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D a shower at that time. (1) I ______
A. have B. had C. am having D. was having
B the newspaper, Granny ___ asleep. (2) As she ____
A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell
咱们一起用“三句一图”把今天所学的内容 归纳整合起来,好吗?
三句:一、本堂课主要内容是什么? 二、本堂课你学到了什么方法? 三、本堂课你最大的收获是什么? 一图:请用思维导图把本堂课的内容总结出来。
S1: What were you doing while she was tavelling on the underground?
was playing basketball S2: I _____________ _________while she was travelling on the underground.
如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或 同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用 过去进行时
用法三: 描述一件事发生的背景;一个长 动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。
短 长
My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle. It was raining when they left the station.

过去进行时常与when, while连用, 意思是 "当……之时"。 while后面一般跟延续性动词,常 用进行时; when后面既可跟延续性动词,也 可跟瞬间动词,常用过去式。
-What was Lilei drawing when the teacher came in? -He was drawing an elephant.
She was shopping.
用法二:表示在过去的某个时间,前后两 个动作是同时进行的。
S1: What were you doing while Li Jie was getting ready to go out?
S2: I was sleeping while Li Jie was getting ready to go out.
-What were the twins drawing when the teacher came in? -They were drawing a car.
What were they doing yesterday afternoon?
He was playing basketball while she was sleeping.
at 3 p.m. yesterday
A monkey was …….while two cats were……
时间:5~10分钟 具体方法:坐姿端正,双手轻轻握拳置 于腿上,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。 想象自己躺在西湖岸边:微风、绿草、 鲜花;鸟语、花香;仰望天空:蓝天、 白云、飞鸟;感觉自己也飘荡空中….. 现在请收回注意力集中在眼前,开始默 想记忆本次课所学的知识点。
under the tree
on the playground
on the basketball ground at the table
2. 用法一:
表示过去某一时间点或某段时间内正在进 行的状态或动作。
I was reading a book at 5 p.m. yesterday.
What were they doing just now?
C. was reading; was falling
D. read;fell
(3) Mary _______ a dress when she cut her finger. C
A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes
I.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 was playing (play) football when it began to 1.We ___________ rain heavily. were doing (do) at 2.You should tell what you __________ eight yesterday. were talking(talk) loudly when the teacher 3.They __________ came in. were doing 4.Last night we __________ (do) our lessons, when went (go) out. the light suddenly _________
They were answering the questions.
The Past Continuous Tense (过去进行时)
was / wasn’t Sb+ were / weren’t + doing
I she he ______+ it was doing. ______/_______/______and
was Jim __________(write) writing 6. What _____ when the teacher came in ? were playing 7. Mike and I ___________ (play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon. fell 8. My brother ______(fall) while he was riding _______(ride) his bicycle and hurt himself. 9. I first met Lisa three years ago. She was working ______(work) at a radio shop at the time. speaking 10.When I arrived at his office , he was ______ on the phone. (speak)
2.过去进行时的构成 3.过去进行时的用法 4.中考真题练习
现在进行时: is/are/am + doing
What is the boy doing? He is sleeping.
What were they doing?
默想记忆就 是加分
默想Fra Baidu bibliotek忆
时间:5~10分钟 具体方法:坐姿端正,双手轻轻握拳置 于腿上,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。 想象自己躺在西湖岸边:微风、绿草、 鲜花;鸟语、花香;仰望天空:蓝天、 白云、飞鸟;感觉自己也飘荡空中….. 现在请收回注意力集中在眼前,开始默 想记忆本次课所学的知识点。
根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 他们那时不在打排球。 were playing They _______ _______ volleyball at that time. 2. 当你回来时,他在看电视吗? Was he _______ watching _______ TV when you came back? 3. 昨天中午他在哪里等你? Where _______ was waiting _______ he _______ for you at noon yesterday ? 4. 当我离开时,他正在做家庭作业。 was ________ doing He ________ his homework when I left. 5. 正当他们扫地的时候,老师进来了。 were sweeping While they_______ _______ the floor , the teacher came in.
II.完成句子。 1.昨晚我在看电视,我的父亲在看书。 watching TV while my was Last night I ________ __________ was __________ dad ________ reading a book. 2.我们正在下棋,突然电话响了。 was _________ playing chess ________ when the We ________ phone __________. rang
My mother was washing clothes at 9 last night.
What was he researching all day last Sunday?
at 10 a.m. yesterday morning
She was reading a book
from 8 to 9 last night
填入以下单词的正确形式 1. It was warm, so I _______(take) off my took coat. 2. Jane ___________(wait) for me when I was waiting ______(arrive). arrived ate 3. Sue wasn’t hungry, soshe_________(eat) anything. 4. My brother came into the bedroom while I was _________(dance). dancing Was lying 5. _______ he ________(lie) on the ground at nine yesterday evening ?
Welcome to my class!—Miss Xu
I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.—林肯
1 Adjusting
Adjusting the state (调整状态就是加分)
马步宣言: 当东方第一缕阳光破晓的时候, 我就在为自己加油;用生命激情学习,用科 学方法学习;成长、成绩、成功、成就! 誓言:I believe in myself. I am sure I can manage it. Yeah!
we ______ you and ______+ they were doing ______,
Was it….?
Was she….?
Were they…?
A.What was the boy doing at the table last Sunday at 5 pm last Sunday at 5 pm B. He was speaking with a girl. A. Was the girl at the table writing ? B. No, she wasn’t /Yes,she was.