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The detecting System of the muti-point Environmental Temperature Based on Single chip Microcomputer








摘要 ............................................................................................................................ I Abstract..................................................................................................................... II 引言 .. (1)

第一章方案论证 (2)

1.1课题的来源 (2)

1.2系统设计思路概述 (2)

1.3系统方案对比 (2)

1.3.1系统设计方案一 (3)

1.3.2系统设计方案二 (3)

1.3.3方案对比与选择 (4)

第二章硬件系统设计 (5)

2.1硬件系统设计概述 (5)

2.2单片机最小系统设计 (5)

2.2.1单片机简要介绍 (5)

2.2.2时钟电路与复位电路 (5)

2.2.3单片机的工作方式 (6)

2.2.4单片机最小系统 (7)

2.3温度采集电路设计 (7)

2.3.1 传感器的选用 (7)

2.3.2 温度传感器DS18B20简介 (8)

2.4键盘控制电路设计 (11)

2.4.1 键盘控制的主要功能 (11)

2.4.2 键盘电路设计 (11)

2.5液晶显示电路设计 (13)

2.5.1 LCD1602液晶显示模块 (13)

2.6报警电路设计 (15)

第三章软件设计 (16)

3.1程序设计语言与软件开发环境 (16)

3.1.1 程序设计语言的选用 (16)

3.1.2 Keil C51简介 (17)

3.2程序流程图 (17)

3.2.1 主程序流程图 (17)

3.2.2 键盘控制子程序流程图 (18)

3.2.3 温度采集子程序流程图 (19)

3.2.4 LCD1602显示子程序流程图 (20)

3.2.5 报警电路子程序流程图 (21)

第四章仿真测试 (23)

4.1P ROTEUS简介 (23)

4.2仿真结果 (23)

总结 (27)

致谢 (28)

参考文献 (29)

附件A 原理图 (30)

附件B 程序 (31)




软件部分采用Keil uVision4集成开发环境,以C51语言编写,并结合仿真软件proteus 进行了仿真。

在Proteus仿真环境仿真成功后,在Altium Designer summer09软件中绘制了原理图和相应的PCB图,在实验室完成了PCB板的制作。经过焊接,调试,本系统最终能实现预定的各项功能,运行良好。


The detecting System of the muti-point Environmental

Temperature Based on Single chip Microcomputer

Abstract: This paper designed a two-point temperature collection system, mainly the realization of two temperature acquisition, acquisition of temperature can be displayed on the LCD, according to the need to manually adjust the LCD show which way the temperature data, including real-time temperature, high temperature limit, low temperature limit, and can be key to the limit set.

The design of the hardware part of the STC89C52 MCU as the core, through the two DS18B20temperature sensor for temperature acquisition, under the control of the microcontroller on the corresponding sensor collected temperature data are processed, and the processed data is displayed in the LCD1602 display. In addition, it also equipped with a 5V power supply circuit, a crystal oscillator circuit, a reset circuit, a key-board circuit, alarm circuit. The key circuit can adjust the limit value of two sensors temperature; when the measured temperature value exceeds the limit value of temperature, the alarm circuit can alarm, buzzer ringing, emitting diode lighting.

The software part adopts the Keil uVision4 integrated development environment, using C51 programming language, combined with the simulation software Proteus for simulation.

In the Proteus simulation environment simulation is successful, in the Altium Designer summer09 software rendering of the schematic diagram and the corresponding PCB, completed in the laboratory PCB board production. After welding, debugging, this system can realize all the function of expecting, and running well.

Key words: single chip microcomputer; sensor; temperature; LCD
