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()1. There are some ________ on the hill.

A. sheeps

B. a sheep

C. sheep

D. sheepes

()2. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email.

A. some good information

B. some good informations

C. good informations

D. a good information

()3. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books.

A. child

B. childrens'

C. children

D. children's

()4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ________ .

A. pair

B. one

C. ones

D. trousers

()5. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class.

A. students

B. students

C. student's

D. students'

()6. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about _______ .

A. forty minutes's walk

B. forty minute's walk

C. forty minutes walk

D. forty minutes' walk

()7. How many _____ are there in your class ?

A. Japanese

B. American

C. Australian

D. Canadian

()8. I found my black cat in_____ room.

A. Jim and Mike

B. Jim and Mike's

C. Jim's and Mike's

D. Jim's and Mike

()9. How much are the _____ ?

A. bread

B. meats.

C. potatos

D. tomatoes

()10. There are many ______ in our school.

A. woman teachers

B. woman's teachers

C. women teachers

D. women's teachers

()11. Three months ________ a long time for me.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. has

()12. There are ______ and ______ on the table.

A. two boxes cake; four bottle of oranges

B. two boxes cake; four bottle of orange

C. two boxes of cakes; four bottles of orange

D. two box of cakes; four bottles of oranges


tooth(牙齿)_________________goose(鹅)_________________ table(桌

子)_____________________man driver(男司机)________________potato(土

豆)___________________ piano(钢琴)________________, sheep(羊)_____________________, mouse (鼠)____________________loaf(面包)____________________glass(玻璃



1) This is a pair of trouser.这是一条裤子。

2) He gave me some advices. 他给了我一些忠告。

3) She went to the library with two ladies friends.她和两位女伴一起去图书馆。

4) The police is looking for him. 警察在找他。

四、听写:1、_________________ 2、________________3、________________4、__________________ 5、___________________6、_________________ 7、________________8、________________9、

__________________ 10、___________________11_________________ 12、________________13、

________________14、__________________ 15、___________________16、_________________ 17、

________________18、________________19、__________________ 20、___________________
