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Module1 Unit 1 (第一课时)


I. Copy the sentences with the correct forms (正确抄写下列句子):

look i have some fruit theyre grapes plums and apples

________________________________________________________________ II. Read and change the words (根据要求改变单词):

1. peach(复数) _________ _________

2. strawberry(复数) _________ _________

3. smell(同类词) _________ _________

4. purple(同类词) _________

5. one(复数) _________

6. close(反义词) _________

7. those(单数) _________ 8. sour(同类词) _________

III. Write the words (写出两个与划线部分同类的单词):

1. The grape is round and purple. _________ _________

2. Look at this fox. _________ _________

3. This apple is big and sweet. _________ _________

4. We can play in the park. _________ _________ IV. Fill in the blanks (用所给词的适当形式填空):

1. _________ (this) grapes are very sweet. Yum!

2. _________ (be) the cherries sweet or sour?

3. –What _________ (do) the fox _________ (like)? –It_________ (like) the


4. –Do you have _________ (some) fruit? –Yes, I do.

5. Close your _________ (eye). Smell it. Is it a peach?

6. I have some _________ (glass) of water.

V. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改写句子):

1. I like apples. I like plums. (改为选择疑问句)

_________ _________ like apples _________ plums?

2. I have a glass of juice. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ have?

3. The apple tastes crunchy. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ the apple _________?

4. Are these purple grapes sweet? (改为肯定句)


VI. Complete the sentences (完成句子):

1. –What can you _________? –I can smell an orange.

2. _________ them. They are sour.

3. He often _________ his bicycle with his sister in the yard.

4. _________ can eat the grapes, the bird or the fox?

5. --_________ the apple. How does it smell? –It is _________.

VII. Complete the dialogue (完成对话):

A: Look,I have some 1 _. They are cherries, oranges, 2 and plums.

What do you 3 ?

B: I like oranges.

A: Do you like orange ones or green 4 ?

B: I like orange ones.

A: Taste the oranges. How do they 5 ?

B: They are 6 .They are nice.







Module1 Unit 1 (第二课时)


I. Copy the sentences with the correct forms(正确抄写下列句子):

close your eyes smell it it is nice

________________________________________________________________ II. Read and judge (判断划线部分发音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示): ( ) 1. paper grape ( ) 2. zoo too

( ) 3. card hard ( ) 4. chair school ( ) 5. juice glue ( ) 6. smooth mouth III. Read and write(读句子,用适当的单词填空):

1. I have some grapes. Do you like green _________ or purple ones?

2. Peter rides his bicycle in the _________.

3. –Do you have plums? –No, I have some _________.

4. _________ the apple. Is it crunchy?

5. These oranges are _________ sweet at all.

6. – _________ the fox like the grapes? –Yes.

IV. Fill in the blanks (用所给词的适当形式填空):

1. I _________ (have) some fruit. Peter _________ (have) some fruit, too.

2. My grandmother is old. She _________ (can) eat the apples. They are too


3. Now _________ (taste) the strawberry. How _________ (do) it taste?

4. Please _________ (look) and _________ (guess).

5. These _________ (cherry) are nice and sweet. I want _________ (they). V. Read and choose(选择):

( )1. --_________ your sister like apples? –Yes.

A. Do

B. Does D. Is

( )2. Mark _________ a little car. It _________ yellow and blue.

A. has, has

B. is, has

C. has, is

( )3. --Are these apples green _________ red? –They are red.

A. or

B. and

C. but

( )4. _________ nice cakes!

A. How

B. A

C. What

( )5. Kitty has _________ apple juice.

A. an

B. a glass of

C. many

VI. Complete the passage (完成短文):

Mark and his s 1 _ Sue often r 2 _ their bicycles in the y 3 _. They ride them a 4 _ the park on s 5 _ afternoon. They are very h 6 _.







VII. Complete the dialogue (完成对话):
