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1) thoughtful

2) might as well/may as well/could as well

3) draw your attention to

4) marvelous

5) settle for

6) done with

7) competitive competitive

8) pains/pained

9) bonus

10) shrink

11) delivery

12) overheard

13) sour

14) for rent

15) stack

16) reproduce

1) inquired

2) informed

3) awful

4) settle for

5) trash

6) claimed

7) normally

8) a piece of cake

9) be done with

10) enable

11) am entitled

12) quite a while

1) ask for

2) was set up/has been set up

3) pulled up

4) gives off

5) was held up

6) keep up

7) ranover

8) made up

9) be left out

10) cutoff

1) it pained jenny to learn of jims refusal to helpher with the translation.

2) the extra work to be assigned to you will greatlycut into your spare time.

3) wed been at the job for hours, but we hardly madea dent in it.

4) you have no business saying those nasty thingsabout dick.

5) we might as well listen to the radio program sincethere isnt anything interesting on television.

1) standee

2) payee

3) grantee

4) addressee

5) a person who is absent

6) a person who is being trained

7) a divorced person

8) a person who is appointed

1) output

2) breakdown

3) setup

4) takeoff

5) drawbacks

6) breakthrough

7) cutback

8) takeover

1) paper, store, shop, case, cream

2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking

3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground

4) pill, water, material, point, machine

5) pour, look/put/come, come,

6) out, back/up, through/down/out

1) a dozen years

2) dozens of times

3) two dozen passengers

4) dozens of phone calls

5) three dozen boxes

6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine

1) a great deal of pain has been caused by evilswhich have never happened

2) the elderly lady miss morris quarrelled with wasnone other than her future mother-in-law

3) this essay is well-written except for a fewgrammatical mistakes

4) i just caught the train in time

5) you cant eat your cake and have it too

1) you ought to know better than to go swimmingstraight after

a meal.

2) uncle rob should have known better than to trustthat treacherous son of his.

3) sally is old enough to know better than to spendall her money on fancy goods.

4) miss miller certainly knows better than to explorethe desert all alone.

5) his college sons should have known better than totry to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodilyharm.

6) you ought to know better than to go out in thisfreezing weather in those thin clothes. youll get frozen.

1) delivery

2) a piece of cake

3) inquire

4) pulling up

5) stacks

6) deadline

7) marvelous

8) enable

9) cut into

10) settle for

11) settled our accounts

12) minimum

13) known better than

1) advertisement/ad

2) read

3) no

4) like

5) words

6) towards
