世纪商务英语写作第三版Lesson 16 Minutes

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Lesson 16 Minutes (会议记录)

Key to Exercises

Practice 1

Complete the following chart with the information given in the samples.

Practice 2

Read the following minutes and fill in the chart below. Write Y in the box if the item is mentioned in the minutes and N if it is not mentioned.

Practice 3

Correct any errors in number usage in the following sentences by writing the correction to the left of the sentence. If the sentence is correct, mark C on the line to the left.

1. 351 (Three hundred and fifty-one) people attended the performance.

C 2. There were 135 pieces in the puzzle.

3. Class started at eight-thirty (8:30 a.m.) in Room 20.

4. In the sixties there were sit-ins at 100’s (hundreds) of colleges.

C 5. Every afternoo n at two o’clock the chimes rang.

6. The stock deal, which involved $4.5 billion, paid a twelve and a half percent (12.5%) dividends.

7. The Hong Kong Phoenix TV station is Channel Eighteen (18).

8. They needed 8 (eight) 10-foot poles for the construction.

9. The vote was 126 in favor of the action and only sixteen (16) opposed.

10. Only fifty percent (About 50%) of high school students go on to college.

Practice 4

Give the abbreviation form of the following words in the chart. The first one is done for you.

Practice 5

Choose proper head for each part of the following minutes.

Practice 6

Complete the following minutes according to the Chinese in the parentheses.

Practice 8

Choose the best topic sentence for each topic from the three choices below.

1. Topic: types of loans for business

a. There are various kinds of loans available to the business owners.

b. Business owners often need loans of different types.

c. Franchise loans are those business loans which are given by franchise companies.

2. Topic: brand value growth

a. Some of the brands such as Hair and Legend are of great value and widely

recognized in the world.

b. Brand value is important for most companies.

c. A more open and competitive environment is vital for brand value growth.

3. Topic: different traditional treatments in the US

a. One traditional treatment people in the US often use is massage.

b. People in the US often go to nutritionists for treatments.

c. Many people in the US are using traditional treatments instead of modern

medicine to treat a variety of problems.

4. Topic: Exxon Mobile Corporation

a. Exxon Mobile is a petroleum company.

b. Exxon Mobile is one of the world’s largest companies when measured by

revenue and market capitalization.

c. Exxon Mobile was founded on November 30, 1999.

5. Topic: the role of team leadership

a. In an organization characterized by excellent leadership, employees will look

towards the leaders for a number of things.

b. Employees can have great faith in the abilities of leaders with good leadership.

c. During drastic change times, employees will expect effective planning from their


Practice 9

Read the following passages and underline the topic sentences in the passages.

1. This week the Japanese Government embarks on an ambitious scheme to reinvent the appearance of Japanese businessman. Cool and casual dresses instead of formal suits and ties are advocated at offices in hot months so as to save energy by setting their air-conditioners for a higher temperature. The scheme is initiated by fashion designers, famous department stores and even the former Prime Minister himself.

2. The idea behind the initiative—named with “Cool Biz”—is simple and serious. Japan is lamentably behind in reaching its targets for reduction of ozone-depleting gases, despite hosting the 1997 Kyoto Conference at which they were set. The stated goal is to reduce 1990 levels by 6% by the year 2012. But in 2003, emissions were up by 8% on the base year.

3. In May 1985, Coca-Cola chairman Robert Goizueta announced one of the boldest gambles in marketing history: Coca-Cola would make a significant flavor change in Coke, the world’s best-selling soft drink. The 99-year-old formula would be modified. Coca-Cola introduced “New Coke”in an attempt to win back market share from Pepsi. Supermarket sales of Coke had slipped behind Pepsi by almost 2%, and Pepsi was consistently winning blind taste tests.

4. During the first month of New Coke introduction, shipments to Coke bottlers set a record, and more people tried the new product than had ever sampled any new product. However, the entire picture changed suddenly. Consumers began to
