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Unit 5 Music

Words and expressions:

1. roll [rəul] vt. & vi. 滚动;摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈

1) The dog is__________ on the ground.

2) The boy was eating a __________, which looks like very delicious.

2. dream of 梦见;梦想;设想(= dream about…)dream n. 梦想

短语:dream of/ about + sth./ doing梦想…向往…渴望…

1) I _________ _____ (梦想)being a great scientist when I was a child.

2) Many young people ______ ____going abroad.

3. _____ ______ ________ 实话说

be honest with sb对某人诚实be honest about sth对某事如实相告

1) 老实说,她不仅漂亮而且聪明______________________________________.

2) ---Michael is one of the top students in our class.

---__________, he cheated in the last exam.

A.On the other hand

B. Generally speaking

C. To be honest

D. Above all

4. attach vt .& vi. 系上,贴上,附加,连,附属于

短语:1)attach …to_____________________________________

1)attach importance/value/ to sth./doing.重视,看重(to是介词)

2)be attached to 附属于,依恋,对…有感情

Eg. I attach great importance to this research._____________________________ She is attached to her home.__________________

3) 他们认为教育很重要_______________________________________

5. ___________ vt.(使)组成;养成;形成;构成n.[C] 表格,形式

短语:to fill in/out a form__________; in the form of __________________ form the habit of __________________

Eg. 1)Group activities help to _____a child’s character.

2) __________ (养成)a good habit is important for everyone.

6.earn. Vt.____________

earn/make money挣钱earn sb +n.赢得(名誉、赞赏等)

earn(a) one’s living=make (a) one’s living 谋生

1) He ________about 3000dollars a year.

2) My brother _______his living by repairing cars.

7. perfom vi.& vt._______________ performance n.[C] performer n.[C]表演者

练习:1)When will the play be _________in the theatre in our city ?

2) The ___________ __________ so well, many people like his ____________.


8. cash n.[U]现金in cash 用现金pay sb. in cash 用现金付款by check 用支票

Eg. I have no __________(现金) with me. 我身上没带现金

Shall I pay for the computer __________(用现金)or by credit(用信用卡)?

9.________________________ 戏弄,开某人的玩笑= play a joke on

Eg. 1) Don’t ____________him. He is always serious.别开他玩笑,他总是很严肃.

2) The joke he played ______her was so funny that we couldn’t help ______.

A. with; laughing

B. on; to laugh

C. of; laugh

D. on; laughing

10. rely vi. ____________;rely on (upon) = depend on (upon) 依赖,依靠,指望

rely on sb./sth./doing…依赖…依靠… rely on sb. to do/doing指望/相信某人做…

Eg. 1) When you meet with some difficulties, you can _____ ___me for help.

2) Sometimes we may not _____ ___the weather report.

11.familiar. adj. _________________

sb. be/get familiar with sth._____________

sb./sth. be familiar to sb._______________________

Eg. 1) He is familiar __ English.他通晓英语.

2) His name is familiar ______many people. 她的名字为许多人所熟悉

12. _____________ 大约

1) He will live here for a week ______.

2)(05全国卷) My parents will move back into town in a year or____.

A .later B. after C. so D. about

13. break up ______________________

短语:break away from逃离break down 损坏,出故障,精神崩溃,失败

break into 破门而入break in 插话,打断break out 爆发,突然发生break off 中断停止
