人教版高一英语必修二 unit1 reading

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B. People find the room finally. C. The Russians and Germans have built a
new one. D. The new one is much like the old one.
Para.5 The rebuilding of amber room
形之独特 史之重要
How much does it cost?
It is said that the amber room is worth_1_0_0_-2_5_0__m_il_lio_n__(1_亿__-2_._5_亿_) dollars.
• TThehaembaermrobomewrarsofirostmbuilwt ina1s709 first built in 1709.
Paragraph 4: __t_h_e__m__is_s_i_n_g_ of the Amber Room
Paragraph 5: __t_h_e__r_e_b_u_i_ld_i_n_g_of the Amber Room
The history of Amber Room. • Built>lost>rebuilt
Peter the Great Czar
Frederick WilliamⅠ
Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its_d__e_s_ig_n__
Paragraph 2-3: __th_e__h_i_s_t_o_r_y of the Amber Room
Para 2
For what reason was the Amber Room first designed?
It was first designed for the palace of Frederick I.
What did Peter the Great give in return?
The Czar gave the king of Prussia a troop of his best soldiers.
2003 The r_e_b_u_il_d_in_g_of the Amber Room was completed.
The characteristics(特点)of the text
1.It tells the history of the amber room in the order of_ti_m__e_.
She spent her summers in the Amber Room. What could you see in the Amber room after it was completed?
Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold.
The Colosseum in Rome
pyramids in Egypt
Eiffel Tower in France
Great Wall in China
. It is located in India. It is the grave a king built for his wife. It showed the deep love of the king and queen.
(the Russians)
at war
Nazi Germany
(the Nazis)
were only able to remove furniture and.small art objects
stolethe Amber Roo.m
After that ,what happened to the Amber Room was a mystery.
What was the Amber Room used for when it belonged to Peter the Great? It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.
Para 3
What did Catherine II use the Amber Room for?
In search of the Amber Room
3.Peter the Great
2.Frederick WilliamⅠ
Background Information
Frederick I: the first king of Prussia
( T) The Nazis stole the Amber Room
within two days. Para. 4: the missing of the Amber Room
Para. 4: the missing of the Amber
Time : 1941 Event:
Frederick WilliamⅠgave the
1716 Amber Room to Peter the Great__a_s_a__g_i_ft_.
Catherine Ⅱ_a_d_d_e_d more 1770 details to the Amber
1941 The Nazi German army _s_to_l_e_ the Amber Room.
gave to sb. as a gift
added more details
stolen lost rebuilt
Careful reading
Find more details of the text
careful reading
1. What was the Amber Room made of ? Several tons of amber were used to make it. It was also decorated with gold and jewels.
How long was
it built?
Of the fancy style popular in those days
10years for a team of the country’s best artists.
The best and biggest work of amber art ever made.有史以来所制作的最大最好的琥珀艺术作品
Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)
special material and fine design
ivory dragon boat
What is a cultural relic?
It tells us the past Survived for a long time
It’s special and rare
2. It uses the _P_a_s_t_Tense.
who the Russians and Germans
by studying old photos of the former one
3 when
4 why celebrate the 300th birthday of their city
Only original colour picture of the Amber Room
Frederick William I:
the next king of Prussia Peter the Great :the Czar of Russia Catherine Ⅱ: the female Czar of Russia
The clue of the story
True or False
( T) Germany and Russia are at war in
( F) All things in the Amber RooFra Baidu bibliotek were
stolen. The Russians were only able to remove the furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.
2. How many years did the artists take to make the Amber Room?
It took the country’s best artists about ten years to make the Amber Room.
an introduction of the Amber Room
the Nazis arrived
sent it to Konigsberg.
Para.5: A new Amber Room
( B) Which of the following is wrong about the Amber Room?
A. People continue to search for the old room.