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1. He succeeded in (克服)many difficulties in learning English.

2. Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a 仲昆舌L; 糟糕)in your study!

3. There were many (日寸4矣)when the team could win, but they were not so lucky.

4. The disease spread (遍及)the country, getting most people into a panic.

5 - He became inspired when he thought about helping (普通的)people.

6- (幸运地),everything worked out all right in the end.

7. The restaurant is (尤其)popular with the businessmen.

8. To be honest, T m very (满足的)with my life at present.

9. There is now evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.(令人信月艮的)

10. The film by Zhang Yimou is popular with young people .导演

11. It ,

s a good idea for children and parents to switch roles .(偶尔)


1. I found that all the old houses I remembered (难辨别出)in my village.

2. Everybody thought this young actor would have a bright future after he (在两部 电影中担任主角).

3. (至U 目前为止),he hasn ,t found a good way to solve the difficult problem.

4. In winter, the town (常常与世隔绝)because of heavy snow.

5- The news said that the schools in that southwestern area is (缺少教学设备),and even teachers.

6. Sam (偶然学会一些电脑知识)just by watching others working on it.

7 . How did your mother (反应)the bad news?

8. I mentioned that point (尤其; 特另U ), for it was quite important.

9. They will have moved to the new house (至iJW 。周末)

10. We should never book knowledge only.(满足于)

11. As is known, the British able manners.(相当讲究)

12. They sat at the back of the room, talking . 3氐声)

13. They often at weekends.(款待朋友们吃饭)

14. At the sound, the birds in the tree flew .(向四而八方)

15. Her British accent was on her visit to London.(学会)

16. They reached the company out of breath they were fired.(去|]被告知)

17. The Chinese government.(正如所报告的一样),will develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life. 必修四Uni3单词检测 班级:姓名:


18.He spent four years getting a degree,(结果发现)there were no jobs for graduates.

19.The couple(对 ........................... 很满意)the life in the countryside, where everything goes quietly and comfortably.

20.Some of the branches must(剪掉)in order for the tree to grow.

21 .The mother died in the traffic accident,(留下两个孩子).

22.(克月艮了许多困难),he achieved success.

23 o He(挑选)some talented persons to be his students, Xiao Shenyang, for example.


I.My sister ran 100 m in an(astonish) 11.9 seconds.

2- Jack was too(drink) to remember anything about the wedding ceremony.

3.The earthquake has killed hundreds and made thousands(home)-

4.Are you(bore) with your mother's endless complaining?

5 - The guy showed us a good tyre for comparison with the(wear) one.

6-Finally, the advertising campaign was a total(fail).

7.The children in the mountain village have no 1 so their teachers often tell

stories to them after class.(entertain)

8.He felt like a when he to pass the driving test.(fail)

9.His words finally me, and I was that he was innocent.(convince)

10o Would you mind(turn) down your radio a little, please?

II.(make) friends plays an important part in our life.

12.It is no use(talk) with a person like him.

13.1remember(take) to the zoo by my mother when I was a child.

14.He succeeded in(persuade) her to take the job.

15.This computer wants(repair).

16.(swim) is my favourite sport.

17.Would you like(go) there with us?

18.According to my own understanding, a good teacher is also a good(perform) in class.

19.His experiment ended in(fail).

20.1am(fortune) in having such outstanding parents.

21.(occasion), he would say something funny to make his wife happy.

22.With a(mouth) of rice, he could hardly say anything.

23.Tom is jobless, penniless and he feels(hope).

24.His hometown is in a(mountain) area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.



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