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1, summary ['sʌməri] adj.简易的; 扼要的n. 概要,摘要

2, enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] n. 执行,实施;强制

3, summarise ['sʌməraiz] vt. 概括;相加

4, smooth [smu:ð] adj.平稳的;顺利的vt.消除;缓和

5, solemn ['sɔləm] adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的

6, hall [hɔ:l] n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍

7, ingress ['inɡres] n. 进入;准许进入;入口;入境

8, lords n. 上议院;上院议员

9, enforcer [in'fɔ:sə] n. 实施者;强制执行者

10, proverb ['prɔvə:b] n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事

11, prohibit [prəu'hibit] vt. 阻止,禁止

12, spectator [spek'teitə, 'spekt-] n. 观众;旁观者

13, installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职

14, grind [ɡraind] vt.磨快; 磨碎vi.折磨; 磨碎

15, grand [ɡrænd] adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元16, summarization [,sʌmərai'zeiʃən, -ri'z-] n. 摘要;概要

17, comply [kəm'plai] vi. 答应;遵守;顺从,遵从

18, ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt] n.原料; 要素adj. 构成组成部分的

19, prohibitive [prəu'hibitiv] adj. 禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;类同禁止的;过高的20, instable [in'steibl] adj. 不稳定的;不牢固的

21, install [in'stɔ:l] vt. 任命;安装;安顿

22, accelerate [ək'seləreit] vt.使……增速; 使……加快vi. 加速;促进;增加23, solemnity [sə'lemnəti] n. 严肃;庄严;一本正经

24, association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-] n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想25, logging ['lɔɡiŋ, 'lɔ:ɡ-] n. 记录;伐木工作v. 把…锯成段木;砍伐树木26, log [lɔɡ, lɔ:ɡ] vi. 伐木vt.切;航行

27, upgrade ['ʌpɡreid, ʌp'ɡreid] vt. 提升;使升级n.上升;上坡

28, stimulation [,stimju'leiʃən] n. 激励,鼓舞;刺激

29, parliament ['pɑ:ləmənt] n. 议会,国会

30, dimension [di'menʃən, dai-] n. 维;尺寸vt. 标出尺寸

31, proverbial [prəu'və:bjəl] adj. 谚语的;谚语式的;众所周知的32, retrieve [ri'tri:v] vt.检索;恢复vi. 找回猎物

33, smoothly ['smu:ðli] adv. 平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地34, resolute ['rezəlju:t, -lət] adj. 坚决的;果断的

35, assert [ə'sə:t] vt. 断言;主张;声称;维护,坚持36, summon ['sʌmən] vt. 召唤;召集;鼓起;振作

37, installer n. 安装者,安装工;安装程序38, summarize ['sʌməraiz] vt.概述; 总结vi. 作总结;作概括39, enforce [in'fɔ:s] vt. 强迫,强制;实施,执行40, prohibition [,prəuhi'biʃən] n. 禁止;禁令;诉讼中止令;禁酒41, inquire [in'kwaiə] vt.查究;问明vi. 询问;查究;询价42, installment [in'stɔ:lmənt] n. 分期付款;部分;就职;安装install vt. 安装;任命;安顿

43, expense [ik'spens] n. 损失,代价;消费;开支vt. 向…收取费用vi. 被花掉44, foil [fɔil] vt.衬托;贴箔于n.叶形片;衬托,烘托

45, terminal ['tə:minəl] n.极限;终点adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的

46, spectate ['spekteit] vi. 出席观看

47, expensive [ik'spensiv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱的



政府削权)“我们要有壮士断腕的决心”= We should have the determination to cut the wrist like brave warriors.

“腐败和我们政府的信誉应该说水火不容”= Corruption is incompatible to reputation of the government, like fire to water.

(两岸同胞)“打断骨头还连着筋”= Bones may be broken, but they are not split, because we are compatriots.

(两岸关系)“使其花团锦簇,我想花好总有月圆时”= ...so that it will be full of flowers. When flowers are in full blossom, there will be a time for the moon to be full again.

“至于食品安全,那可以说是天大的事”= Food safety is of utmost importance.

(查处)“假冒伪劣和黑心食品”= punish the heartless producers of substandard and fake food

“绿水青山贫穷落后不行,但殷实富裕环境恶化也不行”= It is no good to be poor in a beautiful environment, nor is it good to be well-off and live with environmental degradation.

这么多比喻中,最难翻译的应该是“(改革贵在行动)喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子”,翻译很巧妙地借用了英语Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk的习惯说法,很自然,外国人一下子就能听懂,应该是本次记者招待会上最出彩的翻译之一。


On Comprehensive reforms 谈改革

"However deep the water may be, we will wade into it because we have no alternative."


On Urbanization 谈城市化
