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▪ product
n.产品;制品 produce生产
▪ handbag
n. 小手提包
▪ mobile
可移动的;mobile phone 手机
▪ Germany 德国—Germans德国人
▪ Search for
1 even if = even though
2 a pair of
Yes, they are. And they Are your shirts made of cotton?
were made in the US.
What’s the model plane made of?
It’s made of used wood and glass.
Where is tea produced in China?
7 in all parts of the world 在世界各个地方
8 in the future
9 all over the world
10 everyday 日常的 every day 每天
11 hardly 几乎不 hard 努力, 困难的。坚硬的
12The boy is 17 years old= He is a 17-year-old boy
He realized that Americans could hardly avoid buying products that were made in China.
Section A 3a 在美国买美国产品的困难搜寻
机吗?在法国买漂亮的衣服,在瑞 士买手表?无论你买什么,也
silk scarf Thailand
It is made of silk.
Where was it made ?
It was made in Thailand
2a Listen and check (√)the main topic of Nick and Marcus’ conversation.
all over the world
be good for
a model plane
the art and science fair 美术科技展览会
2 感官动词后+形容词 look 看起来 sound 听起来
起来 taste 尝起来 smell 闻起来
This idea sounds good .
2 Where are tea plants grown?
On the sides of mountains
3 Is tea good for health?
Yes , it is
section A 2d 帕姆:中国的茶很有名,是吗? 刘俊:是的,过去和现在都很出名。 帕姆:中国的那些地方产茶呢?
I feel sad
3 grow-grew-grown 种植 make—made-made
know-knew—known send—sent –sent
feel 感觉
be known for 以......闻名”,表示出名的原因 be known as “作为......闻名”,表示出名的形式
► Hong Kong is known for its shopping streets. ► Hong Kong is known as a shopping city. ►
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
coin glass
blouse fork
▪ material
n. 材料;原料
▪ chopstick
▪ a pair of chopsticks一双筷子
▪ coin n.
B: I saw a beautiful painting A: What is it made of? B: It’s made of paper
2d Role-play the conversation.
1 what is China famous for according to the passage?
刘俊:哦,很多不同地区都产茶。像安溪和杭州都是著名的产茶 地。 帕姆:茶叶是怎样生产的?
刘俊:嗯,就我所知,茶叶种植在山坡上,叶子长好后,人们就 手工把叶子摘下来,然后送去加工。 帕姆:接下来呢?
刘俊:接下来将加工好的茶叶打包,然后运往不同的国家和中国 周边地区。 帕姆:全世界好多人都好像在喝中国茶。 刘俊:是的,大家都说茶对健康和生意都有好处。
___ the science museum
_√__ the art and science fair
___ environmental protection ___ a model plane ___ a beautiful painting ___ grass and leaves
2b Listen again. Write short answers to the questions.
3b Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Where did Kang Jian go to visit his aunt and uncle? San Francisco. 2. What did he discover in the toy stores? Most of the toys had American brands, but they were made in China. 3. What did he realize after his shopping experiences?
a. wood b. gold c. silver e. paper f. silk g. glass
1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.
Things Made of Made in
1a What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.
1. chopsticks 2. window 3. coin 4. stamp 5. fork 6. blouse
A pair of shoes is on the floor
3 in the future
4 avoid doing sth
5 in the local shop
6 buy sth for sb =buy sb sth
I buy a shirt for my brother= I buy my brother a shirt.
4. What is the painting made from? Grass, leaves and flowers.
2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.
A: What did you see at the art and science fair?
A: This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver? B: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. ring 戒指,打电话, 铃声,按门铃
What’s it made of ?
cotton dress Japan
It is made of cotton.
Where was it made ?
It was made Japan
What’s it made of ? It is made of wood. Where was it made ? It was made in Korea
wood chair Korea
What’s it made of ?
许你认为那些产品一 定是在那些国家制造的。可是,你可能想错 了。康 健是一名来自上海的 17 岁地学生。去年他去旧金山 拜访 了自己的叔叔婶婶。他发现了一个有趣的现象,当地商店里许多 产品都是中国制造的。“我想给堂弟 卖一辆玩具车。可是,尽管 多数玩具是美国的牌子, 但他们都是中国制造的。”
不光玩具是中国制造的。“我想买一双篮球鞋。”他解释道, “我找了五到六个商店才找到一双美国制造的!他感觉美国人想不 买中国产品几乎不可能。他接着说:“事实上,那里太多中国制造 的东西————足球、手提包、宠物食品、手机,甚至美国国旗 都是中国制造的!”康健觉得中国能制造这些日用品是件好事,不 过他希望将来有一天中国更擅于制造高科技产品,让世界各地的 人们都能买到。
▪ fork
n. 餐叉;叉子
▪ blouse
▪ silver
n. 银;银器 . 银色的
▪ glass
n. 玻璃
▪ glasses
▪ cotton
n. 棉;棉花
▪ steel
/sti:l/ n. 钢;钢铁
▪ fair
▪ grass
▪ leaf
叶子 leaves
▪ produce
▪ widely
广泛地 普遍地
▪ pack
1 be made of 表示“由…制成”, 一般指能够看出原材 料
be made from也表示“由…制成”,但一般指不能 看出原材料
My desk is made of wood. My book is made from wood
It’s produced in many different areas.
1.Where is the art and science fair? Outside the science museum.
2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? No, they don’t.
3. What is the model plane made of? Used wood and glass.
shirts chopsticks
cotton silver steel
Korea Thailand America
1c Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.
2). be made of +材料
由 ... 制成
be made in +地点
be made by sb.
be made into 被制成为…
My desk is made of wood. It is made in China .
It is made by my father. Wood is made into desks
第二课时Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
▪ France /fra:ns/ 法国French 法国的, 法语
▪ no matter
▪ local
adj. 当地的;本地的
▪ even though
▪ brand
Baidu Nhomakorabea
n. 品牌;牌子
▪ avoid +doing
who how old where from when
where to go
what to do
Kang Jian 17 Shanghai last year San Francisco in the U.S
1. visited his aunt and uncle 2. wanted to buy a car
as far as I know
be made of 材料
be made in 地点
be known for=be famous for以····而出名
on the side of mountains 在山坡上
by hand
It seems that …