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[导读]动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep 等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。




1. Everyone enjoys __ (watch) TV in the evening.

2. Please finish ___ (draw)the picture after school.

3. The stude nts practise __ (read) En glish every morning.

【解析】动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep, miss, hate, consider, continue , Imagine, suggest, advise 等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。答案是:watching ;drawing ;reading.


1. He is good at ___ (write).

2. We are look ing forward to _ (see)you.

3. They are in terested in _ (liste n)to music.

4. You can drink a lot of water without __ (get) fat.

【解析】介词后跟动词,要用动名词形式作其宾语。如下列结构中的介词:tha nks for doing sth, think about doing, be good at doing sth, do well in doing sth, succeed in

doing , How/What about doing sth?, in stead of doing sth, keep sb from doing sth, stop sb from doing sth, look forward to doing sth, be used to (习惯于)doing sth, devote to doing sth, pay attention to doing, prefer doing to doing, make a contribution (贡献)to doing sth 答案是:writing; seeing; listening;getting.


1. He spe nds half an hour __ (do)his homework every day.

2. They are busy (prepare)for the coming test.

3. We have a great time ___ (talk)to each time at lun chtime.


女口:have some problems(difficulty,trouble) do ing sth, spend …doing sth, be busy

doing, have fun doing sth, have a great time doing sth, , preve nt sb from doing sth, feel

like doing,give up doing, find sb doing , can' t help doing, put off doing, keep on doing, be worth doing, end up doing , go shopping/ swimming /reading / …,do some/the cleaning/speaking/ …,No smoking/parking. 答案是doing; preparing, talking.


1. The old woma n took a baby in her arms, __ (look) at the blue sky.

2. There is a dog __ (lie) on the gro und.

3., ___ (laught and talk )they went into the room.

4. All ni ght long she lay awake, __ (th ink )of the problem.

【解析】此处为分词短语作伴随情况的状语。答案是:looking ;lying. laughting and talking,

thi nki ng

Please turn off the lights before ___ (leave).

【解析】此处为分词短语说明时间。答案是:leavi ng

Being sick, she stayed at home.( 说明原因)

五、need, want, require 作需要"解时,可接动词 -ng形式,表达被动含义,也可以用动词不定式的被动形式。

1. The room needs ___ (pai nt).


词不定式的被动形式。Sb n eed to do sth. Sth n eed doi ng =Sth n eed to do ne 答案是:pain ti ng 或者to be pain ted 。
