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M5 Unit 1



1. betray: vt. 背叛,出卖,泄露

betray sth to sb: 向某人出卖∕泄露……

betray oneself: 露出原形

betrayal: [biˋtreəl] n. 背叛

① He would rather die than betray the document to the enemy.

② She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight. 她说她很难过,但她的眼神里却露出她内心的喜悦。

③ an act of betrayal: 背叛的行为

2. (Page 2, Lines 8-9) I must have sounded……quiz, saying how easy it was.

⑴ must have done: 一定做过……

⑵“saying how easy it was”为现在分词作状语,表示伴随状态。

3. fail sth: 未能通过……

fail to do sth: 未能做……

① I failed my driving test the first time I took it.

② He never fails to write to his mother every week.

4. pretend sth: 假装,扮作……

pretend to do sth: 假装做……

pretend that: 假装……

① He pretended illness as an excuse.

② Tom pretended to be reading a book when the teacher came in.

③ She pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell.

5. admit (admitted;admitting): vt.

(1) 承认 admit (doing) sth: 承认做……

admit that: 承认……

admit sb to be + n / adj: 承认某人是……

① He admitted having stolen that car. / He admitted that he had stolen t he car.

② We all admit him to be a fool.

(2) 允许……进入,接受,录取

admit sb to / into sth: 允许……进入……

① Each ticket admits two people to the party.

② Tom has been admitted into Peking University.

6. beg (sb) to do sth: 恳请(某人)做……

beg (sb) for sth: 恳请(某人)……

beg (for) sth: 乞讨……

① I beg you not take any risks.

② He begged her for forgiveness.

③ John was so poor that he had to beg money from passers-by.

7. keep one’s secret: 保守秘密

keep one’s word / promise: 遵守诺言

break one’s word / promise: 违背诺言

8. (Page 2, Line 18) ……paper that said……

say: vt. 写到,表明;显示 read: vt. 写着;指示,显示

① The clock said it was 7: 30.

② I noticed a sign reading / saying “ No Parking!”.

9. swear (swore, sworn): vt. & vi.

(1) 发誓,宣誓

swear to do sth: 发誓做……

swear that: 发誓……

① Mona swore never to return to home.

② Victor swore that he would get his revenge(复仇).

(2) 咒骂,诅咒

swear at sb: 咒骂……

Rich(里奇) tripped over a dog and swore at it.

10. spy on sth: 监视∕窥探……

These days I have been spying on the enemy’s movements.

11. focus: vt. & vi. 集中注意力于;(使)聚焦

n. 焦点,重点

focus sth on sth: 集中……于……

focus on sth: 集中注意……

The recent wave of bombing has focused public attention on the area.

② I was so tired to focus on anything.

③ The focus of the conference is on environmental issues.

12. manner: n. 方式;举止,态度[C]

manners: n. (1) 礼貌,礼仪 (2) 风俗,习惯

in this manner: 用这种方式

table manners: 餐桌礼仪

It’s good / bad manners to do sth: 做……有∕无礼貌

① He objected in a forceful manner. 他坚决反对。

② It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full. 满嘴都是食物说话不礼貌。

13. guilty: adj. 内疚的,有罪的

be / feel guilty about (doing) sth: 因为……而内疚
