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In the contemporary society, … sparked spirited debate.

It is evidently reasonable for some to believe that …(On the one hand, in some areas, some people hold the idea that …)The first point with respect to this is

that …. There is ample evidence suggesting that…,which means that… Furthermore, it is manifest that… Obviously,… Last but not least,… There is no doubt that,…

By contr ast, some others may claim that… (On the other hand, in other fields, others mountain that )Admittedly,…. As far as I am concerned, this view may be based on the consideration that …. Nevertheless, I would say this does not sound very convincing since…. It is generally arguable that…., which suggests that….

To sum up, due to the above-mentioned reasons, we may safely reach the conclusion that ….. Additionally, I would suggest that it seems highly wise and imperative

for …to ………, which I believe is soundly based on the above reasoning I have


(As a matter of fact, this issue is a complex and controversial one. Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds.; therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. As far as I know, in some areas, some people believe that…, on the other hand, in other fields, others mountain that….)这是另外一种开头方式。。。。


Report 类模板

In present-day society, the human society is progressing at staggering rate on various fronts. Nevertheless, in the meantime, many problems have been brought about, a conspicuous one of which is … This situation has triggered intense attention. In this essay, I will investigate some possible causes of this phenomenon and then propose some solutions.

It is manifest that the causes of … are multiple. In the first place, … For instance … In the second place, … Specifically … Thirdly … It seems that …

On the basis of the above reasoning, the solutions to this problem should also be manifold. Firstly, … For example, … Then, … Indeed, … Above all, … Research has proved that …

To sum up, several factors contribute to … I would assert that we should take measures including … , … and … to solve this worrisome situation.



1.The debate these days draws our attention about whether

2.It goes without saying that

3.There is no avoiding the fact that

4.There has been a long-term dispute over whether

5.have found their popularity and acceptance among citizens.
