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Unit 7

1Where would you like to go on vacation ? 你想去哪度假?

2 I would like to trek through the jungle 我会去热带丛林跋涉旅行

3 He ran across the street 他跑过大街

4 I like places where the people are friendly 我喜欢人们友善的地方

5 I hope to see the falls one day/ some day 我希望有一天看到瀑布

6She’d like to live somewhere relaxing 她想住在很休闲的某地方7Why not consider visiting Paris= Why don’t you do sth ?


8the capital of -- ----的首都

9one of the liveliest cities 最有生气的城市之一

10travel around Paris 周游巴黎

11Sth cost a lot of money 某物值很多钱

12In general 一般说

13be supposed to do sth 应该/ 被期望-

14hope to achieve in the future希望将来实现

15thousands of students 数千个学生

16take part in (活动)= join (组织) 17the answers to the question 对这问题的答案

18would like to start work as soon as possible 想尽快开始工作

19so that 以便

20provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth为某人提供某物

21continue studying=go on doing sth 继续学习

22according to sth 根据----

23all kinds of 各种各样的

24quite a few students 相当一些学生

25dream of/ about going to the moon梦想去月球

26be willing to work hard愿意努力工作

27be able to fly=can fly 能够飞

28on the one hand / on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

29hold on to your dreams 抓住你的梦想

30 have a winner’s attitude有胜者的态度
