important visitors. as a gift of friendship gave to in return served (the Czar)

his best soldiers

Peter the Great Para3. (2min.)

① What did Catherine II use the amber room for?

She spent her summers in the amber room.

② What could you see in the amber room after it was completed?

Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. the Nazis arrived .

furniture and small art objects

③ True or False

( T ) Germany and Russia were at war in 1941.

( F ) All things in the Amber Room were stolen.

( T ) The Nazis stole the Amber Room within two days.

Para5. (3min.)

① Who have built a new amber room?

The Russians and Germans.

② How old is St. Petersburg now?

312 years old now.

四、Post -reading

Summing up

1. Characteristics: in the order of time; the past tense. (2min.)

2. The clues of the story. (3min.)

五、Homework (1min.)

1. Retell the story and write it in your exercise book.

Clue: built→gave to sb. As a gift→added more details→stolen→lost→rebuilt

2. Find out the 7 attributive clauses in the reading passage, write it down in your exercise book, 并标出定语从句部分以及先行词、关系代词/关系副词。
