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Module 1

、语音。根据所给音素写出单词。 5 分)

/ ' ?p?k a : d / /?n d??i /

/ ' re?t?t / / dress / / r??li / / s tr i:t / / dra I v / /'g ??/t

/ ?p?r?/

/ b?le?/

二、单项选择。(15 分)

I. It 's seven o'clock. I _____ in bed.

A. lie

B. lies

C. am lying

D. are lying

2. He 's ____ some presents.

A. shop

B. shopping

C. shops for

D. shopping for

3. ______ your presents drinking tea?

A. Do

B. Can

C. Are C. Be

4. What is the old man _____ ?

A. do

B. does

C. doing

D. to do

5. Listen! Someone ______ in the next room.

A. sing

B. singing

C. is singing

D. are singing

6. -\re they writi ng postcards?

-No, ______ .

A. they are

B. they aren't

C. they do

D. they don 't

7. The Smiths ______ s itting at the table.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

8. -s Lily doing her homework?

-No, she ______ . She is _______ a letter.

A. doesn't. write

B. isn't, writing

C. isn't, write

D. doesn t',writing

9. Listen! Miss Li ______ B ob.

A. talk about

B. is talking to

C. talks to

D. is talking

10. I don 'tquite enjoy ______ a train.

A. take

B. takes

C. to take

D. taking

II. The students are waiting _____ a school bus now.

A. for

B. on

C. at

D. to

12. The tree is ______ our building.

A. in front of

B. in the front of

C. front of

D. on the front of

13. It 'scold outside. Please _____ your coat.

A. put on

B. put up

C. dress

D. wear

14. Look! The children ______ f ootball.

A. play

B. plays

C. is playi ng

D. are playi ng

15. What ______ you _______ at the mome nt?

A. are, do

B. do, do

C. are, doing

D. do, doing


Bob and Mike are in the same school, 1 they are in differe nt classes. Their favourite _2 is Chinese. They _3_ Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school 4 8:00 in the moring. Today is Tuesday. Bob and Mike are in their own classroom.

Bob _5_ an English class. Look! He _6_ his English teacher in English. Mike is having a Chinese class. His teacher J_ Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They _8_ carefully. But one of Bob ' classmates _9_ a story book, because he isn ' good at En

glish and he 10 En glish.

()1. A. but B. and C. or D. whe n

( )2. A.sport B. subject C. la nguage D. music

()3. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell

()4. A.for B. about C. in D. at

( )5. A. has B. is havi ng C. have D. are havi ng

()6. A. talks B. talk C. is talki ng D. is talki ng to

()7. A. talk about B. talks about C. is talki ng about D. is talki ng with

( )8. A. are liste ning B. liste ning to C. heari ng D. are liste ning to

( )9. A. are read ing B. is readi ng C. read D. reads

()10. A. likes B. is n 'tliki ng C. does n'tlike D. don 'like



Two friends are at a station. They are waiting for a train to Beijing. The man 'sname is Paul. He 'thirty. He 'tall with short golde n hair. He is weari ng blue jea ns and a grey sweater. He ' carry ing a small black suircase. He is drinking orange juice. The woma n ' n ame is Jenny. She is twen ty-eight. She is quite tall with long brow n hair. She is weari ng a blue jacket, black jea ns and a red sweater. She is eati ng an apple and is carry ing a camera.

1. The two friends ______ at the stati on.

A. are drinking

B. are eati ng

C. are wait ing for a woma n

D. are wait ing for a train

2. Paul' hair is _______ .

A. short

B. long

C. dark

D. brown

3. ______ i s in black jea ns.

A. Jenny

B. the woman ' husband

C. Paul

D. a young man

4. Both the man and the woma n are ______ .

A. eating something

B. wearing jackets and jeans

C. young and tall

D. carrying cameras

5. Which of the followi ng is wrong?

A. The two friends are weari ng sweaters.

B. Jenny is taller tha n Paul.

C. The two friends are going to Beiji ng.

D. Paul 'suitcase is not very big.


Mr Turner is sta nding n ear the win dow. His wife, Mrs Turn er, is sitt ing beh ind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. What are you looking at? ”

I' 'm look ing at a boy. ” Mr Turner an swers. He's u nder the tree n ear our house. He 'look ing at my bike. ”

Oh." Mrs Turner says, What is he doing now? ”
