


1、As we’re one of the leading importers in this line , we’re D to handle large quantities.

A at a positin

B of a position

C on a position

D in a position

2、We offer you the following items D your reply reaching here by May 21 our time.

A subjecting to

B to subject to

C subjects to

D subject to

3、 A your prices be in line, you will find a ready market for the products beore.

A Should

B To provide

C Provided

D Provide

4、We confirm our e-mail of yesterday , C as follows.

A reads

B read

C which reads

D which reading

5、We D your letter of Nov.4 asking us to make a quotation .

A go over

B have read

C check up

D refer to

6、Our offer B firm till May 8. .

A could be

B is

C for

D /

7、FOB should be followed by A .

A port of shipment

B port of destination

C port of transshipment

D port of calls.

8、In CIF , the A has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage.


B、buyer C. freight forward D. receiver

9、The B term can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport.





10、The Youth Peas are B .

A on scare supply

B in short supply

C not preparing

D with abundant supply

11、We confirm B you an offer for 50 tons of Walnuts.

A to have sent

B having sent

C sent

D to send

12、As C in your letter of May 2, we are sending you a catalogue and our latest price list .

A required

B require

C requested

D request

13、We hope you could offer us B something near our level.

A on

B for

C at

D with

14、If you are facing difficulties A we are not aware , we would like to know what we can do to help.

A of which

B that

C of that

D what

15、There is steady demand in Europe for leather gloves C high quality .

A at

B to

C of

D for

16、We certainly accept your offer B you will ship the goods during May .

A except

B provided

C unless

D but

17、We would make you the following offer, subject to your fax acceptance C us not later than NOV. 12, 2004.

A reaches

B being reached

C reaching

D reach

18、We can not see our way to D this offer open for more than 5 days.

A have

B place

C take

D keep

19、As A , we are making you our best offer for the following items.

A requested

B requesting

C request

D requests

20、In view of our long business relations and our friendly cooperation prospects . we suggest you A our items.

A accept

B much accept

C accepts

D to accept


1、We are well experienced __ this line and can place orders with you large quantities if your prices are attractive enough.( in in )

2、We confirm the sale you of 100 tons groundnuts resulting letters exchanged. ( to from )

3、We hope we could come business you.( to with )

4、We look forward hearing you again( to from )

5. We hope we will have the pleasure supplying you again.( of )

6. You can be assured that the goods will turn out your entire satisfaction.( to )

7. Please refer the e-mails exchanged us in April. ( to between )

8. Contracts must be renewed one week their expiration.( before )

9. We will write you as soon as we are a position to supply these goods again .( to in )

10. To avoid possible dispute quality , both sides should describe the goods clearly in the contract.( of )


外贸函电综合试题1 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20 分) 1.There is________doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing. () A.withoutB.little C.some D.a little 2.Our quotation________Tiantan Brand S hirts is valid for10days.() A.to B.after C.in D.for 3.We cannot see any possible of business________your price is on the high side.() A.which B.since C.that D.t hough 4.We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock________you order e arly.() A.whether B.that C.after D.if 5.We________well________with the de mand of Asia market.() A.shall…acquaint B.can…acquaint C.are…acquainting D. are…acquainted 6.We will see to________that the L/C is opened within the stipulat ed time.() A.it B.make C.let D.them 7.After inspection of the above shipment we found5cases________.() A.Missed B. missing C.lost D.losing8.________your terms and conditions be accepted by ou r clients,we will place a large order with you.() A.Should B.If C.Unless D.That9.Sometimes,transshipment and pa rtial shipment are________by the buyer.() A.permission B.permitting C.prohibite d D.prohibiting10.We offer you our lowest price,________we have done a lot of bu siness with other customers. () A.which B.that C.with which D.at which11.Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price________5%.() A.with B.to C.by D.for12.As the selling season is approaching,please ship the goods with the least________delay.


I. 基础知识中文填空: 1. 外贸业务函电即可以是传统的纸质信函,传真,电报电话,也可以是现代的网路电子文书。 2. 得体,准确,充分,简洁地沟通信息是外贸业务信函追求的_____首要目标__________。 3. 外贸业务函电写作的6C原则指的是:___体谅Consideration________;遵循国际惯例(Conformity to international practice);清晰(Clarity);具体(Concreteness);简洁(Conciseness) 以及完整(Completeness)。 4. 目前,多数专家公认的外贸业务函电的两大排版格式是:(Block style)齐头式___ 和缩行式(Indented style)。 5. 标准而正式的外贸信函通常由信头,信内地址,称谓,__正文_____ ,结束套语,签署及其他选择性项目包括主题或附件等六部分组成。

6. 按一般国际惯例,在外贸业务信函的开头部分,应说明______写信的动机与目的______________;提及上一封信函的日期及大致内容;讨论收信人最关切的问题。 7. 具体而简洁地总结信的内容并___安排下一步行动/工作_____________是大多数外贸函电结尾部分写作最常见的内容。 8. 通过函电方式获取潜在客户信息的主流方法有:资料分析法;___经第三方介绍____________ ;通过网络搜索这三种。 9. 外贸函电中的主题行指的是构成该函电的中心议题句子或关键主题词或短语,通常为上封信编号,或公司名称及地址,或合同号码,或信用证号码,或订单号,或正在讨论的商品名等等。为了醒目提示,____通常加画底线______________。 10. 国际货物买卖合同的磋商一般可概括为询盘,发盘,还盘和接受四个环节, 其中


外贸函电试题及答案 一、选择题 1.在外贸函电中,正文是指( A ) A.函电的主体内容 B.函电的落款和称谓 C.函电的附件和资料 D.函电的主题和要求 2.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用结尾语?( B ) A.期待您的回复 B.希望尽快获得回复 C.敬祝合作愉快 D.谢谢您的关注 3.下列哪个选项可以作为外贸函电的起首语?( D ) A.咨询某项产品的价格和供货期 B.对上次订单及送货延迟表达不满 C.询问供应商是否接受信用证支付 D.向客户问候并表达感谢

4.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用附件?( C ) A.产品目录和详细规格 B.合同草案和价格清单 C.付款方式和货物起运港口 D.公司资质证明和信用证复印件 5.外贸函电的主要目的是( A ) A.传达商务信息和开展商业活动 B.展示个人写作能力和语言表达能力 C.获取他人私人信息和进行非商业活动 D.随便发邮件,没有具体目的要求 答案: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 二、填空题 1.外贸函电应遵循简洁、明确、______的原则。

答:礼貌 2.外贸函电中,一般使用______语言来进行正式的书写。 答:英文 3.外贸函电的起首语通常包括致意和______。 答:感谢 4.在外贸函电的附件中,常常包括产品______和价格单。 答:目录 5.在外贸函电的结尾语中,常常表达希望______。 答:合作 三、简答题 1.请简要介绍外贸函电的常用格式。 答:外贸函电的常用格式包括信头(信笺纸上的个人或企业信息)、日期、收件人信息、称呼、正文、结尾语和署名等要素。信头中应包 含发件人的名称、地址、电子邮件和联系电话等信息。日期应紧接在 信头之后,表示函电的发送日期。收件人信息应包含收件人的姓名、 公司名称、地址和电子邮件等详细信息。称呼应根据收件人的身份和 称谓进行准确的称呼,如"尊敬的先生/女士"。正文是函电的主体内容,要以简洁明确的语言进行书写,表达函电的目的和要求。结尾语用于 表示发件人对收件人的期望和祝愿,例如"敬祝合作愉快"。署名是发件人对函电的签名,可包括个人或公司的名称、职位和联系方式等信息。


外贸函电选择题和填空题 选择题 1、As we’re one of the leading importers in this line , we’re D to handle large quantities. A at a positin B of a position C on a position D in a position 2、We offer you the following items D your reply reaching here by May 21 our time. A subjecting to B to subject to C subjects to D subject to 3、 A your prices be in line, you will find a ready market for the products beore. A Should B To provide C Provided D Provide 4、We confirm our e-mail of yesterday , C as follows. A reads B read C which reads D which reading 5、We D your letter of Nov.4 asking us to make a quotation . A go over B have read C check up

D refer to 6、Our offer B firm till May 8. . A could be B is C for D / 7、FOB should be followed by A . A port of shipment B port of destination C port of transshipment D port of calls. 8、In CIF , the A has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. A、seller B、buyer C. freight forward D. receiver 9、The B term can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport. A CPT B CFR C FCA D CIP 10、The Youth Peas are B . A on scare supply B in short supply C not preparing D with abundant supply 11、We confirm B you an offer for 50 tons of Walnuts. A to have sent B having sent C sent


外贸函电试题参考答案及评分标准 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(外贸函电试题参考答案及评分标准)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为外贸函电试题参考答案及评分标准的全部内容。

外贸函电试题参考答案及评分标准 一、填空题(每空1分,共25分) 1.Owing()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment () September 10th()October 10th. 2.We wish to call your attention ()the validity ()the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension 3。If you insist ()your price,there is no possibility of getting business done. 4。We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools()request. 5.()receipt ()your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ()your favor ()pound sterling。 6。Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ()your end. 7.We offer firm CIF,Lagos shipment()30days,subject()your reply here before10a。m.our time. 8.We can supply Walnuts ()stock. 9。We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer()you cannot be considered. 10。Payment of the purchase is to be made()confirmed, irrevocable L/C。 11.We have confidence()the quality of Chinese Tin。 12.We are glad to have booked()you 10000doz,Five Starnd pencils. 13。It is out()question that we can get the necessary import license。 14.()regard()Contract No。123and 456,we are agreeable ()D/P terms of payment ()these contracts. 15。Would you make us a firm offer()CIF.Liverpool basis? 二、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其号码填在题后的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1、As it involves only a small(),we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter。 A、quantity B、quality C、number D、 figure 2、We are sorry to learn in your letter that 200pairs of leather shoes()under the above order are damaged when they reach you。 A、offer B、demand C、supply D、requirement


实用标准文档 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题3分,共120分) 1. ________ and technology make one product less e某pensive for a nation to manufacture than another. A. Source B. Resources C. Money D. Cash 2. A ________ is a business with one owner. A. proprietorship sole B. partnership C. corporation D. joint venture Limited B. liability Unlimited C. Partnership D. Corporation B. Cor C. Ultd D. Ltd

B. public C. shareholder D. beneficiary 6. Centralized management is e某ercised by a small number of people, the Board of Directors, which is headed by the Chairman (or, in the USA, the President) and decides the overall policy of the ________. A. society B. family C. firm D. world 7. Investment is freely transferable, which means one owner can sell his ownership interests to an ________ without a change in the nature of the business. A. investor B. person C. owner D. outsider B. si某 C. ten D. one hundred 9. The more popular sequence of dating today is ________. A.


《外贸函电》期末考试题附答案 一、选择题(1*10=10`) 1.We ______ in dinning furniture.() A special B specially C specialize(正确答案) D specialized 2.We look forward to _____ your early reply. () A hear B receive C accepting D receiving(正确答案) 3.We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____catalogue.() A.sent B.enclosed(正确答案) C. given D. presented 4. ____ you don't reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy in another companies.

() A.Before B.If(正确答案) C.Unless D.When 5.We highly appreciate ____. () . A. your kind cooperation(正确答案) B.you cooperation C. that you cooperate D. it your kind cooperating 6.In our letter of May 10, we make ____ clear that shipment be effected in June.() A.you B.them https://www.360docs.net/doc/4319224378.html, D.it(正确答案) 7.We are looking forward ____ receiving your enquiry soon.() A.for B.of C.by D. to(正确答案)


外贸函电A 2022秋复习题 提示:输入题目题干部分文字,按键盘快捷键Ctrl+F查找题目答案。超越高度一、单选题(每题2分,共35道小题,总分值70分) 1.We should be pleased to send you a sample()our own expense(2分) A、at B、in C、against D、of 正确答案:A 2.As requested ()your letter of October 25,we are sending you herewith the required B/L triplicate4(2分) A、by of B、in in C、for in D、from of 正确答案:B 3.Pens are packed 12 pieces ()a box and 200 boxes a wooden case.(2分) A、to, in B、in, to C、to, to D、to, of 正确答案:C 4.will you please ()to take out All Risks insurance for us on the following consignment?(2分) A、help B、arrange C、cover D、insure 正确答案:B 5.Our quotation()30 tons of Shan dong groundnuts is valid for 10 days(2分) A、to B、after C、in D、for 正确答案:D 6.The purpose of a sales letter is to()the prospective customer’s interest.(2分) A、arouse B、encourage C、attract D、secure 正确答案:A 7.Documentary collection is to be made with the documents to be ()to the draft.(2


课程代码:0094 一、填空题〔每空1分,共25分〕 1.Owing()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment () September 10th()October 10th. 2.We wish to call your attention ()the validity ()the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension 3.If you insist ()your price,there is no possibility of getting business done. 4.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools()request. 5.()receipt ()your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ()your favor ()pound sterling. 6.Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ()your end. 7.We offer firm CIF,Lagos shipment()30days,subject()your reply here before10a.m.our time. 8.We can supply Walnuts ()stock. 9.We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer()you cannot be considered. 10.Payment of the purchase is to be made()confirmed, irrevocable L/C. 11.We have confidence()the quality of Chinese Tin. 12.We are glad to have booked()you 10000doz,Five Starnd pencils. 13.It is out()question that we can get the necessary import license. 14.()regard()Contract No.123and 456,we are agreeable ()D/P terms of payment ()these contracts. 15.Would you make us a firm offer()CIF.Liverpool basis 二、单项选择题〔在每题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其号码填在题后的括号内。每题1分,共20分〕 1、As it involves only a small(),we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. A、quantity B、quality C、number D、 figure 2、We are sorry to learn in your letter that 200pairs of leather shoes()under the above order are damaged when they reach you.


外贸函电复习资料 外贸函电复习资料 一、单项选择题 1. Your early return _______ A. will be highly appreciated B. will be thanked C. is to be thanked D. is appreciated high 2.We appreciate in advance for your quotation with details ______ the earliest date of shipment. A. including B. to be included C. being included D. include 3. We would reply ______ fax if we find the quotation acceptable. A. on B. with a C. by D. with 4. Unless you allow 10% discount _____the pieces of goods, we will have to decline your offer. A. off B. from C. over D. of 5. The items you require are _______ , but we can offer you a substitute. A. sold out

B. heavily committed C. dropped D. out of stock 6. If you are prepared to increase your _______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. sales volume C. discount D. cost 7. We look forward to further business increases _______ our mutual benefit. A. in B. to C. with D. for 8. Please be assured that we will offer you items _______ the highest quality. A. for B. of C. with D. at 9. We would like to quote you our buttom price _______ 300 pieces woollen blankets _______ . A. of. . . as follows B. at. . . as following C. for. . . as follows D. with. . . as followed 10. We suggest that your order _______ a minimum quantity of 15,000 tons. A. call up


一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题l分。共20分。 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1. _______ your counter offer,we regret that we can't accept it. A. As regards B. In regards to C. With regards D. In regards 2. Each buyer should do his best to obtain the most _______ prices. A. consistent B. competitive C. comparative D. compatible 3. _______ you can reduce your quotations,we shall have to buy elsewhere. A. When B. After C. Seeing that D. Unless 4. China's building firms are _______ to expand their business abroad. A. doing efforts B. making efforts C. doing effects D. making effects 5. Within 48 hours of the telephone contact,we will issue a purchase order that will _______ the phone order. A. confirm B. conform C. ensure D. consolidate 6. During the year,you have paid your bill well _______ advance of the 15th every month. A. at B. by C. in D. to 7. The export credit will include a certain percentage of foreign equipment and services from countries other _______ the two countries involved in the contract. A. from B. to C. then D. than 8. Our contract stipulates that payment should be made by L/C at sight,so you must act _______. A. according B. accordingly


外贸函电试题一 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away. A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 2. We agree to continue business ______ the terms _________ stated in our Contract No 46. A. on, on B. on, as C. as, as D. as, on 3. We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123. A. receive B. receiving C. be received D. be receiving 4. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city. A. on B. for C. by D. at 5. Our payment terms are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value. A. confirmed B. combined C. committed D. completed 6. Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _____ you. A. gets B. comes C. arrives D. reaches 7.We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _____ duplicate. A. in B. for C. with D. through 8._____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct. A. In case B. In the case C. In this case D. In that case 9. Generally we cover insurance _____ definite instructions from our clients.( ) A.in absence of B.in the absence of C.in no absence of D.in all absence of 10. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A.thank B.appreciate C.be grateful D. be indebted 11. As it _______ only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. A. has involved B. involved C. involves D. may have involved 12. After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases _________. A. missing B. losing C. missed D. lost 13.Your failure _____ the goods by the promised date is very incontinent. A. to deliver B. of delivery C. at delivery D. on delivery 14. According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October. A. scheme B. timetable C. plan D. schedule 15. We have lodged a claim _____ ABC Co. ______ the quality of the goods shipped _____ M.V. “Peace”. A. against…for…by B. with…for…under C. on…against…as per


外贸函电试卷(四) 一、填空题(每空1分,共25分) 1. Owing the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment September 10th October 10th. 2. We wish to call your attention the validity the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C extension 3. If you insist your price, there is no possibility of getting business done. 4. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools request. 5. Receipt your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit your favor pound sterling. 6. Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools your end. 7. We offer firm for the following items, subject your reply reach us before 10 a.m. our time. 8. We can supply Walnuts stock. 9. We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer you cannot be considered. 10. Payment of the purchase is to be made confirmed, irrevocable L/C. 11. We have confidence the quality of Chinese Tin. 12. We are glad to have booked you 10000 dozen, Five Strand pencils. 13. It is out question that we can get the necessary import license. 14. Regard Contract No.123and 456,we are agreeable D/P terms of payment these contracts. 15. Would you make us a firm offer CIF Liverpool basis? 二、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其号码填在题后的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1、As it involves only a small ,we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. A、quantity B、quality C、number D、figure


高等教育自学考试《外贸函电》试题及参考答案 2014年4月高等教育自学考试《外贸函电》试题及答案 (课程代码:00094) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We shall highly appreciate ______ if you will send us a brochure and two sample books by air immediately.( ) A. you B. that C. it D. when 2. We hole that you will find many items of ______ to you.( ) A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. being interested 3. Please note that our offer remains firm ______ ten days for your acceptance.( ) A. for B. until C. in D. on 4. Our sewing machines ______ fast, and there have been numerous enquiries about them.( ) A. are sold B. selling C. are selling D. are being seold

5. We would be most thankful if you could extend this favor to us and agree ______ 50% by L/C and 50% by D/P at sight.( ) A. with B. upon C. at D. to 6. We have arranged with the Bank of Japan, Tokyo, to ______ a credit in your favor.( ) A. draw B. establish C. make D. extend 7. We thank you for your letter of 12 June, ______ you have opened the covering L/C.( ) A. in which B. from which C. informing D. informing us 8. Please call your attention ______ our newly developed bicycles which will surely have good sale in your market.( ) A. to that B. to the fact that C. that D. to 9. We are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our ______ catalog for your reference.( ) A. new B. fresh C. latest D. later


全国高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。1.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( ) A.inferior B.superior C.faulty D.mistake 2.We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( ) A.settle B.to settle C.settling D.settled 3.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( ) A.increase B.promote C.expand D.extend 4.We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A.thank B.appreciate C.be grateful D. beindebted 5.We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A.receive B.receiveing C.be received D.be receiving 6.This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A.on B.for C.by D.at 7.As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A.quality B.figure C.quantity D.number 8.Our payment terms are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( ) A.confirmed https://www.360docs.net/doc/4319224378.html,bined https://www.360docs.net/doc/4319224378.html,mitted https://www.360docs.net/doc/4319224378.html,pleted 9.Since the premium varies with the scope of _____ extra premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be covered?( ) A.assurance B.insurance C.business D.enterprises 10.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _____ you.( ) A.gets https://www.360docs.net/doc/4319224378.html,es C.arrives D.reaches 11.We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods _____.( ) A.will ship B.will be shipped C.ship D.are shipped 12.According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October.( ) A.schedule B.timetable C.plan D.scheme 13.This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply _____ should reach us not later than the end of this month.( ) A.it B.they C.what D.which 14.We cannot entertain your suggestion _____ it does not seem workable.( ) A.because B.for C.so D.therefore 15._____ your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries from buyers in other directions.( ) A.On B.For C.By D.At 16.We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _____ duplicate.( ) A.in B.for C.with D.through 17.We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Brand Men's Shirts.( ) A.of B.at C.to D.for 18._____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.( )
