成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理

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Growing Pains成长的烦恼


Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗

I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生

I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems.


And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗

I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe.

过去15年里,我一直围着孩子们转,解决那些杰森也束手无策的问题Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper.

现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。[local: 当地的]

And Jason has moved his practice into the house.

杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。[practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意]

So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了

They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。

Most of the time. 大多时候都是。

And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分]

- You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的。-没错Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。[unbelievable:难以置信的,不可信的]

01 Pilot出师受挫

[pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人]

Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scramble d.


[spatula: 抹刀,小铲; scramble: 搅拌(牛奶等);炒(蛋)]

Go ahead. Make my day(令我开心). 好啊,那样倒好了。

[go ahead: 开始(做某事); make sb.'s day: 使某人日子好过]

Well, I guess I showed you. 好,我猜我以前让你见识过的

Show me more. 再让我见识见识

Oh, Jason, the kids. 哦,杰森,孩子们都在呢

I can kiss the kids later. 我等下再亲他们

You know, I read an article that said that two-career couple s should really make special effort to always remain frisky(活泼的).

你知道吗,我看过一篇文章,说夫妻都工作的家庭尤其要注意保持活泼[career:事业,职业; two-career:双职工的; couple:夫妇; effort:努力] - At breakfast? - At all meals. -在早饭时?-在所有用餐时间

What's the matter, you guys aren't getting enough?

怎么, 你们亲热得还不够吗?

Michael, a lot of kids would get smack ed for a remark like that.


[smack: (用掌)击打,拍打; remark: 评论,谈论,话]

Come on, Dad, you can't hit me. You're a liberal humanist(人道主义者).


[liberal: 自由主义的,宽大的]

Could be an accident(事故,意外). 可能会有意外

Could be a dream come true. 希望这个意外能够实现

Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the V olvo?


[tape deck: 磁带驱动器; 磁带卡座]

Mike, you give new meaning to the word "vacuous."

迈克,你给空虚加了新含义。[vacuous: 空的;空虚的]

Oh, yeah? What was the old meaning? 是吗?那它原来的意思是什么?

I rest my case. 我要说的都说了。[case: 理由,论据]

Ben. Ben. What's so funny, Ben? 本,本,什么事这么好笑?

That Phyllis George! She screw ed up again! [screw up: 弄错]


Hey, what's that you're reading about? 你在看什么呢?

It says here that as the universe expand s all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization(组织的破坏,解体,混乱).

这里说,随着宇宙的扩张,所有物质都会退化,变得完全杂乱无章[expand: 扩张,使膨胀; degenerate: 退化; state: 状态]

Thank God I thought it was just me. 感谢上帝,我还以为说我那。

So what are you guys doing tonight? 那你们今晚干吗?

The House of Sweat? Yeah, great! “汗之屋”?太棒了! [sweat: 汗]

Hey, look, can I talk to you guys later? Yeah. Bye. 我呆会跟你说, 好, 拜Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"? 麦克,“汗之屋”是什么意思?Well... It's, you know... 哦,就是…

It's that new under twenty dance club on Jericho Turnpike.

是在杰里科高速公路旁新开的一家舞厅,专门针对二十岁以下的青年的[club: 俱乐部;夜总会; turnpike: 收费高速公路]

Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea, Mom. 是的,听上去是个好主意,妈妈。It's a safe, wholesome place for teen s to congregate(聚集).

[wholesome: 健康的; teen: 青少年(等于teenager)]


And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.


Come on, Maggie... 别这样嘛,麦姬…

Yeah, come on, Maggie. 是啊,别这样嘛, 麦姬

Yes. Well, time to go wait for that school bus. 对了,我该出去等校巴了

You know, if I hurry, I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.


- Bye, sweetie. - Bye, Mom. -再见,甜心。-妈妈再见

Bye, Ben. I love you. 再见,本,我爱你

Later, Ben. 再见,本
