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The Mantis Tries to Stop the Chariot蛙臂挡车

One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out

in a chariot to hunt.


On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver:


"What kind of insect is it?"


"It is a mantis," the driver replied promptly. "This kind of insect only knows how to advance but not retreat, blindly underrating its enemies and overrating its own abilities."


Hearing the driver's reply, Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent.



Yang Bu Beats the Dog杨布打狗

Yang Zhu had a younger brother named Yang Bu.


One day, Yang Bu went to the market in a white suit. On

his way it suddenly rained, and he got wet all over. He took off his white suit, went to a friend's home to borrow a black suit and went home in it.



The minute Yang Bu approached the gate of his house, the big dog he reared couldn't recognize him as its own master. Taking him for a stranger, it pounced upon him at once, opening its mouth, showing its teeth, and barking furiously.



This made Yang Bu lose his temper. He cursed:


"You beast! Can't you even recognize me?"


While cursing, he picked up a wooden stick and chased the dog to beat it.


When Yang Zhu saw that his brother was going to beat the dog, he hurriedly came out, took hold of Yang Bu and said:


"Alas! How can you blame the dog? Suppose our dog were a white dog when it went out, but came back black, could you recognize it as our own dog?"




Huang Gong Gets His Daughters Married黄公嫁女

In the past, an old man named Huang Gong in the State of

Qi was very particular about being modest and humble, and he liked to be praised by people for his modesty and humbleness.



Huang Gong had two sweet young daughters. They were as beautiful as flowers, with elegant and graceful carriages,

and could be called unsurpassed beauties. Huang Gong confined them to their isolated boudoir, and forbade them to show

their faces in public.


Whenever someone congratulated Huang Gong for having nice daughters by cupping one hand in the other before the chest,

he always shook his head repeatedly and said:
