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宜兴实验中学初三英语9BUnit 2周周清

出卷:吴嬛嬛审核:王暑霞建议使用时间:40分钟姓名:________ 一、词汇(20分)


1. David wants to be a (飞行员)when he grows up.

2. Those _____________( 俄罗斯人) were speaking so fast that I couldn’t follow them.

3. We study English,(物理)and other subjects at school.

4. The plane has ____________(降落), and we’ll meet Mr. White soon..

5.In the old days, many people died because of (饥饿).

6. You will be ____________(测试) before we accept you.

7.The Chinese government is deeply concerned(关心)about the recent __________(发展)。

8.My brother has _________(服役) in the army since he was 18 years old.

9. The students are told to have class in the ______________(实验室) tomorrow morning.

10. The_________(探险者) have been back from the Arctic.


11. I admire them because they are national _______(hero).

12. Several _____________(Europe) lost their way when travelling in the mountain.

13. The X-ray machines are now_______(wide)used in hospitals.

14. Qian Xunsen was one of the most famous ___________(science) in China.

15. Humans use _____________(spacecraft) to travel into space.

16. Neil Armstrong is the _______(proud)of the whole world.

17. I _____________(step) carefully over the broken glass in order not to be hurt.

18. The book tells about how he became famous from an ________( know) man.

19. He was happy because he _______(success)passed the exam.

20. Is this house one of the ______________(invent)?


1. Do you hear of the novel that he ________( read) last night?

2. The purpose of new inventions is to make life easier, ___________ (not make) it more difficult.

3. We haven’t decided how we______________ (travel) to Shanghai next week?

4. The old man got sick last November and _________(lie) in bed since then.

5. Listen! How beautiful the music made from water__________(sound)!

6. The local hospital ___________(offer) the homeless free medical treatment the other day.

7. I think he ______________ (work) on his history project this week..

8. The flowers you are looking forward to __________(sell) out if you don’t order them in time.

9. It’s a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal ________(serve).

10. Education __________( include) everything we learn, both at home and at school.


1. Before I talked with _____ scientist you mentioned just now. I had never met ______ clever

person like him

A a; a

B a; the

C the; the

D the; a

2. I _______ the MP3 player since two years ago.

A. bought

B. have bought

C. have

D. have had

3. When will you send me ___________ on the Internet?

A. What have I ordered

B. that I order

C. what do I order

D. what I have ordered

4. There are too many people in the house. There isn’t enough _______ for us all.

A. rooms

B. space

C. floor

D. ground

5. Spacecraft_______made_____possible for humans to research _______ the universe.
