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至晕彼 阴眼。 凉花这 地、样当 方站的气 或立高温 借不温达 助稳已到 较等经 好现直 的象逼时 降。生, 温这命人 措时中的 施,枢大 进必,脑 行须以将 降要致会 温立出顾 。即现此 转头失 40℃
High temperature of 41 ° c had reached a serious life-threatening at this time, perspiration, respiration, blood circulation and all organs involved in the cool, already at a dead end after the hype of the State.
• 3 用游泳的方式 消暑降温,最好是 室内游泳池
• You can go swimming to get cool,room swimming poor is better.
• 4.多喝白开水,多吃西瓜,平 常喝一些诸如苦茶、金银花茶、 绿茶等消暑的茶,饿的时候吃 一些绿豆汤、莲子粥、荷叶粥 等清热消暑的粥类 • Drink more boiling water , eat more watermelon,and often drink heatwave tea such as bitter tea,honeysuckle tea,and green tea.You can also eat some heatwave soup if you are hungry. • like mung bean soup,lotus porridge,lotus leaf porridge and so on .
出但尽这 现可管时 心能汗人 脏会腺体 病无疲的是 猝能于汗个 发为奔腺危 的力命濒险 危,地临的 险很工衰数 。容作竭字 易,。,
When the temperature reaches 40 ° c, the brain will be very tired. The high temperature has been pushing the life hub, causing dizziness, unstable and other phenomenas. At
据医学研究, 30℃是最舒服不过的, 这样的温度人体会感 觉凉热适中。
According to medical research, 30 ° c is the most comfortable ,the body feels not cHale Waihona Puke Baiduld or hot in such
39 ° c is a dangerous figure, human sweat glands is on the brink of failure at that time . Despite the sweat glands struggle to work,it may be powerless, it is easily to put in
• 1.在所处时间较长的 房间内,比如办公室、 卧室以及电脑房等等, 在这些房间角落各放 一盆水,有条件的最 好放冰水,然后再开 风扇,如果房间大就 多放几盆水.
a basin of water should be put in the corner of the room, in which you will stay for a long time,such as office, bedroom and computer room if possible ,it’s best to put soome ice water, if the room is bigger,you should put more .
中新网5月26日电 据中央气象台消 息,从今天开始,受暖气团控制, 华北,黄淮等地的最高气温将超 32℃。其中天津和石家庄今日的最 高气温将达35℃。未来三天,部分 地区的最高温度还将突破36℃。
According to the national temeprature center,the highest temeprature will be above 32℃ in North China and huanghuai because of the warm air mass.It even will be 35℃ in tianjin and Shijiazhuang.The highest temeprature will break through 36℃ in some places in the next 3 days.
今天一大早,热辣辣的太阳炙烤着大地,天空 中一丝云都没有,路上行人纷纷拿起报纸、阳伞等 物品遮挡阳光。上午9时,天津市区及西青等8个 区县气温就已突破了30℃,暑气逼人。 专家提 醒,连日高温,天气炎热,市民应尽量减少外出, 外出时需准备好防晒用具。 Early this morning, hot sun scorched the Earth, without a breath of clouds in the sky, pedestrians have to pick up items such as newspapers, parasols to block the Sun. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the temperature in 8 counties, such as downtown and West green has exceeded 30 ° c, it’s so hot. Experts remind public to stay at home as much as possible. And Sun protections are necessary.
• 2白天的时候把室内窗帘全 部都拉上,窗帘最好用浅 色的布,到晚把全部门窗都 打开通风。
• During the day you should draw all the curtains, the curtain had better use light color cloth, open all the doors and Windows to ventilate in the
• 7.温度非常高的时 候可以到有地下室 的地方暂时避暑, 效果比起空调间还 好。 • You will fell much cooler when you're in a basement than in an air conditioning room.
人体能忍受多高温度? How high temperatures can Human body
更的温时 要状的, 高态器排 度。官汗 注特,、已 别在呼经 是开吸到 对足、了 于马血严 体力液重 弱后循危 多已环及 病经等生 的处一命 老于切的 年强能高 人弩参温 来之与, 说末降此
制 王 王 孙 作 凌 萃 艺 霄 赟 菲
• 5.尽量少穿合成纤维的衣服,在 室外时间较长的话建议穿长袖的 薄衣服,不要穿那种很露的t恤之 类,高温下皮肤会吸热而更容易 中暑,另外最好带一个帽子. Don't wear cotton clothing if possiple .it is suggested wearing slight long sleeve if you need to expose under the sun for a long time. your skin will absorb more heat and cause heatstork ,so exposed T-shirt is inadvisable,in addition,you should better wear a hat.
• 6.在身边准备一些能降温消暑 的道具,比如可加水重复使用 的冰袋,人丹,清凉油,风油 精等,一般感到热的时候在太 阳穴擦一点清凉油,用冰袋贴 脸和手臂冷却一下。 • Get some cool boy aroundprops, such as the ice to waterreuse, renshen, cooling oil, essential balm, and so on. Using ice to cool face and arm, and rub a little cooling oil on the temple if you feel very hot.
气象专家表示,高温天气主要是受干暖气团控制,加上空气湿度小, 利于增温。27日白天本市最高气温为34.5℃,预计28日本市最高气 温将达到37℃,29日最高气温可能达到39℃。未来几天的高温将打 破22日最高气温的记录。气象专家称,通常本市在6月份才会出现 干热高温天气,今年5月下旬出现的这几次高温天气确实来的有点 早。高温黄色预警信号也是今年入夏以来的首次发布。预计到了5 月30日,受偏东路径冷空气影响,持续的高温天气有望得到缓解。 Meteorological experts said the high temperature and dry weather was mainly influenced by the air masses . in addition,the humidity of the air is small,it increased warming. the maximum temperature in the city was 34.5 on 27th daytime,and 37 on the 28th, it was expected to reach 39 on the 29th. It will break the record on the 22nd in next few days. Weather experts said that dry and hot weather appear in June usually. these high temperatures occurred in late May this year did come a bit early. High temperature yellow warning signs are also published for the first time since the summer of this year. Expected by May 30, influenced by east cold air,