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他们闹着要吃温小马的喜酒。 They insisted jokingly that Wen Xiaoma should invite them to a wedding feast. 湛江港素有“南海明珠”之称。港内水域宽 阔,水深浪静,万吨轮船通行无阻,五万 吨轮船可乘潮自由进出。 Zhangjiang Port is noted as “ A Bright Pearl on the South China Sea”. Its inner harbor is broad and wide with water calm and deep . Vessels of 10,000 tons can enter or leave the port with ease and 50,000-ton freighter can call at or depart from the port with the flood tide.
• 将下列文章题目或句子译成英文 • “ 扩大企业自主权, 加强国有企业的民主 扩大企业自主权 , 管理” 管理” • Enlarging the Decision-Making Power of the Enterprises and Strengthening the Democratic Management of the State-Owned Enterprise • “论旅游者与旅游资源的双向吸引模式” 论旅游者与旅游资源的双向吸引模式” 论旅游者与旅游资源的双向吸引模式 • On the Two-Way Attractive Model of Tourists and Tourism Resources
Goose-flesh put all one’s eggs in one basket
ass in the lion’s skin
have a card up one’s sleeve
但我的事现在搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 But there had been too much publicity about my case. to become the talk of the town Every one knows
如蒙早日寄来样品或产品手册,不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples or brochure /catalogue could be soon forwarded to us. we will be grateful 老王说,他没着了,真急啊! Mr Wang said that he was at the end of his tether and was very anxious!
用直译法翻译: 结构调整 现存经济体制 Structural reconfiguration current /existing 解放和发展生产力 Liberate and expand productive forces 走自己的路建设有中国特色的社会主义 Take our own path in building socialism with Chinese characteristics 假冒伪劣商品 经纪事务所 Fake / counterfeit commodities Broker office / house
• 金鸡鞋油: 颜色有黑、棕、白、蓝。 • Golden Rooster Shoe Polish comes in black, brown, white and blue. • Cock / chicken as timid as chicken • 大家快走啊,前面是无锡胜景之一,)先 睹为快啊! • The sooner you see, the happier you will be! • To consider it a great pleasure to be among the first to read ( a poem, article)
过去,从斋堂进北京靠羊肠小道,需要6-7天的 时间,如今,109国道平坦便捷,乘车两个半 小时就可以到北京。 In the past, it took six or seven days to go from Zhaitang to Beijing through a winding trail. Now on the smooth National Highway 109, it takes just two and a half hours to reach Beijing. intestines path 他在戏里扮演 包公。 She played the male role of Judge Bao (the just and impartial judge in Chinese history) in the play.
售票处 补票处 收款处 booking office fare-adjustment office cashier office 计帐员 服务员领班 未订座者 bookkeeper head waiter walk-in guest 登记入店 check-in
将括号中的汉语翻译成英语 1. Passengers for Guiyan, ( 请注意). Flight 1411, Plane Number 274 for Guiyan has been delayed due to mechanical problems. Attention , Please 2. All these measures ( 着眼于)further emancipating the productive forces. are aimed at / are intended for 3. The decisive move in 1994 to bring China closer to a market economy involved (金融, 财税、外汇、投资、外贸和粮价) finance, taxation, foreign exchange, investment, foreign trade and grain price.
• class performance (20%) • translation exercises ( 20%) • examination (60%)
Chapter 3: Translation for Words and Expressions from C-E C小的扣紧, 大的放松, 池子里捕鱼,太湖里放生. To catch fish in a pool and to free fish in Taihu Lake. Fussy about trifles, and careless about big things. Penny wise, while pound foolish.
• “幽默在导游中的妙用” 幽默在导游中的妙用” 幽默在导游中的妙用 • On the Clever Use of Humor in TourGuiding • 西陵峡以险峻闻名,巫峡以秀丽著称,瞿 塘峡以雄伟见长。 • The Xiling Gorge is famed for its breathtaking steepness, the Wu Gorge is noted for its elegance and grace, and the Qutang Gorge is famous for its magnificence.
• By examining the dissimilarities between these two languages in terms of meaning, grammar, text organization, pragmatics, stylisitcs, and the ways of thinking and modes of expression, it provides the students with familiarity with t源自文库e features of interlingual communication, focusing particularly on the principles and techniques which are employed by famous translators for overcoming cultural barriers in translation.
as old as the hills Neither fish, nor flesh, nor fowl
胆小如鼠 挥金如土 as timid as a hare spend money like water 泰然自若 瓮中之鳖 As cool as a cucumber a rat in a hole 鸡皮疙瘩 孤注一掷
终止合同 Terminate a contract 政券交易所 商品期货 成交额/量 stock exchange commodity future transaction volume 健身房 美容美发室 桑拿浴 fitness room / gym beauty salon / barber’s shop sauna 歌舞厅 KTV 包房 Ballroom Karaoke box
外商独资经营企业在中国注册登记享用中国 法人资格,受中国法律的保护和管辖, 法人资格,受中国法律的保护和管辖,拥 有充分的经营自主权。 有充分的经营自主权。 Registered / Enrolled in China, a solely foreign-funded company, which acquires the status of a Chinese legal person, is subject to jurisdiction and protection of Chinese laws and enjoys full rights of self decision-making. sino-us joint venture joint venture
外交人员应立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、 业务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚。 A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit , qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, and noble in character. A Chinese diplomat should be steadfastness, farsightedness, resourcefulness, professional competence, outstanding talent and nobility of character.
翻译理论与实践2 翻译理论与实践2 Theory and Practice of Translation 2
Lectured by
湖北经济学院外语系 张永中
Course Description
• This course is designed to expose students to a wide range of cultural similarities and dissimilarities between English and Chinese in interlingual translation and to acquaint them with the translation theories and techniques applicable to handling cultural barriers in translation.