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1.doing;主动的,抽象的,规律性的,一般的,延续性的动作,其被动态being done

2.to do;主动,具体的,一次性的,短暂性的,尚未发生的动作,其被动态t o be done

Eg; Reading calls for patience and perseverance.

To have a walk along the river after supper is such fun.

3.注意;①to do 经常用it作形式主语替代逻辑主语放在句首,而真正的逻辑主语放在句末。其一般形式有a.it’s +adj+to do sth b.it +vt +o(宾语)+ to do sth。

Eg; It’s important to have a good eye sight ,as it’s known to us .

It took me 3 days to finish the task.

②it作形式主语替代doing的几个结构;it’s no use/useless .it’s waste of time .it’s no good 等。

Eg; It’s no use crying over the spilt milk.覆水难收


(1) to the sun for too long contributes to the harm to the skin.

A .Being exposed B.Exposed C.Having exposed D.To exposed


3.动名词的复合结构;one’s doing /being done

Eg.My sister’s being ill made us all worried =That my sister was ill made us all worried.

4.迁移;若主语与to do中的do 存在动宾关系,且形容词是hard. difficult 之类的,那么


Eg ;The question is hard to answer.


1.总结;doing;长期性的动作,其他的同上,被动态为being done。

to do ;短暂性的,已完成的动作,其他的同上,被动态为to be done。

2.,几种类型;①大部分动词+to do


③既可以加doing又可以加to do的,但意思不同的;regret remember forget admit等(这些动词后面也可以加having done,其意思和加doing的时候一样)

④加doingd的时候表被动;need want require 等,这种情况下句子的主语一般是物。

⑤一般情况下两者可以互换但某些情况下不能;start/begin,like/enjoy/love 等,前者在句子主语是物的时候只能用to do(当然这只是其中一种情况了,还有其他的注意点),而后者加to do时表示暂时的兴趣,而表示doing长久的兴趣.

Eg;I like swimming,and I enjoy to run these days.(我一直都很喜欢游泳,但是我这段时间又喜欢跑步了,后者是暂时的兴趣,将来是否还喜欢就不知道了)

3.动名词的复合结构;①vt + one’s doing(mind,imagine,find等),另外这类动词还可以将one’s改成宾语,即doing变成了宾补了

②介词+one’s doing/o+doing

Eg;Would you mind my/me opening the window?

The sound of the desks/desks’being knocked can be heard from the street in usual days,but strangely I can’t heard it!

③there to do/doing

Eg; I prefer(宁愿) there to be no persons present today,I feel so nervous to speak in front of so many people.

4.不定式/动名词的完成式;表示宾语的动作先于谓语的动作发生,形式为to have done/ to have been done,having done/having been done。

Eg;Yesterday when the Smiths come to vist us,we happened to have go out.(出去这个动作是发生在拜访之前的)

* 注意;下列动词的不定式的完成式表示虚拟,表示原打算做的动作却没有发生的

plan/ intend /prefer/mean(打算)/be to=had done+to do等

Eg;We intended to have gone to the concert,but the heavy rain hold us off.

5.it 作形式宾语;find /make/think等+it +to do sth

Eg; I think it useful to master computer technology.

6.不定式的进行式:to be doing,表示宾语的动作与谓语同时发生。

Eg:When the teacher came in , Jhon pretended to be reading.



Eg; the walking stick(表功用) the man sitting at the table(正在进行的)

②being done;被动的,其他的同上

Eg;The issue being discussed at the meeting becomes a hot topic in the company.

③to do;主动的,尚未发生的,解释所修饰的名词,具体的动作

Eg; The person to speak in the class tonight set off everyone’s curiosity.

His attempt to escape from the prison failed again.


Eg;a fallen leaf

The flowers sent to teachers on Sep.10th every year are always sold out very early.


Eg;Please give me a pen to write in.

There’s no space for me to stand.




形式是not doin

Eg;Hearing the cry for help,he rushed out to see what had happened.

②having done;主动,状语的动作先于主句发生,一般性,延续性动作,否定形式是not

having done.

③having been done;被动,可与done互换


⑤being done;表原因,且done多为表示心理状态的动词

Eg;Being excited ,he burst into laughter.

