


stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops.

If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet.


nutrient n.营养物

organism n.生物体,有机体

carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳

chloroplast n.叶绿体

molecule n.分子

vapor n.水蒸气

oxygen n.氧气

photosynthesis n.光合作用

chlorophyll n.叶绿素

glucose n.葡萄糖

cease v.停止


1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。


1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means

A heavy.

B extra.

C green.

D liquid.

2.Which of the following doe s not move through a plant’s stomata?

A Carbon dioxide.

B Water vapor.

C Oxygen.

D Food.

3.In the title, the term Essential Scientific Process refers to

A photosynthesis.

B the formation of glucose.

C global warming.

D water getting to the roots of plants.

4.This passage is primarily developed by

A explaining a process.

B telling a story.

C comparing and contrasting.

D convincing the reader of plants’ importance.

5.Another good title for this passage would be

A Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

B Plants and Their Roots.

C How Photosynthesis Works.

D Why Our Earth Needs Water.





Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet,因此选A项。B项是光合作用的一个部分,C、D项则毫不相干。




第五篇 A Record-Breaking Rover

NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before—at least in terms of distance. ____1____

On July 27, after years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder—a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.

“This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,” says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.

____2____ “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”OPPORTUNITY

The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago on a mission expected to last 3 months. ____3____

Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March 2010, a few months after it got stuck in a sand pit. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.

During its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras. ____4____


The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles. ____5____

Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near Marathon V alley could hold clues to Mars’s a ncient environment1. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researche rs as they plan for an eventual human mission to the Red Planet.


Mars rover n. 火星车

panoramic adj. 全景的

odometer n. 里程计

rack up v. 积累

microscopic adj. 微观的


1.could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment:含有与火星早期环境有关的线索。


A It has also provided sci entists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.

B He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

C Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.

D Opportunity has been working on Mars since January 2004.

E The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life,such as the possible presence of water.

F Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.



2.B前文引入了一个新人物John Callas,而后文是他说的一些话,因此这里应该填写的内容是对这个人的进一步介绍。





*第二十二篇Real World Robots

When you think of a robot, do you envision a shiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being, performing humanlike functions, and responding to your questions in a monotone voice accentuated by high-pitched tones and beeps? This is the way many of us imagine a robot, but in the real world, a robot is not humanoid at all. Instead a robot often is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries out repetitive or dangerous functions usually perfo rmed by humans. Today’s robot is more than an automatic machine that performs one task again and again. A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial intelligence—that is, arobot contains a computer program that tells it how to perform tasks associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and learning from past experience.

A robot does not possess a human shape for the simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced.A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels and axles that roll and rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel and move in combination with joints and motors. To find its way in its surroundings1, a robot utilizes various built-in sensors. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detect anything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeter as it moves on anincline, a gyroscope or a pendulum inside it senses the vertical differential.To determine its distance from an object

and how quickly it will reach theobject,the robot bounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in itspath2. These and other sensors constantly feed information to the computer, which then analyzes the information and corrects or adjusts the robot’s actions. As scien ce and technology advance, the robot too will progress in its functions and use of artificial-intelligence programs.


envisionv. 想象,预想

devicen. 装置

accentuatev. 强调,重读

artificialintelligence n. 人工智能

limbn. 臂

antennaen. 天线

inclinev. 倾斜

pendulumn. 钟摆

ultrasonicadj. 超声的

metallicadj. 金属的

monotonen. 单调的

humanoidadj. 像人的

axlen. 轮轴

rotatev. 旋转

swiveln. 旋转

teeterv. 摇晃

gyroscopen. 陀螺仪,回转仪

verticaln. 直立的


1.To find its way in its surroundings...:为了在周围找到路……

2.the robot bounces beams of laserlight and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path:机器人发射激光束和超声波,反射到障碍物上(以此来探知路径)。


1.Another good title for this passagewould be____________

ARobots: Taking the Place of Humans.

BArtificial Intelligence Programs.

CToday’s Robots and How TheyFunction.

DModern-Day Sensors.

2.Artificial intelligence is____________

Athe unnatural way in which robotsmove.

Ba voiceless, box-shaped machinethat performs repetitive tasks.

Csensors such as antennae and agyroscope.

Da computer program that imitateshuman intellectual processes.

3.The last paragraph suggests thatfuture robots will be____________

Amore humanlike in behavior andactions.

Bmore like automatic machines.

Cbetter able to move on inclines.

Dbetter equipped with laser lightsensors.

4.The writer begins the passage by comparing____________

Athe shape of a human being with abox.

Ba modem robot with a fictionalrobot.

Can imaginary machine with a human.

Da computer program with artificialintelligence.

5.The word humanoid means____________

Alacking human characteristics.

Banything having the appearance of ahumanoid.

Cbeing void or vacant.

Dhaving a human form orcharacteristics.



2.DArtificial是“人工”的意思,intelligence是“智能”的意思。另外从文中得知,机器人使用artificial intelligence能够进行与人类类似的推理分析等活动,因此可知它是一种类似人类智能的计算机程序。





*第九篇 Lightening Strikes

Three years ago a bolt of lightning all but destroyed Lyn Miller’s house in Aberdeen—with her two children inside. “There was a huge rainstorm,” she says, recalling the terrifying experience.

“My brother and I were outside desp erately working to stop floodwater from coming in the house. Suddenly I was thrown to the ground by an enormous bang. ____1____ The door was blocked by rubble, but we forced our way in and found the children, thankfully unharmed. Later I was told to be str uck by lightning is a chance in a million.” In fact, it’s calculated at one chance in 600,000. Even so, Dr Mark Keys of AER Technology, an organisation that monitors the effects of lightning, thinks you should be sensible. “I wouldn’t go out in a storm—but then I’m quite a careful person.” He advises anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught in a storm to get down on the ground and curl up into a ball, making yourself as small as possible.

Lightning is one of nature’s most awesome displays of sheer power. ____2____ 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist and statesman,proved that lightning is a form of electricity, but scientists still lack a complete understanding of how it works.

____3____ Positive electrical charges streaming upwards from trees or church spires may glow and make a buzzing noise, and people’s hair can stand on end. And if you fear lightning, you’ll be glad to know that a company in America has manufactured a hand-held lightning detector which can detect it up to 70 kms away, sound a warning tone and monitor the storm’s approach.

Nancy Wilder was playing golf at a club in Surrey when she was hit by a bolt of lightning. Mrs Wilder’s heart stopped beating, but she was resuscitated and, after a few days in hospital, where she was treated for bums to her head, hands and feet, she was pronounced fit again. Since that time,she has been a strictly fair weather golfer1. ____4____ The best place to be is inside a car! The largest number of people to be struck by lightning at one time was in September 1995 when 17 players on a football pitch were hit simultaneously. The most extraordinary aspect of the strike was the fact that 11 of the victims—seven adults and four children—had burn patterns of tiny holes at 3 centimetre intervals on each toe and around the soles of their feet.

Harold Deal, a retired electrician from South Carolina, USA, was struck by lightning 26 years ago. He was apparently unhurt, but it later emerged that the strike had damaged the part of the brain which controls the sensation of temperature. ____5____

Animals are victims of lightning too2.Hundreds of cows and sheep are killed every year, largely because they go under trees. In East Anglia in 1918, 504 sheep were killed instantaneously by the same bolt of lightning that hit the ground and travelled through the entire flock. Lightning is also responsible for starting more than 10,000 forest fires each year world-wide.


bolt n. (闪电)道

sheer adj. 绝对的

resuscitate v. 使复苏

flock n. 群

rubble n. 碎石

spire n. 尖顶,尖塔

instantaneously adv. 即刻,突如其来地


1.she has been a strictly fair weather golfer:她变成了一个只在晴朗天气才打高尔夫的人。2.Animals are victims of lightning too:动物也会受到雷击的伤害。


A No wonder the ancient Greeks thought it was Zeus, father of the gods, throwing thunderbolts around in anger.

B In fact, a golf course is one of the most dangerous places to be during a thunderstorm.

C Lightning has long been hailed as one of the most impressive displays of nature’s power.

D When I picked myself up, the roof and the entire upper storey of the house had been demolished.

E Occasionally there are warning signs.

F Since then the freezing South Carolina winters haven’t bothered Harold, since he is completely unable to feel the cold.







+第十三篇Affectionate Androids

Computers are now powerful enough to allow the age of humanoid robots to dawn1. And it won’t be long before we will see realistic cyber companions, complete with skin, dexterity, and intelligence. They will be programmed to tend to your every need.

Will we ever want to marry robots? Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy has published a book claiming human-robot relationships will become popular in the next few decades. ____1____

Will humans really be able to form deep emotional attachments to machines? It will, in fact, be relatively easy to form these strong attachments because the human mind loves to anthropomorphize: to give human attributes to other creatures—even objects.

For example, researchers in San Diego recently put a small humanoid robot in with a toddler playgroup for several months. ____2____ The children ended up treating it as a fellow toddler. When it lay down because its batteries were flat,the kids even covered it with a blanket.

In a few decades, when humanoid robots with plastic skin look and feel very real, will people want to form relationships with them? What if the bots could hold a conversation? And be programmed to be the perfect companions—soul mates, even? ____3____ And like those toddlers in the experiment, they will be very accepting of them.

The next question, then, is whether there is anything wrong with having an emotional relationship with a machine. Even today there are people who form deep attachments to their pets and use them as substitutes for friends or even children. Few consider that unethical.

____4____ For those who always seem to end up marrying the wrong man or woman, a robotic Mr. or Ms. Right could be mighty tempting. As the father of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky, put it when asked about the ethics of lonely older people forming close

relationships with robots: “If a robot had all the virtues of a person and was smarter and more understanding, why would the elderly bother talking to other grumpy old people?”

A robot could be programmed to be as dumb or smart, as independent or subservient, as an owner desired. And that’s the big disadvantage. Having the perfect robot partner will damage the ability to form equally deep human-human relationships. People will always seem imperfect in comparison. When you’re behaving badly, a good friend will tell you.


People in relationships have to learn to adapt to each other: to enjoy their common interests and to deal with their differences. It makes us richer, stronger, and wiser. A robot companion will be perfect at the start. However, there will be nothing to move the relationship to grow to greater heights.


affectionate adj. 深情的

dexterity n. 灵巧,敏捷

anthropomorphize v. 赋于人性,人格化

grumpy adj. 脾气暴躁的

cyber adj. 计算机的

tend v. 照料

bot n. 机器人

subservient adj. 屈从的,奉承的


1.Computers are now powerful enough to allow the age of humanoid robots to dawn:计算机技术已经足够成熟,能够支持人形机器人的诞生和普及,进入人形机器人的时代。


A It’s easier to have a robot companion instead of a human friend.

B But a sophisticated robot will probably be even more attractive.

C And if you want to go ahead and tie the knot with your special electronic friend,Levy said that such marriages will be socially acceptable by around 2050.

D However, few owners will program their robots to point out their flaws.

E Maybe your generation could resist, but eventually there will be a generation of people who grow up with humanoid robots as a normal part of life.

F The bot knew each child because it was programmed with face and voice recognition,and it giggled when tickled.








哲理精辟经典句子 导读:经典语句哲理精辟经典句子 1、路是大地一道难愈的伤痕,因此人生每一步都是隐隐的痛。 2、想要走的更快,请独行;要想走的更远,请结伴而行。 3、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 4、这个社会,是赢家通吃,输者一无所有,社会,永远都是只以成败论英雄。 5、对待弱者的态度就是你的教养。 6、我悄然隐退,请原谅我不说一声再会。而在最深最深的角暗里,试着将你藏起,藏到任何人,任何岁月也无法触及的间隔。 7、太完美的爱情,我不相信,途中聚聚散散难舍难分,终有一天会雨过天晴。 8、某些时光已成过往,是我再也回不去的远方。

9、淡定看人生,宁静做自己。生活其实很简单,只要我们怀着一颗感恩的心,去回报于社会,伸出双手,做一些举手之劳之事,微笑着面对生活,而生活将更加美好。 10、在这个尘世上,虽然有不少寒冷,不少黑暗,但只要人与人之间多些信任,多些关爱,那么,就会增加许多阳光。 11、在现实面前,咱们的想像力越兴旺,结果就越无法幻想。 12、给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。 13、人生,就没有永远的愁绪,别为难自己,学会放开,放下,看开想开,明天依旧阳光灿烂! 14、青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。 15、不要让那些真正对你好的人,慢慢的从你的生活中消失。无论爱情还是友情,都需要经营。 16、若能一切随她去,便是世间自在人。 17、探索的旅程不在于发现新大陆,而在于培养新视角。

18、人只有将寂寞坐断,才可以重拾喧闹;把悲伤过尽,才可以重见欢颜;把苦涩尝遍,就会自然回甘。 19、笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明的人在脚下播种幸福。 content2(); 20、与其给鱼一双翅膀,不如给鱼一方池塘。 21、人生四大乐:青春活力,创业有成,家庭和顺,邻里和谐。人生四大悲:病魔缠身,患得患失,重蹈覆辙,一事无成。 22、以后的以后少一些自以为是,多一些自知之明。 23、爱有两种,一种是死死抓住,你紧张他也紧张;一种是轻松拖住,你舒服他也舒服。 24、生活之累,一半源于生存,一半源于攀比。 25、对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。 26、如果你的婚姻不幸福,那就回来找我吧,哪怕我已经老得走不动了,我也会带你一起私奔的。


2015综合A真题及答案 第一部分词汇选项 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class a. control b. observe c. regulate d. accept 2 .she showed a natural aptitude for the work. a. sense b. talent c. flavor d. taste 3. most people find rejection hard to accept. a. Excuse b. client c. refusal d. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. a. Pleased b. powerful c. brave d. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. a. Deadly b. open c. actual d. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. a. Amount b. supply c. tempt d. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. a. Clear b. necessary c. special d. correct 8. The stock exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. a. Service b. danger c. disorder d. threat 9 .He believed that Europe must change or it will perish. A. Survive b. last c. die d. move 10. There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. a. Fair b. full c. coexisting d. public 11. They promote assimilation of ethnic groups into the main-stream culture. a. Policy b. value c. equality d. integration 12. A salesman’s cardinal rule is to satisfy customers. a. Principal b. official c. simple d. legal 13. I must compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation. a. Silence b. praise c. assure d. complain 14. We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear. a. Emotional b. nervous c. terrible d. continuous 15. The starving children were a pathetic sight. a. Common b. unexpected c. unforgettable d. pitiful

2015年全国职称英语考试 理工类新增文章汇总 考试重点内容 word版 全网独一份

2015年全国职称英语考试理工类新增文章汇总 word版全网独一份 注:押题皇后王霞老师授意,新增文章仍然是考试热门文章,务必掌 握。 2015年职称英语教材理工类的变动比较小,一共只有5篇新增文章。2015年职称英语教材理工类新增的5篇文章,分布在阅读理解和补全短文:阅读理解理工C和理工B各新增一篇文章;补全短文理工A、B和C各新增一篇文章。完形填空理工类整体都没有新增文章。

理工C阅读理解新增文章 第九篇An Essential Scientific Process All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live. The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops. If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet. 词汇: nutrient n.营养物 organism n.生物体,有机体 carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳 chloroplast n.叶绿体 molecule n.分子 vapor n.水蒸气 oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用 chlorophyll n.叶绿素 glucose n.葡萄糖 cease v.停止 注释: 1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。 练习: 1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means Aheavy. Bextra. Cgreen. Dliquid.


2015职称英语综合类B级真题及答案 第1部分词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定一个意义最为接近的选项。 1. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D .sensible 2. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. accept B. control C. observe D. regulate 3. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A limit B. fear C. power D. fool 4. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. destiny D. refusal 5. She's extremely competent and industrious. A. hardworking B. honest C. objective D. independent 6. The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A. hide B .handle C. disclose D. establish 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. clear B. share C. gather D. spare 8. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. punishment C. guilt D. obligation 9. Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A. flexible B. terrible C. reasonable D. serious 10. These products are inferior to those we brought last year. A. poorer than B. narrower than C. larger than D. richer than 11. The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. A. improved B. changed C. worsened D. developed 12. There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. A. coexisting B. fair C. full D .pubic 13. They're petitioning for better facilities for the disabled on public transport. A. requesting B.planning C. preparing D. looking 14. He said some harsh words about his brother. A. unkind B. proper C. normal D. unclear 15. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. sum D. temp 第2部分: 阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A: 如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B; 如果该句的信息问中没有提及,请选择C。 Living History at Jamestown Settlement A woman in Native American clothes is sitting in the sun, sewing a dress from skin. Inside a building, a colonist is making a wooden chair, using very simple tools. And all around, tourists are taking pictures with their digital (数码的) cameras. This is Jamestown Settlement today.


M Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities A new examination of urban policies has been carried out recently by Patricia Romero Lankao. She is a sociologist specializing in climate change and urban development. She warns that many of the world’s fast -growing urban areas, especially in developing countries, will likely1 suffer from the impacts of changing climate. Her work also concludes that most cities are failing to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These gases are known to affect the atmosphere. “Climate change is a deeply local issue and poses profound threats to the growing cities of the world,” says Romero Lankao. “But too few cities are developing effective strategies to protect their residents. ” Cities are major sources of greenhouse gases. And urban populations are likely to be among those most severely affected by future climate change. Lankao’s findings3 highlight ways in which city-residents are particularly vulnerable, and suggest policy interventions that could offer immediate and longer-term benefits The locations and dense construction patterns of cities often place their populations at greater risk for natural disasters. Potential threats associated with climate include storm surges and prolonged hot weather. Storm surges can flood coastal areas and prolonged hot weather can heat heavily paved cities more than surrounding areas. The impacts of such natural events can be more serious in an urban environment. For example, a prolonged heat wave can increase existing levels of air pollution, causing widespread health problems. Poorer neighborhoods that may lack basic facilities such as drinking water or a dependable network of roads, are especially vulnerable to natural disasters. Many residents in poorer countries live in substandard housing without access to reliable drinking water, roads and basic services. Local governments,therefore,should take measures to protect their residents. “Unfortunately, they tend to move towards rhetoric rather than meaningful responses,” Romero Lankao writes. “They don’t impose construction standards that could reduce heating and air conditioning needs. They don’t emphasize mass transit and reduce automobile, use. In fact, many local governments are taking a hands-off approach.” Thus, she urges them to change their idle policies and to take strong steps to prevent the harmful effects of’ climate change on cities. Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of charge so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London suggest in a new study. Statins reduce the amount of unhealthy “LDL ” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data4 has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a person ’s heart attack risk In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology, Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is enough to offset the increase in heart attack risk from eating a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake. Dr Francis, from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London, who is the senior author of the study, said: “Statins don ’t cut out all of the unhealthy effects of cheeseburgers and French fries. It ’s better to avoid fatty food altogeth er. But we’ve worked out that in terms of your possibility of having a heart attack, taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same degree as a fast food meal increases it. ” It ’s ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthy condiments in fast food outlets as they like, but statins, which are beneficial to heart health, have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are provided free of charge. It would cost less than 5 pence per customer —— not much different to a sachet of sugar, “ Dr Francis said. When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking, they ’re encouraged to take measures that lower their risk, like wearing a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters. Taking a stain is a rational way of lowering some of the risks of eating a fatty meal. Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More Light Solar photovoltaic thermal energy systems, or PVTs, generate both heat and electricity, but until now they haven’t been very good at the heat-generating part compared to a stand-alone solar thermal collector. That’s because they operate at low temperatures to cool crystalline silicon solar cells, which lets the silicon generate more electricity but isn’t a very efficient way to gather heat. That ’s a problem of economics. Good solar hot-water systems can harvest much more energy than a solar-electric system at a substantially lower cost. And it ,s also a space problem :photovoltaic cells can take up all the space on the roof, leaving little room for thermal applications. In a pair of studies, Joshua Pearce, an associate professor of materials science and engineering, has devised a solution in the form of a better PVT made with a different kind of silicon. His research collaborators are Kunal Girotra from ThinSilicon in California and Michael Pathak and Stephen Harrison from Queen’s Universi ty, Canada." Most solar panels are made with crystalline silicon , but you can also make solar cells out of amorphous silicon,commonly known as thin-film silicon. They don ’t create as much electricity, but they are lighter, flexible, and cheaper. And, because they require much less silicon, they have a greener footprint. Unfortunately ,thin-film silicon solar cells are vulnerable to some bad-news physics in the form of the Staebler-Wronski effect.


第五篇Tracking Down HIV In the summer of 1980, a patient had a strange purplish spot removed from below his ear. It was Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare form of skin cancer. This patient also had lymph node swelling and exhaustion. In November 1980, a Los Angeles immunologist examined a young man who had diseases linked to immune system malfunctions. The doctor had a T-cell count taken of the patient’s blood. T-cells are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role1 in immune responses. The patient had no helper T-cells. By the end of 1980, 55 Americans were diagnosed with infections related to immune system breakdown; four had died. A year later the death toll was 74. Intravenous drug users had T-cell abnormalities. People who had received blood transfusions showed symptoms of immune system breakdown. By July 1982, 471 cases of the disease, now called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), had been reported; 184 people had died. In April 1984, American virologist Dr. Robert Gallo isolated the pathogen, or disease producer, responsible for2 AIDS. He called it HTLV-III. In Paris, Dr. Luc Montagnier identified a virus he called LAV. An international panel of scientists determined that both men had found the same virus. It became known as Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Blood banks began screening for HTV in 1985, but by then about 29,000 people had been infected through blood transfusions. Some 12,000 hemophiliacs had contracted HIV through blood-clotting products. By 1995, 477,900 Americans had AIDS; 295,500 had died.


2015职称英语综合类B级真题答案(词汇选项) 第1部分词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定一个意义最为接近的选项。 1. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D .sensible 2. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. accept B. control C. observe D. regulate 3. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A limit B. fear C. power D. fool 4. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. destiny D. refusal 5. She's extremely competent and industrious. A. hardworking B. honest C. objective D. independent 6. The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A. hide B .handle C. disclose D. establish 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. clear B. share C. gather D. spare 8. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. punishment C. guilt D. obligation 9. Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A. flexible B. terrible C. reasonable D. serious


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4114548192.html,/ .375. School Lunch Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime.Children can choose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunch time. The research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has increased in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot criticise parents,but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children’s diet can_affect their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating_habits at this age,and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.A Powerful Influence There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference1to our lives.Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet,hardly ever doing anything else in their spare time.Naturally,parents are curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive,and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children.Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers? Obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours,absorbed in some game,instead of doing their homework,then something is wrong.Parents and children could decide how much use the child should_make of the Internet,and the child should give his or her word that it won’t interfere with homework.If the child is not holding to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a child’s use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour.Any parent who is_seriously alarmed about a child’s behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher.Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a child’s performance at school.Even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just going through a phase,and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!The Old Gate In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them.This was partly for defensive reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable,like people with contagious diseases.The Old City of London gates were all demolished by the end of the 18th century.The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago,but by a stroke of luck,it was never destroyed. This gate is,in actual fact,not called a gate at all;its name is Temple Bar,and it marked the boundary between the Old City of London and Westminster.In 1878the Council of London took the Bar down,numbered the stones and put the gate in storage because its design was unfashionable it was expensive to maintain and it was blocking the traffic. The Temple Bar Trust was set up in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home.The aim of the Trust is the preservation of the nation’s architectural heritage.Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it down,stone by stone,removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral.Most of the facade of the gate will probably be replaced,though there is a good chance that the basic structure will be sound.The hardest job of all,however,will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate.Family History In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a fairly short history,like Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family’s past.It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and_cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just treat it as an interesting possibility.A simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your way.The most important thing,though,is to get started.Who knows what you might find? Helen and Martin With a thoughtful sigh,Helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair.Would her brother never arrive?For a brief moment,she wondered if she really cared that much. Over the years Helen had given up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her.Her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now,as she sat waiting for him,she experienced no more than a sister’s curiosity to see what had become of her brother. Almost without warning,Martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office.Somehow the two of them hadn’t bothered to keep in touch and,left alone,Helen had slowly found
