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Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball SectionA1a---2c (1 课时)



1. Words: have, ball, tennis, volleyball, basketball, pin g-p ong, bat, do/does,

2. Phrases: soccer ball, tennis ball, pin g-p ong bat, pin g-p ong ball, baseball bat,

二、M ain sentences:

1. --Do you /they have a TV? -- Yes, I / they do. /No, I / they don't.

2. --Does he /she have a soccer ball? --Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn ' t.





1. _______________________ 英式足球 _______________



4. ____________ 棒球拍 _____ ______________




1. -- ____ you have a ___________________ (乒乓球拍)? --Yes, I _____ .

2. -- ____ you ______ (有)a ping-pong ball? --No, I ________ .

3. -- ____ Jane have a _______________ (网球)?--Yes, ______ _______ .

4. -- ____ he have a _________ (排球)?--No, _________ _________ .




二、M atch the words with the things in the picture. Then check the answers. (Activity 1a)

三、L istening tasks and pair work:

1. Liste n and circle the words you hear. Write dow n the senten ces you have heard.

2. Liste n to the conv ersatio ns and nu mber the pictures. (2a)

3. Liste n and match the pictures in 2a with the balls. (2 b)

4. pair work:看2b中的物品,利用下面的句型进行对话比赛。(2c)

--Do you /they have a ____ ? --Yes, I / they do. / No, I / they don't.

--Does he /she have a ______ ? -- Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she does n't.


1. 变疑问: - _______ you have a soccer ball? --Yes, I _________ . / No, I ________ .

-- ____ she/he ____ a tennis racket?她/ 他有一个网球拍吗?

--Yes, she/he _______ . / No, she/he _______ .

(谓语是实义动词的时候,一般疑问句形式是:do / does提前到_______ 前,主语后面的动词用)

2. 变否定:I______________ a soccer ball.我没有一个足球。

She/He _______________ a volleyball.她没有排球。


3. 总结:


主语加,谓语动词用就变成否定句;在句首加________ ,谓语动词是就变成一般疑问句。

2)________________________________ 当主语是第三人称单数时,在主语加,同时谓语动词

用 _____ 就变成否定句;在句首加 ________ ,谓语动词用 __________ 就变成一般疑问句

例如:His father has a baseball 否定句是 His father ______________ a baseball.

一般疑问句是 ______ his father _______ a baseball?

五、 Homework: I.Write down the new words on your excises book. Each words 10 times.

2. Complete the tasks 3a-3b on page 27.



)1. _______ they have a computer? A. Dose B. Do C. Are D. Have (

)2. -- _______ he have a pen? --Yes, he _________ . A. Dose; do B. Do; do C. Dose; does D. Do; dose (

)3. Do they _________ English books? A. are B. is C. has D. have (

)4.Let's__________ the girl find her mother. A. help B. to help C. to have D. have (

)5.Dose _________ have a ping-pong bat? A. your sisters B. you C. your brother D. they (

)6. I a new En glish book. (A) has (B )have (C) am (D ) is (

)7. you have a ping-pong ball? (A)Are (B) Do (C) What (D )How (

)8. he a basketball? No, he .

(A) do have does (B)does have doesn 't (C) does has don ' t (D) does has doesn 't

( )9. We _____ some good baseball bats. (A) are (B) have (C) is ( D ) have is

( )10. I have volleyball. Peter _____ a volleyball, too.

(A) have (B) does ( C) is ( D) has

二、根据要求完成句子。 1.1 have a good pen frie nd.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

______ y ou have a good pen friend ? No, I _________ .

2. She has a nice picture.对划线部分提问) ________ dose she _______ ?

3. _____ his pare nts _____ (have) a pin g-pa ng ball?

(用动词的正确形式填空,并作出相应回答) ——Yes, _______________ .

4. _______ our En glish teacher _____ (have) a basketball?

(用动词的正确形式填空,并作出相应回答) ------- No, ________________ .

5. Do you like playing basketball?(否定回答) ________ , _______________ .

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? section A2—4 (2 课时)

班级: 学号: 姓名:

【学习目标】I .掌握单词 let, play, late, go, sou nd, great, get

n .重点句型: We're late. I have my jacket and hat.

That's sounds good. 川.掌握提建议的句型Let's--

【预习内容】I .预习2d ,根据句意和汉语意思填单词。

1. ________ (咱们)play tennis.

3. That (听起来)


5. _____________ We're (迟到). n .用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Let's ________ (be) frien ds.

2. He ___________ (have) a soccer ball.

2. Can you (打篮球)?

4. Let 's _____ (去)to school. 6.Let me _________ (去取)it.
