世纪商务英语听说教程基础篇II第五版 (6)

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General Listening
Got Stuck in Traffic
General Listening
Section A
Task One Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduisten to the recording and choose the best answer to each question.
1. Why did it take David so long to get there?
Part Ⅲ
Fun Break
Part Ⅳ
Further Listening
Part Ⅴ
Situation Performance
Training Focus
Identifying Negative Words and Expressions
Training Focus
Task One Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the negative words you hear.
Example: I haven’t talked to such an unreasonable person before. 1. I could take _n_e_it_h_e_r_ the train nor the plane because of limited money. 2. You _n_e_e_d_n_’t_ take bus No.50 to get to the bank. 3. You _s_h_o_u_ld_n_’_t_ ask me to pay an extra fee for my suitcase. 4. You _m_u_s_t_n_’t__ drive into a street with a “No Entry” sign. 5. A car came from n__o_w_h_e_r_e_, and I had to jump back to the pavement. 6. U__n_li_k_e_ taking the bus, taking the ship is more affected by the weather. 7. That high-speed rail has _se_l_d_o_m__ been late since it started running. 8. The bus driver f_a_il_e_d_ to take control of the bus in danger. 9. The factory may make as _fe_w__ as 1,500 cars this year. 10. The jet entered Chinese airspace _w_i_th_o_u_t__ permission.
and expressions while listening 4. To be able to talk about transportation in English
Unit 6 Got Stuck in Traffic.
Part Ⅰ
Training Focus
Part Ⅱ
General Listening
基础篇 II(第五版)
总主编 刘杰英 主 编 曹淑萍 王元媛 审 校 Chuck Thode
Unit 6 Got Stuck in Traffic.
Learning Objectives
1. To learn some words and expressions with negative meanings 2. To be familiar with situations about transportation 3. To identify the positive meanings in sentences with negative words
A. He forgot the appointment and stayed at home.
B. He bought the goods in Carrefour.
C. He got stuck in traffic.
D. He met his friends in the subway.
Training Focus
Task Two
Listen to the recording and complete the negative expressions with positive meanings that you hear .
Example: I can’t agree with you more. 1. I _n_e_it_h_e_r_ wait to travel by plane. 2. People take n_o_ thought of the importance of traffic rules until they have accidents. 3. There is no situation of drunk driving which _do_e_s_n_’t_ cause accidents. 4. It was not long _b_e_fo_r_e_ he appeared. 5. Modern transportation has not a _lit_t_le_ convenience. 6. The street is crowded more often than _no_t_. 7. It is _ne_v_e_r_ too late to obey the traffic rules. 8. The transportation here is convenient, i_s_n_’t_it_? 9. The speed is _to_o_ high to stop at once. 10. He is _n_on_e_ other than the traffic policeman.